Xia Kingdom, the imperial capital.

At nearly eight o'clock in the evening, on the sofa in the living room of Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang checked the situation on the neon side with his tablet computer.

Chen Siyu turned into a big cat in her arms, and she was watching the video of the track accident analysis again.

Ning Ruoshuang sat on the right side of An Liang. She leaned against An Liang and checked the dance teaching video. The level of this Bingshan girl was already very high, but she still kept improving herself.

Ning Ruoshuang hopes to enter the national stage through her own efforts instead of obtaining convenient conditions through Anliang.

The big cat in her arms watched another track accident analysis video. She twisted her body and then looked at the tablet in An Liang's hand.

Chen Siyu is the only member of the Backyard Alliance who wants to look at An Liang's cell phone. No matter Zhao Wanxi, Li Xiyan, the little vixen, the two Xia sisters and Bingshan Niuer, they will not look at An Liang's cell phone.

After all, Chen Siyu is the big cat in An Liang's arms. When she is in An Liang's arms, she always takes a look at An Liang's cell phone. However, she is also very measured and only looks at it in passing, with no intention of checking the cell phone.

An Liang also indulged the big cat in his arms. After all, the destiny and luck brought by Hebi's blessing made it impossible for An Liang to overturn on these small details.

Besides, it’s not like Chen Siyu didn’t know?

The big cat in his arms looked at his cell phone by the way, and wanted to feel satisfied, so An Liang naturally didn't mind having Chen Siyu look at his phone by the way.

Chen Siyu looked at the large amount of information in neon language displayed on the tablet. She asked curiously,"I saw the news on my phone today. There seems to be some terrorist attack over there in neon.""

"Well, there was an attack by an extreme hacker organization called [Seven Sins]. Fortunately, there were no serious casualties. An Liang responded.

Chen Siyu lowered his voice and hummed,"I think they deserve it!""

"No, no, we should be compassionate, after all we are friendly neighbors now?"An Liang joked with a smile.

They are friendly neighbors!

If you want to share the pot with An Liang, you must give it to An Liang.

But An Liang is a non-stick pan!

If you want to share the pot with An Liang, it is basically impossible. An Liang would definitely throw the blame over the matter.

Chen Siyu snorted,"I believe you are a ghost!"

Ning Ruoshuang agreed,"I'm sorry, Master An, I don't believe it either.""

"Shuangshuang, I found that you are quite arrogant these days!"An Liang looked at Ning Ruoshuang

"Do I have it? Ning Ruoshuang quickly denied,"Siyu, what do you think?""

However, Chen Siyu, who was still on the same front just now, immediately betrayed her best friend,"I also think Shuangshuang has been so arrogant these past two days! Master An, you know, you will teach her a lesson later!"

"Siyu!"Ning Ruoshuang looked at Chen Siyu speechlessly.

Did they agree on the deep love between sisters?

Chen Siyu responded proudly,"I was bullied miserably by Master An. Do you think you can run away? We two sisters should share the blessings and the hardships!"

An Liang nodded and agreed,"I think Siyu is right, Shuangshuang, you can't always let Siyu face it alone."

"My husband is right!"Chen Siyu snuggled into An Liang's arms and changed the title of 'Master An' to 'husband' to express her approval.

When An Liang, the big cat of the imperial capital, and Bingshan Girl were teasing each other, Neon In Hoien Ichimachi, three kilometers north of Kyoto in winter, the field staff of the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company are secretly setting up a

"Cangchi, are you ready?" Yushi Yamaki, head of the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company, asked through a wireless headset.

Ichiro Kurura, head of the field operations team of the Neon Branch, answered affirmatively,"We are ready to complete the task and can carry out the task at any time."

"Tongshan, have you determined the source of the signal?"Yashi Yamaki asked the technical team leader Tongshan Sukein again.

Tongshan Sukein answered affirmatively,"We have comprehensively analyzed and determined the situation of the signal emission source. According to the analysis, this signal emission source is a mixed signal emission source. A total of two signals are emitted."

Tongshan Assistant Printer continued to explain,"One of the signals is the most common 2.4GHz radio signal. This specification of signal is widely used in various devices, including routers, mobile phones, car networks, etc., so it is very difficult to use. Attractive"

"However, there is no residential house or commercial building around the crime scene, so it is quite strange that the 2.4GHz signal appears. What is even stranger is that the 2.4GHz signal is intermittent. After the signal appears for 10 seconds, it will disappear for 60 seconds. This cycle repeats over and over again."Tongshan Assistant Printer added

"In view of this situation, we increased the scanning range and found that the signal emission source emitted an ultra-wideband signal. This signal is more concealed because its effective distance is only about ten meters. Beyond this distance, it is almost impossible to detect it. The presence."Tongshan Assistant Seal added

"Through ultra-wideband signals, we can accurately locate the signal source. At present, we have discovered the location of the signal source. It is in the ditch outside the fourth protective pile from left to right in the blocked area. If we want to further check the signal source, we must To deal with the three guards at the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department in winter."Tongshan Zhuyin put forward his own suggestions.

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