Imperial Capital, South Second Road.

Inside Laoliu Braised Pork Restaurant, An Liang, Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang ordered braised pork and fried liver, and ordered beer to prepare for a late night snack.

While waiting for the braised and fried liver to be served, An Liang complained,"Brother, are you messing with me?"

Li Cunyuan responded in confusion,"What's going on?"

Yun Haiyang was also full of confusion,"Brother Liang, what should we do?"?"

Qian Xiaogang shook his head and said,"I'm totally confused."

An Liang recounted the gossip that Zhao Wanxi had told, and then complained,"Could it be that it's not you?"

Li Cunyuan and the other three laughed. stand up

"Not really!"Li Cunyuan said negatively,"This piece of gossip was first spread in the imperial capital circle by guys outside the club, complaining that our club has a monopoly on Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum and Holly Seeds. Yun Haiyang answered,"

Later, word spread, and it was discovered that the members within our club did not seem to have received the holly seeds, so it became a matter of brother Liang that you should monopolize the holly seeds and enjoy them alone.""

Qian Xiaogang added,"Anyway, the rumors became more and more outrageous in the end. It is estimated that the next stage of gossip will be: Brother Liang, you have a harem of three thousand beauties, so you must have a holly to withstand it."

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Li Cunyuan put away his joking attitude and said seriously,"Brother Liang, this year's holly seeds should have started to mature, so what is the condition of this year's holly seeds?"

Yun Haiyang seconded the question,"My cousin. They are all asking about this matter. The effect of Dongqingzi is so good that they have been thinking about it for a whole year!"

Qian Xiaogang said with a hint of Versailles,"Besides Liang Ge, I should be the one who needs Dongqingzi the most. After all, I have two girlfriends and their relationship is very good. To be honest, I have doubted Brother Liang sometimes. After all, I know how difficult it is to have two girlfriends!"

An Liang complained. He said,"Now you know you can't stand it?"

"Yes, only children are greedy and want them all!"Qian Xiaogang agreed.

"Excuse me, the stew is ready."The owner of the braised stew shop, Hu Laoliu, personally served the stewed stew to the table.

After Hu Laoliu left, An Liang said,"Let me ask about this year's situation first. There is a high probability that last year's plan will be continued and the contribution exchange will be used. An

Liang immediately called Professor Bian Xiaogang. After waiting for a moment, Bian Xiaogang answered. An Liang spoke first,"Professor Bian, good evening.""

"Hello, Mr. An!"Bian Xiaogang responded politely.

Bian Xiaogang is very sensible. Unless An Shengyu and An Liang are present at the same time, he will call An Liang 'Mr. Xiao An'. He usually calls An Liang 'Mr. An'’

"How is Holly doing?"An Liang asked

"Three mother trees were in very good condition, but all young plants failed to grow."Bian Xiaogang said with faint disappointment.

"What about production? An Liang asked again.

Bian Xiaogang immediately replied,"Based on the current situation, this year's output will increase significantly. We estimate that this year's output may increase by more than 30%.""

Anliang had received a reward from the Life Winner System before, which increased the holly seed yield by 20%. In addition, the three holly seed trees were carefully cared for, so the yield increased even further.

"The total output is expected to reach more than 140 kilograms."Bian Xiaogang added

"Also, there is good news!"Bian Xiaogang lowered his voice.

"Tell me?"An Liang asked

"Research on Tai Sui has achieved further results. We have determined that Tai Sui 100% does not have any toxicological effects, and it has been confirmed that Tai Sui has a therapeutic effect that is better than that of Millennium Astragalus."Bian Xiaogang reported with suppressed excitement.

"More importantly, I determined Tai Sui's growth through three-dimensional scanning analysis. We cut off 139 grams of Tai Sui's mass back and forth, but it actually completely recovered and gained more than 200 grams of mass."Bian Xiaogang reported in amazement.

Bian Xiaogang continued to add,"We have conducted animal experiments, including experiments using primates, to comprehensively determine the related effects of Tai Sui. Now only the final human experiments are left."

"Mr. An, can you help us get some experimental subjects similar to He Yanwei’s last time?"Bian Xiaogang said hesitantly.

He Yanwei is a field staff member of the National Security Investigation Bureau. He was injured while performing a mission overseas, causing liver, kidney, and even heart failure. According to the hospital's speculation, He Yanwei's lifespan will not exceed 2 years at most.

Based on this bad situation, He Yanwei was sent to Shiliwan to test the medicine to test the effect of Golden Tai Sui.

The result was naturally very good!

He Yanwei not only recovered his health, but also rejoined NSA field work sequence

"We Shengqing don’t have suitable experimental subjects?"An Liang asked back.

"We have negotiated with the local hospital in Shengqing, but the procedures are very troublesome, and the patients and their families have also encountered great obstacles, so..."Bian Xiaogang did not continue, but the meaning was already clear.

This kind of thing is really troublesome, and Bian Xiaogang needs An Liang's help.

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