Anliang once let go of Kishijima Maple of the Abandoned Village Action Team, and turned the opponent into a hidden line lurking in Neon. Kishijima Maple did provide a lot of intelligence to Renyi Security Company.

Kishijima Maple was also paying attention to this attack. He naturally discovered that Professor Adachi led experts to collect thousand-year-old Astragalus fragments at the site of the attack.

So Kishijima Maple tried to track Professor Adachi. His original purpose was to steal some thousand-year-old astragalus and make a fortune so that he could cope with the difficult situation in the future.

But after Kishijima Maple tracked Professor Adachi, he discovered Professor Adachi's test results for thousand-year-old Astragalus, and immediately reported the results to Renyi Security Company.

After receiving this piece of information, the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan immediately relayed it to An Liang.

"BOSS, our insider Kishijima Maple found confidential information. The thousand-year-old astragalus collected at the scene of the attack was tested and determined to be fake."Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 reported.

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"That's it!"

"It turns out that the thousand-year-old astragalus has been swapped out a long time ago!"An Liang thought of the answer in an instant.

"If so, it all makes sense! An Liang quickly explained,"There is something wrong with that Bald Eagle Country helicopter. It must have been controlled remotely!""

"So that helicopter directly chose to fire, and tried to destroy the vehicle transporting the thousand-year-old Astragalus to eliminate the corpse. But who knew that Neon's reaction was so fast that it lost the opportunity to destroy the corpse and eliminate the trace, so it was exposed. This is a question."Anliang analyzed rationally.

However, whether it was Ito Chuichi, Prince Hongyue, or Anliang's analysis, all of them were wrong! It's not that the Bald Eagle Kingdom's military helicopter gunships have no plan to destroy the corpses and traces, but that they don't have any plans at all. Such an idea, but An Liang’s analysis is right, that is, there is indeed a problem with the Bald Eagle Country’s military helicopters.

"The Seven Sins organization is actually hiding so deeply this time!"An Liang said with a little sigh.

"No. 4, immediately review all the intelligence and try to analyze at what time and place the Seven Sins organization obtained the thousand-year-old astragalus to see if we still have a chance to recover the thousand-year-old astragalus."An Liang ordered

"I guess this millennium astragalus should be native to Neon, and today's secret transportation operation is really transporting the millennium astragalus, so even if the Seven Sins organization robs the millennium astragalus, they will not be able to leave Neon in a short time. This This is our chance."An Liang's added analysis.

In fact, these analyzes are all wrong!

The real reason is that Tianyuan Outline carried out a hidden plan.

But Tianyuan Outline was very unlucky to die in the attack, so no one knew about Tianyuan Outline's hidden plan.

This is Accident!

An accident caused by various coincidences!

But no one knows about this accident at present, including Anliang, because it is impossible to infer such a result based on the known information.

After all, it was executed by the Tianyuan Outline itself hidden plan

"receive."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded to An Liang, saying that he would investigate the traces of the Seven Sins Organization in Neon.

"One more thing!" An Liang continued to give instructions.

An Liang added detailed instructions,"Publish our speculations on the Neon Internet, and share the blame with the Seven Sins Organization, so that we will not be blamed in the end."

Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 agreed,"BOSS is wise! We were originally only planning to attack Neon's credit card settlement system and cause chaos in Neon's financial system. But who knew that such an accident would happen?"

"yes!"An Liang sighed.

He obviously just tried to attack Neon's credit card settlement system and cause Neon some financial losses. Who knew that such a shocking accident would happen? It really was [an accident], huh?

Just like Neon's nuclear pollution. The wastewater treatment plan was the same. It was obviously very well planned, but because of an"accident" that was completely exposed, the plan was eventually terminated.

That accident was very big at the beginning, and now this accident is also very big!

In order to avoid such a big blame fall. Of course, An Liang, the king of the blame-throwing party, wants to throw the blame at the head of the Dead Soul Clan. Besides

, the blame this time belongs to the Seven Sins Organization, and An Liang just wants to avoid taking the blame for the Seven Sins Organization!

"OK"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 once again answered in the affirmative.

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 also knew what An Liang meant. The cause of this attack seemed to be that hackers provoked by the Dead Soul Clan besieged the Neon Credit Card Settlement System.

If I didn't explain it in advance, everything would be wrong. Once someone puts the blame on the Dead Soul Clan, it seems difficult to shirk it, right?

With the arrangement of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, various gossips quickly appeared on the Neon Internet.

These gossips are all analyzing Neon. The terrorist attack near the Kyoto Capitol Building in Hongdong happened to be a hot event in Neon, and the Neon people paid particularly high attention.

So when the No. 4 Tianji Divine Plan arranged to spread gossip, the conspiracy of the Seven Sins organization quickly emerge...

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