Golden Harbor International Circuit.

Zhao Zhuangkang, who does not follow martial arts ethics, first familiarizes himself with the venue. Li Cunyuan's grandfather Li Haoran, Qian Xiaogang's grandfather Qian Dayou, and Yun Haiyang's grandfather Yun Jing'an can only join the ranks of those who do not follow martial arts ethics.

It was approaching eight o'clock in the evening.

Most members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club gathered at the Golden Port International Circuit, and the old men from various families also came to the Golden Port International Circuit.

It was originally just for Zhao Zhuangkang to experience the free driving of a flying motorcycle, but it turned out to be a large-scale event for the Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

These old men quickly organized the flying motorcycle lap race and agreed on a bet. The bet was the contribution of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky! this...

Although this illustrates the value of Tiantian Baiyujing Club’s contribution from the side, it is also prone to conflicts, so An Liang immediately asked Zhao Wanxi to come forward on behalf of Tiantian Baiyujing Club, and Tiantian Baiyujing Club will host this event [Senior Group Flying Motorcycle Circle Speed ​​Race] activity.

The first place has a contribution point of 10,000 points, the second place has 5,000 points, the third place has 3,000 points, the fourth has 2,000 points, and the fifth to tenth place have all 1,000 points.

Under such a reward setting, everyone is naturally happy.

Yun Haiyang was even lucky enough to escape, because Li Qian and Hu Xiaoyu's grandfather were busy preparing to participate in the senior group flying motorcycle lap competition, and there was no time to clean up Yun Haiyang.

"Thank you Brother Liang for the rescue! Yun Haiyang said gratefully.

An Liang chuckled,"Will the contribution expenditure of this lap race be recorded in Brother Haiyang's account?" This time , the contribution expenditure for the senior group’s flying motorcycle lap race was 26,000 points. Yun Haiyang refused without hesitation,"Let me be a warrior!""

A true warrior dares to face the bleak life?

"Tsk tsk, at this moment, Brother Hai suddenly smells like the iron rooster of the former imperial capital! Qian Xiaogang joked with a smile.

Yun Haiyang once had the reputation of being the iron rooster in the imperial capital!

Later, Yun Haiyang and Anliang formed a stable core partnership, which greatly improved Yun Haiyang's economic conditions, and he gradually changed his mind. The problem of being an iron rooster.

However, when it comes to the contribution of the Baiyujing Club in the sky, Yun Haiyang has indeed regained the taste of the iron rooster in the past.

"Brother Liang, Lao Huang is here! Li Cunyuan reminded.

Huang Guoxiang was walking over. He asked straight to the point,"Can I participate in this flying motorcycle lap race?""

"..."An Liang looked at Huang Guoxiang speechlessly.

Qian Xiaogang complained,"This is the lap time of the senior group!"

"I think I can join the senior group! Huang Guoxiang responded directly.

Yun Haiyang complained,"I'm convinced!" Uncle Huang, I am convinced by you! Huang

Guoxiang responded calmly,"You brat, if I were you, I would run away quickly. If Mr. Li Da and Mr. Hu Bowen don't get the rankings later, you will definitely be in trouble!" Li

Cunyuan seconded,"I think Uncle Huang is right. Brother Haiyang, you'd better pray that Mr. Hu and Mr. Li Da can achieve good results." Huang

Guoxiang ignored Yun Haiyang and looked at An Liang,"Let's talk?""

"no problem. An Liang nodded,"Shall we go to the infield stand?"

Huang Guoxiang agreed," Let's go.""

In the middle of the infield stands.

Huang Guoxiang spoke first,"We have already checked here. We can safely communicate. What are you going to do in Allia?"

"Of course, it is to carry forward the friendly Xiaguo spirit and help the other party achieve the goal of common prosperity!"An Liang was talking nonsense.

Huang Guoxiang complained,"We are our own people, let's tell the truth!"

"What I said is the truth!"An Liang replied calmly.

"Arlia is a country seriously short of fresh water resources. In Arlia, even cow urine is a kind of water resource, so we plan to build a seawater desalination plant in Arlia, and then build an agricultural planting base based on the seawater desalination plant, and Provides Arlia with some fresh water resources."An Liang explained in detail

"In addition, our agricultural planting base will give priority to local people in Arlia as workers, and will also provide these workers with medical care, fresh water, and food-related guarantees."An Liang added

"We will also build more desalination plants over time to provide freshwater resources to more areas of Arlia. We will try to guide the local people of Arlia to conduct reasonable immigration, such as giving up part of the inland land and moving to coastal areas, thus providing easier access to freshwater resources."An Liang added

"If the time comes, we will provide educational assistance to local residents, and if necessary, we will even provide legal assistance."An Liang added something more.

Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang with complex eyes,"You are so ambitious!

An Liang sneered,"I just want to help them!""

"Did I believe it? Huang Guoxiang complained.

Huang Guoxiang is not a fool, how could he be easily fooled by An Liang?

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