The rapid response of the Bald Eagle Kingdom temporarily suppressed the expansion of the incident. Agents from the Neon Ministry of National Defense and the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau quickly protected the scene, especially the five bulletproof vehicles used for secret transportation operations.

Relevant rescue operations were also carried out quickly, including collateral damage caused by the crash of four helicopters, as well as five bullet-proof vehicles for secret transport operations that were attacked by cannons.

The Gale Force Special Forces affiliated to the Ministry of National Defense immediately went to rescue the Wind and Thunder Team of the Deserted Village Operation Group and tried to recover the protective items of the secret transportation operation.

"Captain, things are a little bad here. Yamamoto Momota, the first team member of the Hayate Special Forces, reported.

Fukada Kenji immediately walked over and asked,"What's the bad situation?""

Momita Yamamoto pointed at the leader of the Wind and Thunder Team, Tian Yushu, who was shot in two by the airborne cannon of the Bald Eagle Country's military armed helicopter. He was still in a state of unrequited death, as if he didn't understand why he died at all?

In fact, he did I don’t understand!

After all, they have entered the Neon CourtThe core area is nearby the palace of the Neon Royal Family and the Capitol of the Neon Court. Why is it still being attacked?

But the death of the pastoral outline is only a trivial matter!

It's just a pastoral outline. As a member of the invisible deserted village action group under the neon royal family, he will die if he dies. The neon royal family doesn't even acknowledge the existence of the deserted village action group.

So what’s wrong with Pastoral Outline being dead?

It’s not a bad situation at all, okay!

What was really bad was that the silver-white metal suitcase that was handcuffed to Pastoral Outline's right hand was also hit by a machine gun.

The powerful cannon tore the silver-white metal suitcase into pieces, and the items protected inside the silver-white metal suitcase were also completely destroyed by the powerful cannon.

What's worse is that the cannon penetrated the chassis of the Lexus vehicle, causing fragments of the silver-white metal suitcase and the contents inside to scatter under the vehicle and mix with the vehicle's oil.

The Gale Force was informed of the specific situation before participating in the operation. Of course, they knew that the silver-white metal suitcase contained protective items.

Therefore, Fukada established the temple and immediately contacted the Minister of National Defense Chuichi Ito.

"Sir, we have bad news!"Fukada Kendera quickly reported the situation.

After Itochu listened to the report, he couldn't help but hesitate, and then he ordered,"Protect the scene and do not move any fragments. We will arrange for experts to come over immediately."

"Hi!"Fukada Jianji naturally agreed.

Almost half an hour later, several neon native plant experts arrived at the scene. Naturally, such a situation was discovered by the field staff of Renyi Security Company and reported to Anliang immediately.

"BOSS, we have identified the identity information of those guys. They are all botanists native to Neon, and we found from the situation on site that the target object seemed to have been destroyed."Tianji Divine Calculation Report No. 4.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, so this is an accident?

That is really surprising!

After all, the Bald Eagle Kingdom's military helicopters launched an attack in the core area of ​​​​the Neon Court, and also destroyed the thousand-year-old Astragalus. It is indeed a very big accident.

At least according to the current situation, even if the Millennium Astragalus is not destroyed, they cannot take away the Millennium Astragalus, so the destruction of the Millennium Astragalus is the best result?

However, it is really a pity. Thousand-year-old Astragalus!

Should the Neon Court collect the scraps of Thousand-year-old Astragalus?

So as to recover some losses?

Unfortunately, Anliang did not know about the hidden plan implemented by Tianyuan Outline before.

In fact, no one knows about this hidden plan at the moment. Plan!

In the confidential voice communication channel, Dmitri said with some regret,"We have obtained some news through special channels. It seems that the attack of the Bald Eagle Kingdom shattered the thousand-year-old astragalus, and the Neon Court has sent experts. Investigate the situation. An

Liang responded affirmatively,"I was also preparing to talk about this matter. Our field personnel identified the identities of those botanists, and coupled with the helicopter attack just now, we also deduced relevant conclusions."

Dmitri sighed,"What a pity!""

"What a pity indeed!"An Liang seconded the proposal

"Shall we retreat now?"Dmitri asked, adding his suggestion,"According to the current situation, there should be negotiations between Bald Eagle Country and Neon. We'd better not get involved."

"If we are involved and let Neon and Bald Eagle Country find a common target, it may lead to a very bad situation."Dmitri is very rational.

After all, judging from the current situation, Neon and the Bald Eagle Country may not be able to communicate clearly. If they discover that a third party is involved, it is indeed very possible to 'work together' to target the third party." tripartite

"No problem, I think so too."An Liang responded affirmatively.

According to the current situation, it is best to run away!

Otherwise, should he stay and be a scapegoat?

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