Neon, Kyoto in winter.

Tian Yuanzhen, who was in charge of the secret transportation operation, breathed a long sigh of relief, because they had entered the territory of Winter Kyoto, and there was a police helicopter from the Winter Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department following them in the sky.

From the current situation, everything seems to be stable, right?

Tianyuan Outline is not worried about the safety of the target because he has implemented a concealment plan. He is just worried about his own safety. Fortunately, it seems that there is basically no problem now!

In fact, that seems to be the case?

However, accidents always happen inadvertently!

The Seven Sins organization, which was originally hidden behind the fog, has been keeping an eye on the convoy of the secret transportation operation. When the convoy of the secret transportation operation entered the interior of Winter Kyoto, a large number of road safety monitoring systems, social and public safety monitoring systems, and private network security monitoring systems were deployed. With the cooperation of the system, Qizui has achieved almost complete real-time monitoring of the fleet.


Not almost!

Because Seven Sins dispatched multiple field personnel to pretend to be ordinary citizens, drive civilian vehicles, and rotate convoys monitoring secret transportation operations, thus achieving surveillance anytime and anywhere.

Although Qizi has achieved full real-time monitoring of the convoy of secret transportation operations, Qizu still did not take immediate action. Qizu is still waiting for an opportunity.

It is the morning rush hour in winter in Kyoto. The car traffic on the ground is relatively congested, and the underground subway is extremely crowded, so the Seven Sins are waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Under normal circumstances, the secret transportation operation could avoid morning rush hour congestion, but due to an accident, the fleet of the secret transportation operation was also stuck in the traffic flow.

Such congestion gave Anliang just enough time to prepare.

The field staff of the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company are actively making preparations, and the lurking personnel of the North Bear Country are also uniting to plan the operation.

Another organization, the Seven Sins, is also making final preparations.

The two mantises have been eliminated, the two oriole are still in the mist, and the lucky cicada has not yet realized that the crisis is about to come again.

Neon local time is close to nine o'clock in the morning.

The secret transport operation convoy has approached the Neon Capitol Building and is very close to its final destination, Chiyo District.

The members of the Feng Lei team responsible for the secret transportation operation relaxed. They had entered the core area of ​​​​Winter Kyoto. Nearby were the offices of the Neon Court. In terms of security, it was almost the highest place in the entire Neon.

Neither the Renyi Security Company nor the lurkers from the North Bear Country found a suitable opportunity to attack, so they could only watch the secret transport convoy advance.

However, the accident happened after all!

A military armed helicopter flew over from the south. It could be seen from the painting on the aircraft that it was an armed helicopter from the Bald Eagle Country's military.

The Neon Country and the Bald Eagle Country have a special defense agreement. The Bald Eagle Country occupies 88 military facilities and bases in the Neon Country, and has stationed more than 30,000 people in total.

For example, the Akasaka News Center is located at the heart of the Neon Court.

Judging from the name, it seems to be the residence of a news agency, but in fact it is a military facility of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, responsible for receiving senior ministers from military bases around Kyoto in winter.

Residents near the Akasaka News Center were tortured by the noise from helicopters and lodged numerous protests, but the Neon Court had no solution at all.

Facing the military helicopters of the Bald Eagle Country, the police helicopters of the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department did not pay attention. After all, the Metropolitan Police Department knew the details of the Akasaka News Center.

But the next moment something unexpected happened!

I saw the military helicopter of the Bald Eagle Country aiming at the police helicopter of the Winter Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department. A sharp siren sounded from the police helicopter of the Winter Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department, indicating that it had been locked by a missile.

The police helicopter of the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department immediately asked on the public radio channel,"What do you want to do?"

However, they did not wait for the other party's answer, because the military helicopter of the Bald Eagle Country directly launched an air-to-air missile!

The distance between the two sides was less than one kilometer, and the flight speed of the air-to-air missile reached almost 800 meters per second. So in just over a second, the police helicopter of the Neon Winter Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department disappeared. A ball of fire fell to the ground.

Such an incident shocked everyone!

This is the core area of ​​the Neon Court. The area where the attack occurred in the sky is less than a kilometer away from the Neon Court Capitol Building.

An aerial battle actually occurred at such a close range?

This situation is simply appalling!

The emergency forces of the Neon Court immediately counterattacked. A large number of ground air defense equipment locked onto the Bald Eagle Country military armed helicopter in the air, but they only locked onto it and did not launch a direct attack.

At the same time, the defense force of the Neon Court National Defense Ministry was also activated immediately. Four armed helicopters affiliated with the Neon National Defense Ministry took off and surrounded the military armed helicopters of the Bald Eagle Kingdom.

However, among the Bald Eagle Country's military armed helicopters, the pilot responsible for operating the armed helicopter also had a horrified expression, because he could not control the armed helicopter at all. Whether it was aiming just now or launching missiles, everything was controlled remotely!

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