Faced with Huang Guoxiang's promise and temptation, An Liang complained indifferently,"Old Huang, you really overestimated me this time. We originally planned to attack the Neon credit card settlement system, thus causing certain chaos in the Neon financial market. Gain benefits from financial markets"

"As a result, something unexpected happened!"An Liang complained

"In fact, at the beginning, we had no idea that the Neon Royal Family was secretly transporting Millennium Astragalus, so I contacted you before to use your insider information."An Liang added

"There are three masterminds behind this time, including the Despair Hell Organization, the Dragon Slaying Warriors Organization, and the Seven Sins Organization. We highly suspect that the Seven Sins Organization has robbed the thousand-year-old Astragalus."An Liang once again placed the blame on the Seven Sins Organization.

Even though the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation had discovered an abnormal situation, An Liang still threw the blame on the Seven Sins Organization because An Liang needed the Seven Sins Organization to take the blame.

Huang Guoxiang hesitated response,"This time...Did you really not get the thousand-year-old Astragalus?"

"What did I lie to you for? An Liang complained,"Our people are still chasing the guys from the Seven Sins Organization in Neon, but the hope is slim. The guys from the Seven Sins Organization should have run away long ago, right?""

Huang Guoxiang heard An Liang's response. To be honest, he even breathed a sigh of relief.

Because An Liang always became the final winner, Huang Guoxiang was already paralyzed, so this time An Liang said he was not the final winner. Huang Guoxiang was really relieved. The feeling of the tone.

It turns out that there are times when Anliang cannot win, huh?

"Okay, okay, if you need help, remember to let us know!"Huang Guoxiang responded politely, thus indicating his intention to end the call.

As a result, Anliang directly hit the snake and followed it with a stick!

"etc! An Liang greeted,"We really need your help!""

"What help? Huang Guoxiang pretended to be generous, but asked cautiously,"If you need equipment, we can provide you with some good things.""

"unnecessary! An Liang directly denied,"The Northern Bear Country has provided a large amount of equipment, but under the current circumstances, our field personnel should keep a low profile to avoid triggering a joint suppression by Neon and Bald Eagle.""

"So what do you need?"Huang Guoxiang was confused.

"We need the assistance of satellites, including all-weather monitoring by geostationary satellites, as well as route analysis of covert transport operation convoys by Earth observation optical satellites, and..."Before An Liang could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Huang Guoxiang.

"I suggest you dream!"Huang Guoxiang complained

"Currently, the Bald Eagle Country's satellite is parked above Neon. Neon and Bald Eagle have joined together. Our satellite cannot approach at all, otherwise it will inevitably be protested by Neon and Bald Eagle Country." Huang Guoxiang added.

An Liang complained,"I talked for a long time, but in the end I couldn't help at all!"

"We can provide you with drones. Huang Guoxiang said in a hurry.

An Liang refused casually,"We have our own drone!" Have you forgotten that the flying motorcycle we developed is essentially a variant of a drone. Our drone technology is actually quite advanced."

In fact, this is true!

The flying motorcycle project of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group looks very informal on the surface, even a bit like a toy, but in fact it contains very advanced technology.

Whether it is flight control Systems, image recognition technology, and aerodynamic technology for propeller aircraft, etc., are all very advanced.

If Dream Graphene Technology Group enters the field of drones in the future, it may directly become a top player in the field of drones.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has not yet entered the drone field. One of the reasons is the insufficient production capacity of graphene batteries. Another reason is the relatively strong control of the drone field and the increasingly strict drone flight management. Regulations.

For example, in current cities, whether it is the Imperial Capital or Shengqing, drones are not allowed to fly.

Faced with such strict control regulations, coupled with a relatively small market, and extremely strict overseas bill management , the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has temporarily given up on the UAV market.

However, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has been developing drones internally, and its main customer is Renyi Security Company, and it is in the form of internal communication, which does not allow them to The drone of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group was wandering outside.

As soon as the communication between An Liang and Huang Guoxiang ended, the No. 4 Tianji Shenshuan sent a voice communication request, and An Liang naturally chose to answer it.

"BOSS, we discovered something unusual at the place where the secret transport operation convoy encountered the attack for the second time!"No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Report

"What did you find? An Liang asked.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan responded quickly,"When the drone we dispatched was scanning, it was found that there was an abnormal signal emission source at the target location."

"Um? An Liang raised his eyebrows,"Have you determined the source of the signal emission?""

"not yet. No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation explained the reason,"There are three personnel from the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department at the target location. The signal emission source is very close to the three people. If we want to recover the signal source, I am afraid they will discover it.""

"Then find a way to solve the problem!"An Liang ordered

"Understood!"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded.

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