Faced with Zhao Wanxi's coquettishness, An Liang naturally did not refuse.

When An Liang and Zhao Wanxi confirmed their relationship, An Liang instructed Anxin Investment and Anxin Bank to receive large investments from Zhao Wanxi's family.

Of course, during business negotiations, the two parties agreed on the management fees and profit sharing, and Zhao Wanxi's family happily accepted it.

"What if I say I disagree? An Liang joked.

Zhao Wanxi snorted,"If you don't agree, I will pester you every day until you agree!""

This Zhao Wanxi is really smart!

When facing An Liang's joke, Zhao Wanxi chose the coquettish way again. After all, women who act like a coquettish person have a good life.

An Liang pretended to be scared and responded,"Oh, I'm afraid of you!"

"Should our club hold an annual meeting?"Zhao Wanxi came to sit next to An Liang.

An Liang put her into his arms smoothly,"That's for sure! Which day do you think is appropriate?"

"February 11th is the Spring Festival, and we must choose before the Spring Festival. In addition, since the fiscal years of Anxin Investment and Anxin Bank are both natural years, I suggest that it is best to arrange the annual meeting in January, and we allocate investment quotas at the annual meeting." Zhao Wanxi added.

The investment amount of Anxin Investment Company is one of the benefits of official members of Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

Because the benefits obtained through Anxin Investment are well-documented and legal income, it is deeply loved by club members. Every investment amount released by Anxin Investment was highly praised.

Facing Zhao Wanxi's proposal, An Liang nodded slightly,"No problem! How about you arrange the annual meeting? An

Liang continued to add,"If it doesn't work at the end of this month, I will hold a birthday celebration for you; if it doesn't work during the New Year's Day, I will go back to school to organize a New Year's Day concert.""

"How about early January?"Zhao Wanxi asked

"no problem."An Liang agreed.

"Regarding my birthday, please don’t be extravagant and wasteful. Our family’s situation is different." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang nodded slightly,"I know."

"Besides, you don’t need to give me any more birthday gifts. I understand what you mean."Zhao Wanxi added

"Say it again."An Liang did not agree.

Zhao Wanxi naturally understood what An Liang meant, and she felt warm in her heart. Then she said coquettishly,"Can you come to my house for dinner tonight? My grandfather said he wants to meet you."

Before An Liang answered, Zhao Wanxi added,"My grandfather wants you to unlock the permissions of the flying motorcycle, such as free driving, height restrictions, etc.

An Liang complained,"Your grandfather doesn't even have a pilot's license, right?""

"some. Zhao Wanxi responded negatively,"Uncle Huang is my grandfather's disciple, you know that, right?""

"Did Huang open the back door?"An Liang teased

"Yes, he applied for my grandfather’s L5 driver’s license."Zhao Wanxi responded.

An Liang couldn't help but laugh,"L5 driver's license, isn't that fooling people?"

The pilot license for flying motorcycles is divided into L0 to L5. The L0 level is a special level and is only allowed to be processed by relevant agencies of the imperial court. The highest level for ordinary people to apply for is the L1 level driver's license.

The L5 level pilot license is an almost fully intelligent driving level, except for Except for fine-tuning when parking, no other human operations are allowed at all.

Even outside the six lanes of the Imperial City Circle, the L5 driver's license still does not allow you to control it by yourself. It is still operated by the intelligent flight control system, which is completely devoid of any driving pleasure.

The only thing Fun, should be a little tweaking while anchored?

"Your grandfather didn't spray Lao Huang?"Anliang is curious.

"Of course, Uncle Huang was scolded to death, but Uncle Huang excused himself by saying that the pilot's license was not within his jurisdiction, and he had no way to deal with it."Zhao Wanxi replied with a smile.

"So I was thrown into disgrace by Lao Huang?"An Liang was troubled.

Zhao Wanxi nodded first, and then added in response,"Don't worry, I have already thought of a solution for you. Just throw the blame to the Flight Management Department of the Ministry of Transportation Management, indicating that all authority is flight management. The company is processing"

"In fact, they are indeed handling it!"An Liang responded with a smile.

The current issuing unit of pilot license is the Flight Management Department under the Ministry of Transportation Management, and relevant regulations are also proposed and jointly formulated by them.

For example, flying motorcycles in the Imperial City can only be driven using the intelligent flight control system. , which is the management bill urgently proposed by the Flight Management Department

"It seems that Uncle Mu is going to have a headache! Zhao Wanxi laughed,"Uncle Mu's family has a big say in the Department of Transportation Management. My grandfather will definitely go to him, but I guess Uncle Mu will choose to go on a business trip to avoid it.""

At nearly 5:30 in the evening, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi returned to the courtyard of Lao Zhao's house. Zhao Zhuangkang warmly welcomed An Liang.

When the two were drinking tea in the living room, Zhao Zhuangkang asked about the pilot's license.

"Xiao An, I heard that your group can lift the restrictions on flying motorcycles?"Zhao Zhuangkang asked proactively.

An Liang immediately answered negatively,"There is no such thing! Grandpa Zhao, who told you such outrageous things?"

Before Zhao Zhuangkang answered, An Liang added,"Our group does not have the authority to lift the restrictions on flying motorcycles. The relevant authority lies with the Flight Management Department of the Ministry of Transportation Management."

"If we want to lift the restrictions, we really need to first lift the relevant restrictions through hardware, and then lift the software restrictions through the Flight Management Department. The whole process requires the lifted flying motorcycle to go through it in person, and the lifting process is relatively complicated, thus ensuring that the flight Motorcycle safety."An Liang explained that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group only has partial authority, thus implying that to remove the authority, he needs to go to the Flight Management Department.

An Liang is the king of throwing the blame!

Can An Liang handle this kind of thing easily?

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