At nearly ten o'clock in the evening, Yang Maoyi drove the Mercedes-Benz GLC-AMG63 back to Linshanju. Anliang was sitting in the passenger seat. In his mind, he casually asked the Life Winner System to open the random lottery gift bag he had just received as a food reward.

An Liang didn't care about the random lottery gift packs he received as food rewards.

Because most of the random lottery gift packages for food rewards are basic rewards, such as primary consumption cash back cards, ultimate experience 001, or other relatively basic rewards.

Although there are occasional big prizes, the probability is too low.

Besides, with An Liang’s current net worth, an ordinary grand prize really cannot make An Liang’s mood fluctuate much.


‘Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special reward [the second clue of aluminum ion battery] through [random lottery gift pack]】’


Aluminum-ion battery second clue:

Aluminum-ion battery is about to be born in India!


An Liang fell into deep thought while looking at the second clue about aluminum-ion batteries provided by the special reward.

Aluminum-ion batteries are about to be born in India?

India? this...

Definitely not good news!

Anliang has a very bad impression of India, and the relationship between Anliang and India is also very bad. Renyi Security Company once performed a task of stealing thousand-year-old astragalus in the Sila State of India.

Although this mission did not leave any actual clues, India obviously suspected that Renyi Security Company was involved.

Even if there is no apparent conflict between the two parties, the seeds of the conflict have been planted. Once an opportunity arises, a conflict will definitely break out between the two parties.

So An Liang doesn't want to see aluminum-ion batteries appear in India at all!

"Little fox, I'll take care of some work first, and you can concentrate on driving."An Liang explained to Yang Maoyi

"Uh-huh!"Yang Maoyi agreed obediently without asking any questions.

An Liang immediately sent a message to Tianji Shensuan No. 4

‘Zero: Immediately investigate energy companies in India, especially companies that research and develop batteries in the field of new energy.’

‘Number Zero: Investigate this matter carefully!’

‘Zero: I received rumors that a company in India is developing aluminum-ion batteries and is about to succeed. I need to find out about this company!’

‘No. 4: Received’

‘Zero: We must not only investigate from the Internet, but also from reality. Once a suspected target is found, as long as there is suspicion, then arrange for field personnel to further investigate’

‘Number 4: Got it’

‘Zero: If you have any clues, report them immediately’

‘Number 4: Okay’

‘Zero: How is the situation over there at Neon?’

‘No. 4: The Seven Sins organization is still taking the blame, but the field staff of the Seven Sins organization are very well hidden. No one, including us, has discovered the field staff of the Seven Sins organization yet.’

‘No. 4: In addition to Neon classifying the Seven Sins as a terrorist force, the attitude of the Bald Eagle Nation is also ambiguous.’

‘No. 4: According to our analysis, the Seven Sins organization is the white glove of the Bald Eagle Kingdom. The Bald Eagle Kingdom must have also discovered the secret transportation operation, but the Bald Eagle Kingdom could not end it personally, so it arranged for the Seven Sins organization to conduct a sneak attack. Now the Seven Sins organization If the organization hides, they will naturally be suspected by the Bald Eagle Country of absconding with goods.’

‘Zero: No one doubts us, right?’

‘Number 4: There should be suspicions, but we deliberately left a few clues about the activities of field personnel in Neon, indicating that we are also tracking the Seven Sins organization, so the degree of suspicion is relatively low.’

‘Zero: Then continue to track the Seven Sins Organization’

‘Zero: However, we will give the highest priority to investigating India and mobilize all our resources to investigate the aluminum-ion battery.’

‘Number 4: No problem. '

After An Liang ordered the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, he thought about what he should do if he couldn't find the developer of the aluminum-ion battery?

Aluminum-ion batteries do have the ability to threaten the Graphene Technology Group that dreams of the future! if not found...


There is no such if!

An Liang has mobilized all the resources of Renyi Security Company. As long as this person is in India, he will definitely be investigated.

As long as the developer of the aluminum-ion battery is found, Anliang will have a large number of plans for him!

Yang Maoyi, who was driving, saw An Liang put down his mobile phone with her peripheral vision. She asked with concern,"Your Majesty, what happened?"

An Liang answered without any concealment,"There was a little accident, but it's not a big problem."

"Uh-huh! I believe the king can handle it well!"Yang Maoyi responded with admiration.

In Yang Maoyi's heart, An Liang seemed to be omnipotent!

An Liang replied with a smile,"You're right, I will definitely handle it."

Although the influence of aluminum-ion batteries is very great, as long as the hiding mice are found, there is no threat.

Thinking of this, An Liang sent another message to the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator

‘Zero: From now on, we will closely monitor all departure channels from India and strictly record any new energy experts who leave the country. Whether they are battery experts, material experts, or theoretical experts, all of them will be strictly recorded. come down’

‘Zero: After these experts leave the country, they must continue to be tracked, including recording the people who came into contact with them, etc.’

‘No. 4: Received. An

Liang breathed a sigh of relief after giving the instructions. Renyi Security Company was about to lay down a dragnet in India. How could the developers of aluminum-ion batteries escape the investigation of Renyi Security Company?

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