Imperial capital.

It's close to eight o'clock in the evening.

An Liang and his party finished their dinner, and Chen Siyu began to make up a story

"Master An, our college has a piano appreciation event in the evening. I am one of the performers, so I have to go home a little later."Chen Siyu explained.

Ning Ruoshuang seconded,"I'm going to cheer for Siyu."

Chen Siyu continued to add,"So Master An will spend more time with Sister Wanxi tonight."

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi looked at each other. They are both smart people. How could they not guess that Mao was fishy?

"Since there is a piano appreciation event and you are still a performer, Wanxi and I will go together to cheer you on!"An Liang looked at Chen Siyu with a smile.

"..."Chen Siyu was speechless.

Ning Ruoshuang couldn't help but smile.

Zhao Wanxi came to the rescue and said,"I won't participate. I have to go home later.""

"Shuangshuang and I will go to school first. Master An, you can see Sister Wanxi off first. We will wait for you at school."Chen Siyu answered quickly. She was going to arrive at the school after a while, and then called An Liang to explain the cancellation of the piano appreciation event.

"no problem." An Liang agreed, and he naturally saw through the fictitious piano appreciation activity.

On the way to send Zhao Wanxi back, Zhao Wanxi said jokingly,"Did you mess with Siyu yesterday?

An Liang complained,"What kind of person am I?""

"You are!"Zhao Wanxi snorted softly,"There are rumors in the imperial capital circle!"

"Um?"An Liang was full of doubts. Could someone be hacking him?

"What gossip?"An Liang asked

"You have Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum, and the holly seeds should be mature now. There are rumors circulating that you need to use peach gum and holly seeds again. Anyway, that’s it....You know!"Zhao Wanxi didn't have the nerve to say it.

An Liang couldn't complain!

As a dual-talent warrior, An Liang needs to use Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum and Holly Seeds?

You're kidding!

An Liang doesn't need it, right?

"What bastard is making up rumors out of thin air?"An Liang asked with a hum.

"I don’t know. Anyway, it’s been circulating in the circle that you are...Hahaha!"Zhao Wanxi couldn't help laughing.

An Liang responded helplessly,"This is definitely slander!"

"I suspect that the purpose of these bastards spreading rumors is for Holly."An Liang tried to see through the phenomenon to see the essence.

It is now mid-November, and the holly seeds in Shiliwan are beginning to mature one after another.

Friends in the imperial circle who have experienced the holly seeds in Shiliwan are now starting to get ready to start again. What a cool operation.

Zhao Wanxi responded with a second opinion,"It's really possible!"

"I'll talk about Holly at the club later so these guys won't worry about it." An Liang sighed.

A moment later, the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed outside Zhao Wanxi's courtyard.

When Zhao Wanxi went down, An Liang explained,"I'll ride the flying motorcycle back first, and wait until I don't need it anymore. Send you a message when the time comes, and you can recall it remotely"

"OK Zhao Wanxi nodded,"Why don't you go in and sit down?""

"No, no, I'm a little afraid of your grandpa." An Liang replied slightly awkwardly.

It's not that An Liang was really afraid of Zhao Zhuangkang, but that Zhao Zhuangkang didn't know the inside story. He wholeheartedly recognized An Liang and treated An Liang as his grandson-in-law, which made An Liang feel guilty.

Zhao Wanxi nodded slightly,"Then I'll go back first.."

An Liang waved his hand.

After Zhao Wanxi entered the door, An Liang restarted the flying motorcycle and left. However, he had no intention of going to the National Conservatory of Music. Instead, he called Chen Siyu.

In the No. 9 piano room of the National Conservatory of Music, Chen Siyu received the call An Liang's call, she took a deep breath and answered it

"Master An, are you here?"Chen Siyu asked pretending to be calm.

An Liang responded negatively,"I won't come over. I have something to do at the moment. Brother Yuan and Brother Haiyang asked me to get together. You guys should go back early."

"Okay, okay, you drink less too."Chen Siyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, they're not good drinkers, so that's fine with me."An Liang responded.

After ending the call, Chen Siyu put down the phone and cheered,"Hahaha, Master An can't come over, Brother Yuan and the others asked him to go drink.

Ning Ruoshuang also breathed a sigh of relief,"We are so lucky!""

The big cat in the imperial capital and Bingshan Girl thought their tricks had not been seen through!

In fact, both An Liang and Zhao Wanxi saw through their little tricks, but these little tricks are harmless. On the contrary, it increased the joy of life.

On the other side, after An Liang and Chen Siyu talked, he sent a group voice invitation to the Imperial Capital friends group.

Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang quickly answered the call

"Brothers, do you have time tonight? An Liang asked.

Li Cunyuan was the first to respond,"I'm at home. I'm annoyed to death by my brothers and sisters at home!" Yun

Haiyang responded,"I'm also annoyed to death by my cousins!""

"Fortunately, my two brothers are both idiots and I don’t have a good relationship with them!"Qian Xiaogang said jokingly to himself

"Then let's get together in the evening and have a whole supper or something?"An Liang suggested

"no problem! Li Cunyuan agreed directly,"Where?""

"Give me a location and I'll leave right away!"Yun Haiyang expressed his agreement.

Qian Xiaogang naturally agreed,"I'll be there when you call!"

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