An Liang is willing to share, but An Liang has clear grudges.

If the Neon Royal Family dares to cross the line, Anliang will dare to take revenge and go back!

‘Number 4: Okay, BOSS, we will definitely hit Neon hard this time, or at least cause a lot of economic losses to Neon. '

An Liang has no doubt about this!

Just taking down the credit card settlement system can actually cause huge losses to Neon.

However, according to the plan of No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, this time a number of world-class hacker organizations have been united, and it is obvious that Neon will not be easily let go.

Especially the two organizations, Dragon Slaying Warriors and Despair Hell, they definitely have evil intentions in joining this operation. They must have their own little tricks, but they all have the same purpose, which is to target Neon.

So no matter what the purpose of the Dragon Slaying Warriors organization and the Hell of Despair organization, their general direction is consistent with this hacker war.

‘No. 0: I'm going to bed first. I hope there will be good news when I get up.’

‘No. 4: Don’t worry, Boss, we will definitely severely damage Neon’s credit card settlement system.’

‘Zero: We’ll see. '

After An Liang and No. 4 Tianji Shensuan finished their exchange, they returned to the master bedroom. Chen Siyu had fallen into sleep, so An Liang naturally went to bed lightly to rest.

While An Liang was resting, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and many of the world's top hacker organizations were working intensively to invade Neon's financial network.

Under normal circumstances, the security factor of financial networks is very high and it is basically impossible to be breached by the outside.

But No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and a large number of the world's top hacker organizations are not trying to break through Neon's financial network. They just want to disrupt Neon's financial network and collapse the credit card settlement system in Neon's financial network.

Just like the most primitive information flood attack server, a large amount of service request information is used to directly crash the credit card settlement system, making it impossible to serve normal users.

Neon time, late at night at half past one in the morning.

Green Willow Club in Ginza, Kyoto in winter.

A young man finished taking a bubble bath and was about to pay. He handed his bank card to the waiter. The waiter swiped the card on the handheld POS machine. The young man entered the bank card password, but the handheld POS machine showed that the transaction failed and could not connect to the network.

"Sorry, Mr. Ikeda, there is a network problem, we need to swipe the card again."The waiter said cautiously.

Ikeda Junyi nodded slightly,"No problem."

The two went through the process again, but the handheld POS machine still showed that it could not connect to the network.

The waiter explained awkwardly,"Sorry, Mr. Ikeda, there may be a problem with this POS machine, I will change it to another machine."

Ikeda Junyi nodded again,"Okay."

After a while, the waiter returned. He changed a POS machine, but after going through the process, he still couldn't connect to the network.

In this situation, both the waiter and Ikeda Junyi felt helpless.

"I'm so sorry! Mr. Ikeda, please take a short break while I contact Representative Yagyu."The waiter said that he needed to contact the person in charge.

What else could Ikeda Shuni do besides agree?

In the rest area, Ikeda Shuni took out his mobile phone to kill time. He clicked on the Line group information and checked whether there was anything in their bubble bath communication group. New discovery.

However, in the bubble bath group, Shuki Ikeda discovered something unusual.

‘Koji-kun: What a bad luck!’

‘Koji-kun: There is a problem with my credit card and I cannot settle the bill normally. Is there anyone in Ginza who can help me?’

‘Xiangying: My credit card also had problems with settlement, so I finally settled in cash.’

‘Tianyi: I have the same problem. I didn’t bring any cash. Fortunately, I am an old customer and the store allowed me to sign the order.’

‘Yi Chi Shui: There is also a problem with my bank card. The POS machine is always unable to connect to the Internet during settlement.’

‘Koji-kun: It seems that there is a problem with the bank. These greedy insects borrow umbrellas on sunny days and close them when it rains! '

Messages similar to the bubble bath group are being staged in many places. In addition to bubble bath clubs, there are also convenience stores, late-night canteens, hotels, etc., where bank cards cannot be used.

Neon in the early morning was in trouble on a small scale. Fortunately, there was relatively little economic activity in the early morning, so the scope of the impact was relatively small, and it was even controlled spontaneously.

However, the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau discovered this problem!

The Network Security Department of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau is responsible for Neon's network security. When the problem of bank card settlement failed to spread on a small scale, the technical elite of the first technical section of the Network Security Department, Uemura Daisho, discovered the problem.

Prime Minister Uemura is also a bubble bath consumer. He also has his own bubble bath communication group, so he discovered the problem of bank card being unable to settle in the bubble bath communication group.

Faced with such a problem, Prime Minister Uemura, who was on duty, immediately used his mobile phone to try online recharge payment. The result was just as the bubble bath group said, the bank card could not be settled.

Prime Minister Uemura immediately contacted Tenye Naruhito, the head of the No. 1 Technical Section, and explained in detail what he had discovered.

"Section Chief Tianye, I think this situation is wrong!"Prime Minister Uemura expressed his skepticism.

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