Anliang and Dmitri were both very rational, and neither of them took desperate risks even though they knew it was too late.

In fact, the more important reason is that the risks and rewards are not equal!

Both Anliang and Dmitri speculated that the thousand-year-old Astragalus had been destroyed based on the available intelligence, so why did they take such a desperate risk?

Thousand-year-old astragalus has been destroyed!

Neon, crime scene near the Capitol.

Several experts are trying to undo the damage by collecting fragments of the thousand-year-old astragalus.

The Hayate Special Forces under the Ministry of National Defense are exchanging intelligence with the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department in winter.

"Sergeant Shiratori, you previously arranged for a helicopter to track a group of attackers. What is the situation now?"Fukada Kenji, the first team leader of the Hayate Special Forces, asked about the situation.

Shiratori Tobiin is the on-site person in charge of the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department. He quickly responded,"We are tracking and the target is fleeing. In order to avoid causing too much damage, Collateral damage, we plan to carry out arrests in less densely populated areas."

Fukada Kenji frowned,"Where is the target? We have deployed operational personnel to support you to avoid accidents."

Shiratori Tobiin did not refuse, and the two sides immediately exchanged information. The Ministry of Defense arranged for the seventh and eighth teams of the Hayate Special Forces to assist the Winter Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department in hunting down the target. The attackers who are currently on the run are from the Dragon Slayer Warriors Organization, this organization is just a mantis, not the oriole behind the scenes at all, but now that such a serious attack has occurred on Neon, they are naturally regarded as a key suspect target.

"I remember the suspects escaped in two groups, right?"Fukada Kenji added a question.

Shiratori Tobiin shook his head in denial,"To be precise, there are two groups of suspects. One group of suspects used high-horsepower motorcycles as transportation. We have been investigating along the clues of high-horsepower motorcycles."

"The second group of suspects is the guy we are currently tracking. This group of suspects used vans as transportation. The two groups of suspects should come from two different organizations, because they have tried to attack convoys of secret transportation operations before.."Shiratori Feiyuan added.

Someone from the Feng Lei team responsible for the secret transportation operation survived, thus providing the corresponding information.

"No matter what the situation, we cannot let anyone go."Fukada Kenji expressed his intention, and then immediately contacted the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau and asked the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau to also participate in the investigation.

With the large-scale actions of the Neon court, whether it was the field personnel of the Dragon Slaying Warriors organization or All the field personnel hired by the Hell of Despair were trapped in a predicament of being chased and intercepted.

The lurking personnel from the North Bear Country and the field personnel from the Neon Branch of the Renyi Security Company both escaped smoothly.

Because both of them had not officially taken action yet, Without being exposed, it is naturally better to hide.

Just half an hour later, the field staff hired by the Hell of Despair organization were arrested first, and without any intention of fighting to the end, they directly confessed to the Hell of Despair organization.

The Dragon-Slaying Warrior The field staff of the organization did not persist for too long. The Gale Force of the Neon National Defense Ministry was the elite of the elite. Coupled with the cooperation of the Neon court, the field staff of the Dragon Slaying Warriors finally chose to fight after their resistance failed. Surrender.

The field staff of the Dragon Slaying Warriors organization provided more intelligence. For example, in addition to the Despair Hell Organization and the Dragon Slaying Warriors organization, there is also a mysterious third party lurking in Neon's three major security monitoring systems.

This one The intelligence was quickly identified by the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. The Cyber ​​Security Department of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau found clues in the three major security monitoring systems.

These clues all pointed to Seven Sins!

Seven Sins seemed to be the real mastermind behind the scenes! Rainbow Intelligence Investigation Bureau, Cybersecurity Department. Cybersecurity

Director Shota Nagai is asking Naruhito Tenye,"Chief Tenye, when those hacker organizations besieged the intermediary transaction settlement system, was the Seven Sins organization involved?"

Faced with Nagai Shota's inquiry, Tenye Naruhito answered affirmatively,"The Seven Sins Organization is involved."

Tianye Mingren added,"There have been several hacker organizations that have attacked the intermediary transaction settlement system before. The ones we have identified are Seven Sins, Brave Man, Despair Hell, Dragon Slaying Warrior, and Xia Kingdom's 9000 Legend. The Gray Mist, as well as the Zodiac Alliance, and our own Dead Soul Clan."

Tianye Mingren continued to add,"According to our investigation, this invasion seems to have been initiated by the Dead Soul Clan in our country, but we don't know what conspiracy the Dead Soul Clan has."

"In addition, we have thoroughly verified the clues provided by the Ministry of National Defense three times. Our three major security monitoring systems have indeed been invaded. We have also discovered traces of the invasion of the Dragon Slayer Warriors and the Desperate Hell Organization, and also discovered the Seven Sins. traces of intrusion, but in addition to them, we also found more traces of intrusion."Tianye Naruhito added another explanation.

Nagai Shouta frowned. If there are more traces of invasion, then the current situation will become more and more complicated!

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