In the Neon Internet, the conspiracy of the Seven Sins Organization was clearly arranged by the No. 4 Secret God.


《Terrorist attacks? No! The truth behind the scenes! 》

Is the attack near the Capitol a terrorist attack?

I'm afraid most people will think so!

After all, a Bald Eagle Army military helicopter attacked three of our neon helicopters and used airborne weapons to attack vehicles on the ground.

However, these are just appearances!

This attack did not cause the death of any important people, nor did it destroy any important buildings. It was only damage to helicopters, vehicles, houses and other property.

So was this attack planned by the Bald Eagle Nation? the answer is negative!

Although the relationship between our Neon and the Bald Eagle Country is very bad, the Bald Eagle Country is not an idiot eagle country, and it is impossible for them to openly attack us.

The truth behind this attack is that there is a mastermind behind it!

The man behind the scenes is the extreme hacker organization [Seven Sins].

Some people may question this behind-the-scenes truth. Why would an extreme hacker organization adopt such a near-terrorist attack to target our Neon?

The purpose of the Seven Sins organization is another behind-the-scenes truth!

Well-informed netizens should know that a serious traffic accident occurred north of Kyoto in winter, resulting in multiple series of car accidents, but this series of car accidents has not been made public.

In fact, the cause of this series of car accidents involved the Seven Sins organization.

Our neon royal family discovered [Millennium Astragalus]】

【Link: Fipzell Pharmaceutical Company: Press Conference on Millennium Astragalus Prolongs Human Lifespan]

Previously, Fipzell Company of Bald Eagle Country held a press conference to publicly announce the secret of Millennium Astragalus on extending human lifespan, and announced Astragalus, which has been around for thousands of years, has miraculous healing effects.

The reason why the Seven Sins organization launched a near-terrorist attack this time was to obtain the thousand-year-old astragalus.

According to the gossip we got, the reason why the Seven Sins organization launched the suicide attack was that they obtained the Millennium Astragalus in advance. The Millennium Astragalus at the scene of the attack was fake. The Seven Sins organization only launched the attack to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces, thereby hiding themselves. the true purpose.

Finally, according to our speculated analysis, the thousand-year-old Astragalus obtained by the Seven Sins organization is worth at least 900 billion neon yuan, which is approximately 7.8 billion U.S. dollars.

Faced with such huge interests, it is reasonable for the Seven Sins organization to launch a terrorist attack, right? above


Under the arrangement of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, similar analysis and explanation posts were reprinted in various places on the neon Internet, forcing the Seven Sins organization to take the blame.

In fact, the Seven Sins Organization did obtain information about the Thousand-Year Astragalus, but the Seven Sins Organization did not grab the Thousand-Year Astragalus at all.

The Seven Sins organization did remotely control the armed helicopter in the Bald Eagle Kingdom and carried out the final attack, but the Seven Sins organization only held the idea of ​​destroying the thousand-year-old Astragalus.

Anyway, their Seven Sins Organization can’t get the Millennium Astragalus, why should they let others get it?

If you don’t get it, destroy it!

However, both the Neon side, the Anliang side, the North Bear Country represented by Dmitri, and even the Bald Eagle Country, which is actively investigating, all believe that the thousand-year-old Astragalus has fallen into the hands of the Seven Sins Organization.

After all, according to the current intelligence analysis, the Seven Sins Organization is the mastermind behind it. Who knows the hidden plan of Tianyuan Outline?

The Seven Sins Organization is now like mud falling into your crotch: it’s not shit, it’s shit!

Even if the Seven Sins Organization came forward to explain that they did not obtain the Thousand-Year Astragalus in advance, who would believe them?

People always believe the truth they want to believe.

The truth now is that the Seven Sins organization has obtained the thousand-year-old astragalus.

Whether it is the Renyi Security Company, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the Neon National Defense Ministry, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, or the lurkers of the North Bear Country in Neon, or even the secret operations of the Bald Eagle Country in Neon Country The personnel are all secretly searching for the Seven Sins Organization.

The other three parties and An Liang made the same guess. Although the Seven Sins Organization obtained the Thousand-Year Astragalus in advance, the Seven Sins Organization must not have escaped from the Neon Kingdom yet, so there is still a little hope of recovering the Thousand-Year Astragalus.

The residence of Prince Hongyue.

Prince Hongyue looked at the explanation post posted on the Internet by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation through his tablet. After reading it, Prince Hongyue sighed.

"Righteous man, how many years have you followed me?"Prince Hongyue looked at Haicheng Yiren.

Haicheng Yiren responded,"I have been with His Highness the Prince since I was six years old. It has been 48 years now."

"So should I trust you?"Prince Hongyue stared at Haicheng Yiren.

Haicheng Yiren was silent for a few seconds before answering,"I have been with His Highness since I was a child. His Highness has been very kind to me since I was a child. I have never forgotten the Prince. Your Highness's kindness"

"Who do you think leaked this secret transportation operation?"Prince Hongyue ignored Haicheng Yiren's reminiscing about the past. He still stared at Haicheng Yiren and asked straight to the point.

Facing Prince Hongyue's inquiry, Haicheng Yiren fell silent....

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