Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, Cyber ​​Security Department, First Technical Section.

Technical elite Prime Minister Uemura and Section Chief Tenye Naruhito are discussing the problem of bank card being unable to settle.

Faced with the skepticism of Prime Minister Uemura, Naruhito Tenye thought for a moment, then took out his mobile phone to contact the head of the network security department of Neon Fuji Bank's Winter Kyoto Head Office.

After less than half a minute of waiting, the call was answered. Tianye Mingren spoke first,"Minister Yokoya, I have a question, and I hope you will answer it truthfully."

"Section Chief Tianye wants to ask about the problem of being unable to connect to the Internet for bank card payment settlement, right?"The straightforward response from Yokotani Military Village, Director of Cyber ​​Security of Fuji Bank's Winter Kyoto Head Office

"That's right. Tianye Mingren answered affirmatively,"So this question is really a problem with your bank?""

"First of all, I want to make it clear that we at Fuji Bank have no problems and we insist on the safety of our users’ property."The Yokotani Military Village first stated its basic position.

Tianye Mingren sneered,"Okay, okay, we are just communicating in a private capacity."

"I didn't lie either. Yokotani Village responded,"The problem you asked does exist, but it is not just our Fuji Bank. This problem exists in all banks, including those overseas banks.""

"This problem is not a problem within our bank. In fact, there is no problem within our bank and our data is very safe." Yokotani Military Village added.

Tianye Mingren immediately guessed the answer,"There is a problem with the transaction settlement system in the middle?"

Henggu Military Village confirmed Tianye Mingren's guess,"Yes!"

"Currently, the transaction settlement system has been attacked by big data, causing the transaction settlement system to directly collapse and unable to provide services at all."Yokotani Village explained.

The transaction settlement system is equivalent to an intermediary. When a customer and a merchant use a bank card to make a transaction, if the customer has an account in Bank A and the merchant has an account in Bank B, and the funds are transferred from Bank A to Bank B, An intermediate system is needed for settlement processing.

Even if the customer is Bank A and the merchant is Bank A, in the case of different branches, internal transfer of funds is still required, which also requires intermediate system processing.

Even if the customer is Bank A, Branch A, the merchant is also Bank A. Bank A, branch A, funds are exchanged internally, but an intermediate system is still needed for information matching. This credit card settlement system was launched by Neon Banking in the era of 2010, and is currently ten years behind earth time!

In these ten years It also happens to be an era of rapid development of computer hardware equipment.

Especially in the field of supercomputers, the performance of supercomputers has been greatly improved, making the system ten years ago unable to block modern big data attacks.

"Could it be that someone is trying to attack the financial system?"Tianye Mingrenbe surprised.

The security of the financial system has been proven countless times!

After all, there are various backup data in the financial system, whether it is hot backup, cold backup, or synchronous online backup. Coupled with the strong security protection of the financial system, how can there be any chance of breaking into the financial system?

In the modern news about hackers, there are news that hackers stole the user accounts and passwords of a certain company, and there are also news that hackers stole the accommodation information of certain hotel users. However, there is no hacker breaking into the financial system and stealing funds directly from the bank. news.

It is precisely because of this that Tianye Mingren feels strange.

Yokotani Village responded negatively,"Our bank's security system has not been attacked. Not only our Fuji Bank, but the security systems of other banks have not been attacked either.""

"If they only attack the intermediate transaction settlement system, these hackers seem to have no benefit, right?"Tianye Mingren asked hesitantly.

Yokotani Military Village answered affirmatively,"Yes, if they only attack the intermediate transaction settlement system, those hackers do not have any benefits, and their attack system may lead to the exposure of the broiler server they control."

"In addition, the cybersecurity departments of our banks have launched a counterattack and are tracking the hackers who attacked the intermediate transaction settlement system." Henggu Military Village added.

Tianye Mingren immediately asked,"Have you followed the clues?"

"There are some clues."The tone of the Yokotani Military Village became serious,"Based on the current clue analysis, the situation is very bad, because this time the guys targeting our intermediary transaction settlement system are all well-known entities in the dark web."

"Who are these guys?"Tianye Mingren also asked carefully.

"Judging from the clues we have found so far, we have discovered the Seven Sins of the Bald Eagle Country and the Brave Men of Europa. We have inquired about the information on the dark web. It seems that these two organizations have received bounty tasks."Yokotani Military Village explained.

Tianye Mingren responded hesitantly,"If it is a bounty mission, then the mastermind behind the bounty mission must have other conspiracies."

"Yes, we are so suspicious. After all, the intermediate transaction settlement system can only have a certain impact on our neon economic market, but there is no way to obtain direct economic benefits." Yokotani Military Village seconded the proposal.

Yokotani Military Village continued,"The Seven Sins and the Brave are easy to deal with. As long as we gain the advantage and control the situation, these two bounty organizations will avoid losses and choose to retreat."

"Any other troubles?" Tianye Mingren asked.

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