An Liang and Zhao Wanxi clicked on the detailed page of [Che Lizi's Winter Satisfaction] while walking towards the back alley.

On the detailed page of [Chelizi Winter Satisfaction], An Liang saw the relevant description information.

At present, [Cherry Satisfaction in Winter] has chosen top-grade cherries imported from Zhili. The imported price exceeds 180 Xia Guoyuan per pound, which is far higher than the previous price of local cherries in Xia Guo, so QueenTea raised the price.

Have the raw materials changed?

That’s why!

After a while, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi came to the QueenTea store. His and Zhao Wanxi's orders were still waiting in line. An Liang sent a message to Ning Ruoshuang.

‘An Liang: Shuangshuang, Wanxi and I are at Queen Tea. What would you like to drink?’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: I won’t drink it!’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Drinking milk tea every day will make you gain weight’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: I'll come out of school right away. See you later.’

‘An Liang: OK! '

An Liang sent another message to Chen Siyu to see if her piano practice was over.

‘An Liang: Siyu, are you finished practicing the piano?’

‘An Liang: Wanxi and I are at Queen Tea. What would you like to drink?’

‘Chen Siyu: It just ended’

‘Chen Siyu: I want to drink Baixue Strawberry Love. '

Baixue Strawberry Love has not increased its price and remains at 128 yuan.

‘Chen Siyu: I’ll be here right away’

‘An Liang: OK. '

No wonder Ning Ruoshuang's weight has not changed at all, but Chen Siyu's has increased a little. It turns out that Ning Ruoshuang is so self-disciplined!

About seven or eight minutes later, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang arrived at QueenTea one after another. They first greeted Zhao Wanxi and then An Liang.

"Shuangshuang, don’t you drink it?"Chen Siyu asked casually.

Ning Ruoshuang shook her head,"I don't want to drink these days."

Chen Siyu said in a low voice,"Shuangshuang is inconvenient these days. Sister Wanxi, will you take Master An away tonight?"

Ning Ruoshuang responded in agreement,"I agree!"

Zhao Wanxi's face turned red, and she responded negatively,"Although Shuangshuang is inconvenient, I still have Siyu, and I am also inconvenient these days."

"Um?"Chen Siyu looked at Zhao Wanxi with confusion.

Ning Ruoshuang was also confused. Because they usually communicate, they naturally know these thoughtful times. It is convenient for Zhao Wanxi now, right?

Zhao Wanxi lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

An Liang He coughed and said,"Okay, okay, let's go have dinner first."

"By the way, did you come here on a flying motorcycle?"An Liang asked additionally.

It's the evening rush hour in the Imperial Capital. It would be too painful to drive at this time, okay?

"I received a message from Sister Wanxi before, so I summoned the flying motorcycle with my mobile phone. It should be parked in the open parking lot now."Chen Siyu responded.

The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle can be summoned through the mobile phone. You only need to operate the deluxe version on the mobile phone.With the flight app of the third-generation flying motorcycle, you can set the destination and let the intelligent flight control system control the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to fly over.

This feature is very good!

"That's good!"An Liang breathed a sigh of relief.


National Conservatory of Music open car park.

Chen Siyu took An Liang's spot. She wanted to fly a flying motorcycle with Zhao Wanxi, while An Liang wanted to fly a flying motorcycle with Ning Ruoshuang.

On An Liang and Ning Ruoshuang's flying motorcycle, Ning Ruoshuang acted as the driver. An Liang sat behind Ning Ruoshuang, hugged Ning Ruoshuang's thin waist, and rested his chin on Ning Ruoshuang's shoulder.

Ning Ruoshuang's earlobes turned red. She whispered,"Master An, I'm inconvenient these days."

"I'll just give you a hug."An Liang responded calmly.

Two flying motorcycles took off from the open-air parking lot of the National Conservatory of Music. The intelligent flight control system intervened and did not give Ning Ruoshuang or Zhao Wanxi a chance to take control.

On the ground, the traffic jam during the evening rush hour was very heavy. Seriously, the bustling traffic has brought traffic to a near standstill.

Two luxury third-generation flying motorcycles flew quickly in the air. Looking out the window, you can occasionally see other flying motorcycles. The gap between flying motorcycles and flying motorcycles Intelligent flight control systems will exchange data with each other, thereby avoiding the risk of collision between flying motorcycles.

From the National Conservatory of Music to the Sichuan Fusion Restaurant, if you drive there from the ground, follow the prompts given by the navigation, although it is only about twelve kilometers away , but the driving time was more than an hour.

After all, it is the peak period of traffic jam!

However, using the flying motorcycle, even if it is completely operated by the intelligent flight control system, it only took more than 7 minutes to arrive at a hotel called' The4's Sichuan fusion restaurant.

In terms of saving time, flying motorcycles do have a crushing advantage over ground transportation.

After all, in a traffic jam, whether it is an ordinary car worth 100,000 yuan or a labor of 10 million yuan, Slys, and even the Koenigsegg HyperCar worth half a billion, have no way to avoid traffic jams.

However, flying motorcycles can avoid traffic jams!

After all, flying motorcycles can fly, so how can they be stuck in traffic jams?

In view of such characteristics, What’s the problem with flying motorcycles selling like hotcakes in the imperial capital?

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