It's nearly ten o'clock in the morning.

An Liang sat in front of the Steinway piano and practiced the"OurLove" repertoire by himself. After playing it three times in a row, An Liang got up and returned to the sofa, and then contacted Song Ren from Tyrande.

After waiting for the encrypted communication to be answered, An Liang spoke first,"Brother, are you up?"

Song Ren responded with a smile,"Although Tyrande is an hour behind the imperial capital, it is almost nine o'clock in Tyrande now. Of course I Are you already up?"

"The electricity energy market project is progressing smoothly!"After the joke, Song Ren directly began to report on the situation of the Tyrande power energy market,"We have successfully won the Tyrande Electricity Management Bureau, the Guman Electricity Bureau, and the Provincial Electricity Bureau."

"So fast?"An Liang was a little surprised.

"We, Tyrande, have our own national conditions."Song Ren laughed.

"Give me some more time and I will solve all the problems." Song Ren added,"Whether it is the Tyrande military or the relevant stakeholders of the Tyrande court, they will fall into our arms."

"no problem. An Liang agreed,"Brother, you have to pay attention to safety!""

"rest assured!"Song Ren responded affirmatively.

"One more thing!"Song Ren added,"Regarding the issue of interest settlement in the entire cooperation project, our relevant stakeholders on Tyrande's side have put forward special requirements."

"special requirements?"An Liang was confused.

"Because of the particularity of the cooperation, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, relevant stakeholders made requests. They hoped to use Xia Guoyuan for settlement and open accounts in Xia Guoyuan's banks to bypass Tyrande's financial system."Song Ren explained the special requirements.

Cooperation in Tyrande's power energy market does have very special circumstances. The relevant stakeholders on Tyrande's side want to bypass Tyrande's financial system, naturally in order to be foolproof. An Liang smiled at such a special request.

This was like sleeping on a pillow!

Using Xia Guoyuan for settlement will definitely increase Xia Guoyuan's influence in Tyrande.

After all, using Xia Guoyuan for settlement shows that the other party trusts Xia Guoyuan's credibility and accepts it. Xia Guoyuan's credit worthiness.

In addition, if you open an account in Xia Guo's bank, you can place it in Xia Guo's Anxin Bank.

In this way, unless the money is transferred out, it is equivalent to handing over the left hand to the right hand, and not letting Xia Guo Use Anliang Bank?

The more important point is that if those relevant stakeholders betray Anliang, then Anliang can directly freeze the other party's bank account.

Therefore, top consortiums and organizations must have their own banks, otherwise they will face funds being frozen risks.

Only by owning your own bank can you avoid such risks and even turn the tide at critical moments!

"No problem, we can comply with all these requests."An Liang replied with a smile.

Tyrande is rich in resources. An Liang is not worried about the devaluation of Tyrande's local currency at all. It is just rubber. Last year, the total export volume of rubber and rubber products exceeded 500 billion baht, converted to nearly 95 billion Xia Guoyuan.

Coupled with gems and precious metals, meat products and seafood, fruits and nuts, etc., Tyrande has many resources!

If An Liang controls Tyrande's power energy market, These high-quality Tyrande resources will continuously flow into Anliang's hands.

"It would be great! Song Ren responded happily,"Since we can use Xia Guoyuan and Xia Guo's financial system for settlement, then all the remaining problems are not problems."

An Liang responded with a smile,"Then I'll be in trouble, big brother!""

"That's something I should deal with. Song Ren responded seriously,"If you are willing to give me one percent of the profits, I will naturally solve these troubles.""

"Brother, let’s put it aside for a moment about the Tyrande power energy market. I’m contacting you this time for other matters."An Liang said remindingly.

"Is there anything I need to deal with?"Song Ren responded immediately.

At present, An Liang and Song Ren's tentacles have extended to all aspects of Tyrande. Although they have not reached the level of the Shadow Court, they are equivalent to covering the entire Tyrande. To put it simply, An Liang and Song Ren are in Tyrande can almost cover the sky with both hands!

"Good thing! An Liang responded with a smile, and then explained the plan for the overseas agricultural planting base,"I remember that there are some areas in the eastern part of Tyrande that are severely lacking in fresh water resources, right?""

"Um!"Song Ren responded affirmatively,"Except for eastern Tyrande, in fact, the entire Asia region is very scarce in freshwater resources!

An Liang agreed with a smile,"I know!""

In fact, Asia is the region with the lowest per capita fresh water except Antarctica.

Although this data is also caused by Asia's overpopulation, it also shows that the fresh water resources in Asia are indeed under the warning line.

"We can use desalination technology to control more areas!"An Liang expressed his ambition.

Once An Liang planned to target the Lion City through the power and energy market, thereby gaining the opportunity to secretly control the Lion City.

Now fresh water resources have also become An Liang's weapon!

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