Huang Guoxiang couldn't simply be fooled by An Liang. He didn't even believe the punctuation marks An Liang said. After all, Huang Guoxiang and An Liang were the same type of people. He knew very well the hidden meaning of what An Liang just said.

That's why Huang Guoxiang commented that An Liang's ambition is so great!

"Have you ever thought about the consequences?"Huang Guoxiang asked tentatively

"What are the consequences?"An Liang asked back.

"According to the serious lack of fresh water resources in Arlia, if you build a desalination plant in Arlia, it means that you control the fresh water resources, which means that you control the lifeline of Arlia's survival!"Huang Guoxiang pointed out a hidden meaning

"Providing employment opportunities for the local people in Arlia through agricultural planting bases and providing them with survival guarantees means forming a community of interests with the local people, which means gathering people's hearts and complying with public opinion."Huang Guoxiang continued to interpret the hidden meaning.

"If you add in the immigration plan, you are not only preparing to control a larger population, but also preparing to obtain those cheap land resources and corresponding mineral resources, right?"Huang Guoxiang saw through An Liang's intention at a glance.

"As for legal aid..."Huang Guoxiang fell silent,"You control the fresh water resources that are severely lacking in Arlia. You have formed a community of interests with the local people in Arlia. You have also won the hearts and minds of the local people in Arlia. You plan to use legal means." Promote the person you support to become the chief minister of the Arlia court, right?"

"Once the person you support becomes the chief minister of the Arlia court, the whole of Arlia will become a plaything in your hands, and you will become the actual controller behind the scenes of the Arlia court. With this advantage, your position in Arlia The power will further expand, and then in turn further control the Arlia Grand Court, and eventually form a shadow court outside the Arlia Court."Huang Guoxiang's rational analysis

"Once this shadow court is formed, Allia will completely become your possession, and it will be almost impossible to break free!"Huang Guoxiang sighed.

In fact, this was An Liang's plan!

An Liang once tried to manipulate the Corea court election in Corea, but the final result failed, and Huang Guoxiang discovered such a thing.

In fact, from then on, Huang Guoxiang He paid special attention to An Liang, because Huang Guoxiang found that An Liang was very ambitious and very courageous. He dared to do things that ordinary people could not imagine. Do ordinary people dare to think about things like manipulating the election of the Corea court?

An Liang not only dared Think about it, dare to take action!

Now An Liang has made a grand statement about helping Alya, and also listed a lot of specific plans on how to help Alya. Huang Guoxiang immediately thought that An Liang planned to use these Plan to eventually build a shadow court in Arlia

"Lao Huang, we are familiar with each other, but I also want to sue you for slander! An Liang responded teasingly.

Huang Guoxiang sighed softly,"Aren't you worried about the intervention of the Bald Eagle Kingdom?""

"aren't you worried..."Huang Guoxiang stopped talking.

An Liang understood what Huang Guoxiang was going to say, and he replied calmly,"Why should I worry?"

"All my core industrial chains are in Xia State. I am also from Xia State. I love this country. Tell me why I need to worry?"An Liang replied calmly.

"you guy..."Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang helplessly.

An Liang is so measured!

Although some things were done unscrupulously, An Liang always handled key issues very well. Not only did he not overstep anything, but he constantly brought benefits.

Under such circumstances, Anliang really does not need to worry about anything.

"As for the bald eagles intervening, why should they?"An Liang asked back.

"What did I do wrong? An Liang added calmly,"What I want to do in Arlia is all reasonable and legal. Whether it is building a desalination plant or establishing an agricultural planting base, they are all good things to help the local people. Bald Eagle State-owned What's your opinion?"

"If Bald Eagle Nation has any objections, Bald Eagle Nation is welcome to come to Allia to join the competition. I don’t care about competition!"An Liang added.

As for the threat from the Bald Eagle Country that Huang Guoxiang said, An Liang knew what it meant, but An Liang was really not afraid, because the Bald Eagle Country could not directly break the rules for no reason.

It is true that the Bald Eagle Country is the number one in the world. It is a powerful country, but how can the Bald Eagle Country initiate force suppression without any reason?

Once the Bald Eagle Country wants to suppress Arlia by force, the Xia Kingdom will definitely not agree, and the North Bear Country will not agree, even if it is the Bald Eagle Country. It is impossible for the allies of the Europa Alliance to agree.

After all, this time they agreed to the Bald Eagle Country’s unreasonable military suppression, so what should they do next time?

"Lao Huang, if you just want to talk to me about this matter, I can only say that you are thinking too much. I have no intentions for Arlia. I just want to help the people of Arlia get out of poverty."An Liang said sincerely.

Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang speechlessly.

An Liang took the initiative to ask,"Don't you believe me?"

"..."Huang Guoxiang was still speechless. He wanted to ask, why could An Liang talk nonsense so calmly?

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