Neon Minister of National Defense Chuichi Ito finally accepted the information that Millennium Astragalus was fake after repeated questioning.

Ito Chuichi was silently thinking about the chain reaction brought about by this piece of information. He thought for almost a minute, and then went to the residence of Prince Hongyue again.

In the tea room of Prince Hongyue's residence, Prince Hongyue was still tasting tea.

After Ito Chuichi arrived at the tea room, he asked cautiously,"His Royal Highness Prince Hongyue, is it convenient to talk here?"

Prince Hongyue understood that Ito Chuichi was asking about the issue of walls having ears.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Ito, there is absolutely no problem with my tea room."Prince Hongyue responded confidently.

Ito Chuichi was silent for a few seconds, but decided to get straight to the point,"Thousand-year-old Astragalus is fake."

"impossible!"Prince Hongyue retorted directly

"Um?"Ito Chuichi looked at Prince Hongyue in confusion.

"Mr. Ito, why do you say that Millennium Astragalus is fake?"Prince Nijigotsu did not explain. He just asked Ito Chuichi.

Ito Chuichi did not hide his explanation,"When the attack occurred, we arranged for Professor Adachi from Kyoto University to be responsible for recovering and testing the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus."

"I believe His Highness Prince Momiji also recognizes the authority of Professor Adakora, right?"Ito Chuichi added.

Prince Hongyue nodded slightly.

"Professor Andakong has now completed the testing of the thousand-year-old Astragalus. Whether through scientific testing or through real-person experiments, it has been determined that the Thousand-year-old Astragalus in this secret transportation operation is a fake."Ito Chuichi explained the results.

"Such a result also illustrates the problems of this attack. For example, the mastermind behind the attack seemed to only want to destroy the convoy of the secret transportation operation. Another example is that the mastermind behind the attack did not send any field force to recover the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus."Ito Chuichi explained

"Originally, these problems could not be explained at all, but now that it is confirmed that the Millennium Astragalus is fake, everything has been explained."Ito Chuichi sighed

"His Highness Prince Hongyue, what is your purpose?"Ito Chuichi looked at Prince Hongyue. He suspected that Prince Hongyue planned this transportation operation of fake millennium Astragalus.

Prince Hongyue looked at Ito Chuichi with a serious face. He took a deep breath and said,"If I tell you Thousand-year-old Astragalus is real, do you believe it?"

"this..."Ito Chuichi hesitated.

Professor Andakong has 100% guaranteed that the thousand-year-old astragalus tested is fake, but Prince Hongyue also said that the thousand-year-old astragalus is real, so who told the lie?

Prince Hongyue continued to add,"We found this thousand-year-old astragalus in Beihai Road. When we found this thousand-year-old astragalus, our operators tested it on real people."

"Relevant test records can be found at Sapporo Hospital in Kaikai Road. We cured a patient with heart failure using Millennium Astragalus."Prince Hongyue added

"Therefore, we are 100% sure that the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus is real and absolutely cannot be fake."Prince Nijigotsu concluded.

Faced with Prince Nijigotsu's words, Ito Chuichi chose to believe it.

Because such lies are meaningless.

After all, according to Prince Nijigotsu's words, as long as they go to Sapporo Hospital on Kaikai Road, they can investigate all the information. If it is a lie, the probability of being discovered is too high, so it is basically impossible to be a lie

"That being the case...Could it be that Professor Andakong and the others planned to embezzle these thousand-year-old astragalus?"Ito Chuichi raised a possibility.

Prince Hongyue shook his head in denial,"I believe in Professor Adachi! If Professor Andakon said that their test results showed that the tested Millennium Astragalus was fake, then it really might be fake."

Ito Chuichi became confused!

It was Prince Hongyue himself who was 100% sure that the thousand-year-old Astragalus root was real, and now he believed Professor Adakong's... etc!

Ito Chuichi suddenly realized it!

"Does His Highness the Prince mean that the thousand-year-old Astragalus has been swapped?"Ito Chuichi asked tentatively.

Prince Hongyue nodded affirmatively,"If the thousand-year-old Astragalus was swapped, would that be more consistent with the logic of this attack?"

"It really is!"Ito Chuichi responded affirmatively.

"If the masterminds behind the scenes had already subcontracted the Millennium Astragalus in advance, then the final action of destroying the Millennium Astragalus would be very normal. It is even possible that these masterminds remotely controlled the military helicopters of the Bald Eagle Country and threw the blame to the Bald Eagle Nation.."Ito Chuichi said analytically.

"If the man behind the scenes really completely destroyed the Millennium Astragalus, and there is no proof, then we will not be able to find out that the Millennium Astragalus is a fake, and naturally it will be impossible to discover the true purpose of the man behind the scenes."Ito Chuichi sighed at the power of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Prince Nijigotsu continued,"Actually, when the convoy of the secret transportation operation was attacked, I had a suspicion. Why were our actions discovered by others?"

"This operation is top-secret, and it is a private operation of our royal family. Even I only know that there is a secret transportation operation, but I don’t know the specific execution time and route of the secret transportation operation. So why would such a top-secret operation be known to others?"Prince Hongyue's tone was full of coldness.

When Ito Chuichi and Prince Hongyue communicated, Anliang once again played an important role in the inside line under the neon cloth....

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