Now that the Life Winner System has issued a prompt, indicating that [an accident] has been triggered, it means that the guess of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation is correct. The Neon Royal Family has really secretly discovered a thousand-year-old Astragalus root!

An Liang immediately responded,"Since such a possibility exists, then immediately mobilize our field forces in Neon, make arrangements in advance, and then continue to investigate the situation. If there is a chance, try to steal the thousand-year-old Astragalus"

"receive!"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded.

After the two parties ended the call, Tianji Shensuan No. 4 immediately contacted Controller No. 1 to convey An Liang's instructions and asked Controller No. 1 to be responsible for arranging field forces. He himself continued to track the secrets through the three major security monitoring systems. The transport team tried to analyze more of the situation.

An Liang contacted Huang Guoxiang and waited for the call to be connected. An Liang spoke first,"Is it convenient to talk now?"

"I'm in the bureau, what do you want? Huang Guoxiang immediately asked back. He could hear the seriousness in An Liang's tone, so he wasn't joking.

"Do you have any undercurrents at Neon Royalty?" An Liang asked straight to the point.

Huang Guoxiang was silent.

An Liang continued to explain,"We discovered a situation over there in Neon. The Deserted Village Action Group under the Neon Royal Family is performing a secret transportation operation. We suspect that they are transporting Millennium Astragalus."

"So we need more intelligence. An Liang added,"If you have any situation, we will act together. If we really grab the thousand-year-old astragalus, we will distribute the results according to merit.""

"It turns out that the chaos in Neon this morning was caused by you! Huang Guoxiang sighed.

An Liang replied negatively,"No!" The chaos over there is caused by Corea's extreme evil organization Despair Hell and Europa's extreme hacker organization Dragon Slayer Warriors."

"You're just trying to hack into Neon's credit card settlement system, right?"Huang Guoxiang obviously also received relevant information.

An Liang did not deny or admit it. He brought the topic back,"So, do you have anyone lurking in the Neon Royal Family?"

"Now is the time to race against time. If you have lurkers, quickly let the other party get some information." An Liang reminded.

Faced with An Liang's reminder, Huang Guoxiang gave an affirmative answer,"If we get the information, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Fine!"An Liang responded. Huang Guoxiang's information was just additional insurance.

After An Liang and Huang Guoxiang ended the call, he immediately contacted Dmitri of the North Bear Kingdom's Pacific Fleet.

This time, he waited for nearly a minute before the call was answered. Answer.

As soon as the call was answered, Dmitri complained,"Ann, there is a time difference between us. It's two o'clock in the morning here, and it's still more than 20 degrees below zero in the ice and snow."

"In a hurry! An Liang responded,"Do you have any hidden power in Neon Winter Capital?"

Dmitri asked hesitantly,"What's the emergency?""

"We found out that the Neon Royal Family may be secretly transporting Millennium Astragalus. Our field force in Neon is insufficient. If you have secret latent power, then join us and try to rob the Neon Royal Family of the Millennium Astragalus."An Liang quickly explained

"Are you telling the truth?"Dmitri's sleepiness disappeared, and he repeated the question in Xia Mandarin,"Is there really a thousand-year-old astragalus?"

"At present, it is only the result of intelligence analysis. The specific situation is not yet clear, but we highly suspect that this is the case."An Liang deliberately did not discuss the topic to death.

"Haha, since you highly suspect such a situation, let's get involved."Dmitri responded

"How many people can you accommodate? An Liang asked,"Do you have any powerful weapons?""

"We can arrange for twelve people to participate. As for powerful weapons, what do you need?"Dmitri asked back.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"I just said that the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department has arranged a police helicopter, and Neon's Ministry of National Defense is basically certain to participate. Come in, so we need at least RPG manned rocket launcher to fight helicopters"

"It would be better if an individual shoulder-mounted anti-tank weapon was used!"An Liang added

"If the Neon Imperial Family really discovers the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus and we snatch it away in the winter capital, then both the Neon Imperial Family and the Neon Imperial Court may go to war, so we must prepare for the worst.."An Liang reminded

"No problem, these weapons are available!"Dmitri responded quickly.

Anliang joked,"Do you want to destroy the Winter Capital? You actually have these weapons hidden in the Winter Capital!"

"Just a precautionary arrangement."Dmitri responded

"We will immediately set up an encrypted voice communication channel here. You bring in the person in charge of your field staff in Winter Kyoto, and I will also bring in the person in charge of our field staff in Winter Kyoto, and we will discuss the actions together."An Liang said remindingly.

"no problem."Dmitri naturally agreed.

If he could get the thousand-year-old astragalus, it wouldn't matter no matter how much trouble there was in the capital in winter!

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