In the courtyard of Zhao Wanxi's house, although An Liang did not agree to Zhao Zhuangkang, the two still communicated happily.

"If Grandpa Zhao really wants to experience the freedom of controlling a flying motorcycle, it is not impossible." An Liang explained.

Zhao Zhuangkang immediately became interested,"Is there any special way?

An Liang nodded," It really does!""

"Although the Flight Management Department restricts those over 80 years old from obtaining a flight license higher than the L5 level, flying motorcycles have a [track mode]. In track mode, flying motorcycles do not have the restrictions of a flying license." An Liang explained.

Zhao Zhuangkang quickly answered,"Then quickly adjust my flying motorcycle to track mode. An

Liang shook his head,"Sorry, Grandpa Zhao, we cannot adjust the flying motorcycle to track mode. If you want to adjust the flying motorcycle to track mode, you still need authorization from the Flight Management Department, and a very strict flight range will be set.""

"Currently, only Jingang International Circuit in the Imperial Capital is equipped with track-mode flying motorcycles. If Grandpa Zhao wants to experience the freedom of flying a flying motorcycle, I will arrange to book a venue there. An Liang replied.

Zhao Zhuangkang nodded repeatedly,"Hurry up and make arrangements!""

"Hold on."An Liang immediately took out his mobile phone to contact Zhao De, the operations manager of Jinggang International Circuit.

In less than ten seconds, Zhao De's voice came over first

"Good evening, Mr. An."Zhao De respectfully greeted

"Manager Zhao, please make arrangements there and I'll book the venue for the evening."An Liang ordered

"OK, I'll arrange it right away."Zhao De responded.

Although the Jinggang International Circuit has already made arrangements to book the venue tonight, Zhao De did not mention this matter at all, and it is impossible to refuse An Liang. After all, Zhao De is very aware of An Liang's status in the imperial capital circle.

"See you. An Liang responded, ended the call, and then looked at Zhao Zhuangkang,"Done!""

"When will we go there?"Zhao Zhuangkang felt a little impatient.

"..."An Liang was a little speechless

"this...Grandpa Zhao, let’s have dinner first and then go over? An Liang suggested.

Zhao Zhuangkang did not refute,"Okay!" Let me tell the old guys first."

Zhao Zhuangkang immediately sent a message to his old friends group

‘Bad old man: I’m going to fly a flying motorcycle at Jinggang International tonight. Is anyone going with me?’

‘Zhang Zhiwen: You old guy, you are 81 years old this year. According to regulations, you are not allowed to freely control the flying motorcycle, right?’

‘Yun Jing'an: @热老头: Lao Zhao, I have studied the restrictions on pilot's licenses. Those of us over 80 years old can only obtain L5 level driver's licenses. This level of driver's license does not allow autonomous driving. '

Yun Jing'an is Yun Haiyang's grandfather. He happens to be 80 years old this year, and he happens to be restricted to L5 level flight license.

‘Qian Dayou: I know what Lao Zhao means. Is it track mode?’

‘Qian Dayou: Our family Xiaogang took me there. Although I could only fly around the track, I thought it was quite fun.’

‘Bad old man:? ? ?’

‘Bad old man: You old ghost have actually been there?’

‘Bad old man: Why don't you tell us?’

‘Qian Dayou: I thought you knew’

‘Zhang Zhiwen: This is the first time I’ve heard of it’

‘Yun Jing'an: Our family Haiyang has been very busy recently, so he probably hasn't told me yet.’

‘Bad old man: Your Yun Haiyang family is really busy!’

‘Bad old man: Li Da and Hu Bowen have already announced that they are going to deal with Yun Haiyang. What are you going to do, old guy? '

Li Da is Li Qian's grandfather, and Hu Bowen is Hu Xiaoyu's grandfather.

The matter between Yun Haiyang, Li Qian, and Hu Xiaoyu is not a secret in the Imperial Capital Circle. Not only the younger generation in the Imperial Capital Circle knows about it, but also the older generation in the Imperial Capital Circle.

‘Yun Jing'an: Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings!’

‘Yun Jing'an: If the little guy causes things by himself, then he must learn to solve the problem by himself.’

‘Yun Jing'an: Your family, Wanxi, has solved the problem very well.’

‘Bad old man: Of course!’

‘Bad old man: Our Wanxi’s taste is really good! '

However, after Zhao Zhuangkang sent this message, the other old men did not reply to the message, because the other old men knew about An Liang's situation, but Zhao Zhuangkang did not know.

After all, the person involved is usually the last to know about such things.

Because no one wants to offend anyone!

For example, Zhao Zhuangkang praises Zhao Wanxi for her good vision. If he tells An Liang's story now, wouldn't that mean a slap in the face?

Who would want this kind of thing?

‘Yun Jing’an: When and where will we meet?’

‘Bad old man: We all have flying motorcycles, then we will meet directly at the Golden Port International Circuit’

‘Bad old man: As for time...’

‘Bad old man: How about eight o'clock in the evening?’

‘Yun Jing’an: I’m fine’

‘Zhang Zhiwen: Yes’

‘Qian Dayou: OK!’

‘Qian Dayou: @李浩然: Where is Lao Li, why don’t you speak?’

‘Bad old man: @林太: @叶富gui: Lao Lin, Lao Ye, let’s go play together? Lin

Tao is Lin Yili's grandfather, and Ye Fugui is Ye Xiangyu's grandfather. Because of the interest group formed by An Liang, these old men also formed a small group.

This is equivalent to An Liang silently stirring up the structure of the imperial capital circle!

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