Jingshan Road, Kongshan Tea House.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were discussing the application of graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology. The application market of this technology was huge enough that An Liang had never thought of taking it all for himself.

However, even if he has no intention of monopolizing it, An Liang still has some ideas of his own. He has already constructed a huge plan in his mind through graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology!

"How are you going to distribute it?"Zhao Wanxi asked casually

"Are there any members in our club who are related to Xiaguo Grain Group?"An Liang asked rhetorically.

As for graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, An Liang is indeed not prepared to monopolize it, but An Liang has constructed a very meaningful and huge plan.

However, the corresponding plan requires the support of Xia Guo Grain Group, otherwise An Liang will only rely on his own Power, that can't be pushed at all

"You don't know?"Zhao Wanxi looked surprised.

"What should I know?"An Liang asked in confusion.

"Sister Zijin's family has a very close relationship with Xiaguo Grain Group."Zhao Wanxi clicked.

An Liang complained,"Why should I investigate Zhang Zijin if I have nothing to do?"

Zhao Wanxi suddenly realized. She originally thought that An Liang should have investigated the identity information of all club members, but now it seems that An Liang has not investigated?

But this is better!

Because this situation means that An Liang respects his partners and is not overbearing. Desire for control

"Can Zhang Zijin's family influence Xiaguo Grain Group to make some important decisions?"An Liang asked additionally.

"What big decision?"Zhao Wanxi asked back

"For example, we use graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology and work with Xiaguo Grain Group to jointly establish agricultural planting bases around the world, eventually breaking the monopoly of the four major grain merchants ABCD."An Liang stated his ambition.

Zhao Wanxi looked shocked.

This decision is indeed very important!

"We have confirmed the authenticity of the graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology. According to the advanced parameters of this technology, the cost of seawater desalination will be significantly reduced, thus providing the conditions for developing agricultural planting bases overseas."Zhao Wanxi's analysis seemed to be talking to herself.

"According to the land prices in areas lacking fresh water resources and cheap human resource costs, the cost of developing agricultural planting bases in corresponding areas will be very low."Zhao Wanxi continued to analyze

"If we unite with Xia Guo Grain Group, even if we cannot break the monopoly of the four major grain groups in the world, we can break the layout of the four major grain groups in Xia Guo!"Having said this, Zhao Wanxi smiled.

An Liang's plan is very meaningful to Xia Guo!

"What a great plan!"Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang with bright eyes.

An Liang nodded slightly,"The tentacles of the four major grain merchants are too long. They have controlled our market in soybeans and are targeting corn, so I hope to use graphene Reverse osmosis membrane desalination technology breaks their monopoly"

"As you said, even if we ultimately fail to break the global monopoly of the four major grain merchants, we can at least have the ability to protect ourselves."An Liang added

"Xiaguo Grain Group is definitely interested in such a thing." Zhao Wanxi said with certainty,"I will contact Sister Zijin first, ask Sister Zijin to contact Xiaguo Grain Group, and then ask people from Xiaguo Grain Group to come over and discuss with us."

"OK An Liang agreed,"Then I will talk about this matter in the club and let the club members come over to discuss the situation.""

"good."Zhao Wanxi responded.

The two began to contact the corresponding personnel, and An Liang directly sent the message to the confidential group of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club.

‘An Liang: @everyone: Hello everyone!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang is back?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Welcome Brother Liang back!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: This is called the return of the beloved!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: @胡小鱼: Xiaoyu, let me inform you that we are online and have important matters.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Okay! '

Hu Xiaoyu is the steward of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club. He receives a fixed amount of club contribution every month, so Hu Xiaoyu handles these little things.

In less than three minutes, the small program for picking up numbers in the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club was completed, and all official members were online.

‘Hu Xiaoyu: @安梁: Done! All members are online’

‘An Liang: @everyone: Let me talk about an important thing first. Our Dream Future Graphene Technology Group recently introduced a technician from the Spanish Peninsula, who provided us with graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology.’

‘An Liang: I believe some people already know about this and understand its significance.’

‘An Liang: Today’s matter is to distribute the benefits that graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology will bring! '

Anliang introduced in detail the plan to open a seawater desalination plant based on graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, then establish an agricultural planting base based on the seawater desalination plant, and finally fight against the four major grain merchants through the alliance of agricultural planting bases.

‘Anliang: [Location information: Kongshan Tea House]’

‘An Liang: If you have time in the afternoon, you are welcome to come over and have a cup of tea.’

‘An Liang: The specific plan will be discussed in detail in the afternoon.’

‘Wu Zhengfeng: We are in the Imperial Capital, let’s set off immediately! '

Wu Zhengfeng is now regularly stationed in the Imperial Capital. He has also purchased a private jet to facilitate traveling between the Imperial Capital and Shengqing.

‘Li Cunyuan: Come on, come on, there are no classes in the afternoon!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I’ve already asked for leave!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Wait for me’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Let’s go right away’

‘Lin Yili: Wait for me, I haven’t gotten in the car yet. '

The members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club sent messages one after another, indicating that they had time in the afternoon. After all, it was about sharing the cake, and who didn't have time?

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