In Sister Huang's hot pot restaurant where the first episode of"Xia Guo Restaurant" was filmed, one after another of simple dishes were served, and the bowls and plates on which these dishes were served were also very simple, full of the real feeling of the human world.

Take shrimp sliders as an example. In order to create a better presentation, some hot pot restaurants use bamboo tubes to hold the shrimp sliders. Some also divide the shrimp sliders into balls in advance and place them in white porcelain soup spoons. Use rose petals as the base and luminous crystal dinner cups as the containers.

Anyway, the bells and whistles create a flashy and high-end feel.

However, the shrimp paste at Huang Jie Hot Pot Restaurant is placed in an ordinary ceramic bowl, and there is no caviar sprinkled on the surface, just shrimp paste.

Yang Maoyi picked up a pair of chopsticks and put the goose intestines into the boiling pot. She gently swung the chopsticks to heat the goose intestines more evenly and ensure a better taste.

In less than ten seconds, Yang Maoyi picked up the goose intestines and put them into An Liang's sesame oil dipping saucer."Your Majesty, you have a taste."

An Liang was not polite. He put the goose intestines in the sesame oil dipping saucer. Stir it for a while to fully mix the sesame oil and minced garlic, then pick it up and put it into your mouth.

Yang Maoyi grasped the timing of blanching the goose intestines very well. The goose intestines were cooked but not soft with chopsticks, and had a crispy texture. The spicy hot pot base was also blended into it, and the blend of sesame oil and minced garlic gave it a unique taste. Very stunning


‘Congratulations to the host for tasting the impressive hot pot goose intestines and winning a [random lottery gift pack]】’

Sure enough, there are food rewards!

"good!"An Liang said with praise.

After all, he has received the food reward from the Life Winner System. The taste must have surprised An Liang. Otherwise, how could he have received the food reward?

The two of them were eating hot pot while whispering about the shooting at Xia Guo Restaurant. plan

"This hot pot restaurant has very good taste and very affordable prices. Coupled with its own hot pot base and more than 20 years of history, it is indeed enough to serve as the opening chapter of"Xia Guo Restaurant"."An Liang commented.

According to Yang Maoyi's plan,"Xia Guo Restaurant" chose hot pot as the first episode without following the routine, which should arouse controversy and discussion, leading to in-depth thinking about the reasons for the disappearance of the traditional Xia Guo Restaurant.

If another With a little help from the navy,"Xia Guo Restaurant" will have enough topicality on the Internet to ensure the popularity of"Xia Guo Restaurant"

"How many episodes are you planning to shoot for the first season of"Summer Country Restaurant"?"An Liang asked casually.

Yang Maoyi responded,"At least shoot 24 episodes."

"so much?"An Liang was surprised.

He agreed to study"A Bite of Xia Kingdom", but the first season of"A Bite of Xia Kingdom" only has 7 episodes, right?

Plus the 8 episodes of the second season, and the 8 episodes of the third season. , the three seasons have only 23 episodes in total!

However, this little vixen actually plans to shoot 24 episodes in the first season?

Yang Maoyi responded affirmatively,"According to our plan, the first season of"Xia Guo Restaurant" mainly shoots first-tier cities and new first-tier cities. There are currently 15 local specialty restaurants in new first-tier cities. Although we are not sure that we will choose every new first-tier city, we have plans to shoot multiple episodes in the same city."

"For example, our Shengqing chapter will have at least two episodes. The first episode is [Different Hot Pot], and the second episode is [The Taste of Shengqing]. The restaurant for the second episode is still being selected. Currently, it is Jianghu cuisine and private cuisine. Wander."Yang Maoyi explained.

Yang Maoyi continued,"Similar to Magic City and Imperial City, we will definitely choose to shoot two episodes. So in total, at least 24 episodes will be shot! An

Liang nodded in response,"Okay, okay, it's not a big problem. Even if there are more episodes, we can still sell them to the national television record channel, at a cheaper price at most.""

"In fact, it’s okay to be cheaper. We can earn back the cost through other channels, whether it’s network broadcast rights, promoting the broadcast of our food review videos on the Internet, and influencing Fox Fairy’s food reviews, etc. Yang Maoyi said rationally.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Don't worry, you won't lose too much in terms of price!""

Nearly an hour later, the two of them finished eating the hot pot. They did not go back directly. They were just full now. Even if they went back, they would not be able to enter the league game. The two of them walked with their fingers intertwined under the night to eat. He asked casually," In the second episode of"Summer Country Restaurant", which two restaurants are your alternatives? Have I been to them?"

Yang Maoyi responded without concealment,"If you choose Jianghu cuisine, then choose [Heqi Shengcai Restaurant]; if you choose private cuisine, then choose [Tuhuo Private Restaurant]. Your Majesty has been to this restaurant."

"The owner of Tuhuo Private Restaurant is quite straightforward, right?"An Liang recalled.

Yang Maoyi responded with a chuckle,"Boss Song's emotional intelligence is indeed a bit low."

An Liang also laughed. The owner of Tuhuo Private Restaurant is indeed a little low in emotional intelligence, but he can't stop him from cooking delicious food.

"King, which one do you recommend?"Yang Maoyi asked

"【Heqi Shengcai Restaurant] is a little less distinctive, and it is rumored that it is planning to operate as a chain. Since you want to focus on the reasons why the traditional Xia Guo restaurant disappeared, I suggest choosing a private restaurant to illustrate the importance of cooking skills and the inability to standardize it.."An Liang explained.

Yang Maoyi's eyes lit up,"Yeah, the king is right, then choose the private restaurant!"

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