At present, Anliang has more and more trump cards. The two most critical trump cards are fourth-generation nuclear power technology and graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology.

The fourth generation nuclear power technology represents electric energy!

Graphene reverse osmosis membrane desalination technology represents fresh water resources!

Water, electricity and gas are the three most important resources in modern society, especially fresh water resources and electric energy resources. Now Anliang has controlled these two powerful trump cards.

An Liang will be invincible in certain fields by using these two powerful trump cards!

In fact, this is also the case. For example, the Spanish power energy market has now predictably fallen into the hands of Anliang.

Although the Tyrande power energy market has not yet fallen, it is also destined to fall in the foreseeable future.

Anliang has used fourth-generation nuclear power technology to break through two national-level power energy markets.

After these two power energy markets are successfully operational, Anliang has a follow-up plan, which is to use the high-quality and cheap power energy provided by fourth-generation nuclear power technology to reduce the power consumption price in the corresponding market, and finally use this to invade other power sources. energy market.

Like the Lion City?

The power grid structure and power energy market of the Lion City are indeed very advanced, but the price of power energy is also quite high!

Anliang is confident that it will break through the door of the Lion City's power energy market with its fourth-generation nuclear power technology.

As for graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, it is even more powerful.

Although in the short term, the direct economic benefits of graphene reverse osmosis membrane desalination technology are relatively small, it may even lead to antitrust investigation.

But in the long run, the benefits brought by graphene reverse osmosis membrane desalination technology will be higher.

Because of the industrial chain formed by graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, the control over target areas will be higher, which can be said to be almost absolute control.

After all, the conditions in all aspects of areas lacking fresh water resources are very poor. Once a relevant industrial chain is established through graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, the corresponding area can only rely on this industrial chain, thus forming almost absolute control.

"Brother, the overseas agricultural planting base project in Tyrande and surrounding areas will be left to you. Is that okay? An Liang said as he assigned the task.

Song Ren answered affirmatively,"Of course, no problem!""

Following Song Ren's answer, the Life Winner System issued a prompt


‘Congratulations to the host for establishing an anti-monopoly alliance against the four major food groups, walking on the road to eradicating the hunger crisis, and receiving special rewards.’

‘Special reward: high-quality Beihuang soybeans’


High-quality Beihuang soybeans:

Yield per mu: 400 kg

Oil yield: 21% Disease resistance: excellent

Drought resistance: excellent

Adaptability: excellent

Special remarks: Non-GMO, natural selection and breeding


‘Note: This award is provided by [Yuan Haowen], a doctoral student at Imperial Agricultural University. '

An Liang checked the reward information prompted by the Life Winner System in his mind. He raised his eyebrows slightly. This reward is another timely reward!

Anliang's biggest goal in building an overseas agricultural planting base this time is to break the monopoly of the four major grain merchants, which currently have an almost absolute monopoly on the soybean market worldwide.

Now the Life Winner System actually rewards [High-quality Northern Wilderness Soybeans]. Although An Liang doesn't know what the parameters of this high-quality Northern Wilderness Soybean are, but since it is a reward from the Life Winner System, it is definitely not bad.

So it was Song Ren who completed the last piece of the overseas agricultural planting base and then received the reward of the winner system in life?

An Liang temporarily put down the reward information of the Life Winner System. He and Song Ren exchanged pleasantries before ending the call.

After An Liang and Song Ren ended the call, he received a call from Li Cunyuan. He swiped the screen to answer it.

"Brother Liang, where are you?"Li Cunyuan asked first.

"Is there anything going on here at Yunjing International?"An Liang asked back.

"In order to cope with overseas agricultural planting base projects, our family hired Professor Fang Yafei from Imperial Agricultural University. Brother Liang should know that, right?"Li Cunyuan asked

"Is an associate professor."An Liang teased

"Ahem!"Li Cunyuan coughed twice,"I'm at Imperial Agricultural University now. I originally came here to consult Professor Fang Yafei about overseas agricultural planting bases, but I encountered an unexpected situation."

"Um?"An Liang followed the topic and expressed doubts.

"Our overseas agricultural planting base plan seemed to be exposed at Teito Agricultural University. A doctoral student from Teito Agricultural University stopped me and said that he had an important scientific research result that he wanted to sell to us."Li Cunyuan explained the specific situation.

An Liang knew it!

It should be the reward information just prompted by the Life Winner System

"What's the other person's name?"An Liang asked

"Yuan Haowen."Li Cunyuan responded,"I have investigated the other party's situation. The other party is indeed a doctoral student at Imperial Agricultural University. He mainly conducts research in the field of soybeans. He is currently working in Professor Jin He's team at Imperial Agricultural University."

"What important scientific research results does the other party have to sell to us?"An Liang pretended to ask casually.

In fact, An Liang already knew the answer!

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