Bald Eagle Country's military helicopters are controlled remotely!

Under normal circumstances, such a thing is impossible because military armed helicopters do not have hardware support for remote control, but this remotely controlled military armed helicopter has obviously been modified.

At least the flight control system has been secretly modified!

When the four armed helicopters of the Neon Court National Defense Ministry and a large amount of anti-aircraft fire targeted the Bald Eagle Kingdom's military armed helicopters, a message from the Neon Court to persuade them to surrender came on the public radio channel, requesting the Bald Eagle Kingdom's military armed forces. The helicopter immediately accepted the command to guide the landing.

The pilot of this Bald Eagle military helicopter tried to explain the situation on the public radio channel, but was unable to open the public radio channel at all, let alone explain the current situation.

Not only that, when four armed helicopters of the Neon National Defense Ministry surrounded the armed helicopters of the Bald Eagle Country, the mastermind behind the scenes once again controlled the military armed helicopters of the Bald Eagle Country to launch air-to-air missiles and use cannons to aim them. The convoy opened fire on the ground for a secret transportation operation.

The 30mm-caliber M230A1 cannon fires armor-piercing projectiles at a rate of fire of more than 600 rounds per minute. The bulletproof Lexus off-road vehicle, which could have easily resisted the silenced pistol, was easily torn apart by the combination of the cannon and armor-piercing projectiles..

All five black bulletproof Lexus vehicles were paralyzed in an instant!

When the Bald Eagle Country military helicopter launched missiles for the second time and opened fire, the Neon National Defense Ministry helicopter finally chose to fight back.

Even though Neon is the dog son of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, in the face of repeated provocations from the Bald Eagle Kingdom's military helicopter gunships, the Neon Kingdom's defense forces have not indulged again and again.

Faced with the attack from the Neon National Defense Ministry's armed helicopters, the Bald Eagle Country's military armed helicopters had no plan to maneuver and evade, as if they were waiting to die.

In fact, it’s almost like waiting to die!

Because the pilot of the Bald Eagle military helicopter tried to dodge, but the joystick seemed to have malfunctioned, and there was no feedback on any maneuvers at all.

"Faco!"The pilot of the Bald Eagle Country's military helicopter finally let out a roar full of anger and resentment. Then the Bald Eagle Country's military helicopter was hit by a missile and turned into a fireball in the air. An Liang checked Renyi on his tablet. A live broadcast image provided by a security company's field staff. He watched with his own eyes the Bald Eagle country's military helicopter launched missiles to destroy the police helicopter of the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department in winter. He also watched the other party launch a second round of attacks, and then was brutally destroyed by counterattacks. His face It was full of complicated expressions.

Fortunately, Chen Siyu had already gone to school, otherwise this big cat in the imperial capital would probably get into trouble, right?

Because such a situation is really worthy of trouble!

The military helicopter of the Bald Eagle Kingdom was flying in the neon Launching an attack in the core area of ​​​​the country?

This is simply crazy!

"No. 4, what's going on now? An Liang asked.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator was also confused,"Sorry, BOSS, I'm stupid too. I really don't know what the situation is now."

Dmitri asked in the confidential voice communication channel jointly established by both parties,"What's going on over there in Neon? Why can't I understand it?""

"I don’t understand it either! An Liang complained in response,"Guys from the Bald Eagle Kingdom attacked Neon. Could it be that the Bald Eagle Kingdom also knew that the Neon Royal Family was secretly transporting thousand-year-old astragalus?""

Dmitri replied negatively,"Even if the Bald Eagle Kingdom knew about the Neon Royal Family's secret transportation operation, they would not be able to launch an attack so blatantly."

"So now there is such a blatant attack!"An Liang continued to complain.

"Are the guys in Bald Eagle Country crazy? Dmitri complained crazily,"Should we continue to act?" An

Liang responded negatively,"The situation is too complicated now. Let's wait and see what happens.""

An Liang said he didn't want to get involved in this weird situation!

What if he gets involved and is treated as a scapegoat?

There are currently two armed helicopters from the Neon Kingdom in the sky. Although the transport convoy on the ground was blown up, even if they rob It seems that even the thousand-year-old astragalus cannot be taken away?

"Makes sense!"Dmitri responded in agreement,"The current situation is too weird. It's best for us to wait and see what happens, so as not to get involved."

The current situation is indeed very strange. Neither An Liang, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, nor Dmitry knew that the military helicopters of the Bald Eagle Kingdom were remotely controlled by the outside. They thought it was the Bald Eagle Kingdom and Neon. There's a fight!

In fact, the Neon Country thinks so too!

The Neon Country believes that the Bald Eagle Country discovered the secret transportation of the Millennium Astragalus. The Bald Eagle Country was moved by profit and planned this raid and tried to rob the Millennium. Astragalus.

But fortunately, the court of the Bald Eagle Kingdom contacted the Neon Country as soon as possible after the incident, saying that this incident was not directed by the Bald Eagle Country and that there should be some conspiracy. The

Bald Eagle Country proposed that Neon investigate this matter together. , thus barely controlling the expansion of this matter.

Otherwise, it is really possible for greater chaos to break out, right?

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