The next day.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang and Yang Maoyi came for a morning exercise. This little vixen was quite powerful. She was more powerful than the big cats in the Imperial City and Bingshan Girl combined.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to the photography studio first."Yang Maoyi simply put on light makeup and prepared to go to Nanruo Photography Studio.

An Liang nodded,"I'm also going to Shili Bay. There's something going on there."

"Uh-huh!"Yang Maoyi nodded obediently.

The two went out together. In the underground garage, An Liang dialed Ye Xiangyu's number.

In less than ten seconds, Ye Xiangyu answered the phone.

An Liang asked teasingly,"Brother Xiangyu, how was the situation yesterday?"

"Asking knowingly?"Ye Xiangyu complained.


An Liang is indeed asking questions knowingly!

Because An Liang arranged for the security personnel of Renyi Security Company to serve as Ye Xiangyu's driver and security personnel, he was very aware of Ye Xiangyu's situation last night. Ye

Xiangyu said he was going on an adventure, and he even told him in advance I asked Yun Haiyang for his contact information and address, but when the matter came to an end, the guy quietly retreated and returned to Mulingshan Peak Hotel alone.

This was because of Ye Xiangyu’s pure nature or 100-point evaluation. This guy had Thieves but no courage

"Go to Shiliwan to see the excitement?"An Liang briefly explained that Amgen Pharmaceutical Company arranged for six drug testers.

Ye Xiangyu also saw through Amgen Pharmaceutical Company's purpose in a second,"Are they doubting the efficacy of Miracle Salvia Pills?"

"normal. An Liang expressed his understanding attitude,"After all, people who can afford 3 million US dollars in medical expenses should be more careful.""

"Let's go, I want to see the effect of Miracle Salvia Pills."Ye Xiangyu said with interest.

The two drove flying motorcycles to Shili Bay respectively.

After all, it is a bit strange for two grown men to ride on a flying motorcycle!

Shili Bay.

In the temporary medical hall, Sun Shizhong and Bian Xiaogang were Check the conditions of the six patients sent by Amgen Pharmaceutical Company.

After some inspections, Sun Shizhong and Bian Xiaogang have determined the conditions of the six patients. All of them are very serious heart disease patients and may be affected at any time. Life-threatening.

Under such circumstances, Sun Shizhong and Bian Xiaogang skipped the basic testing and health observation links and directly chose to enter the medication link.

When An Liang and Ye Xiangyu came to Shiliwan, Sun Shizhong and Bian Xiaogang He has guided 6 patients to complete their first dose of medication and cooperated to complete relevant information records.

When Eric saw An Liang, he took the initiative to walk over and spoke first,"Mr. An, we sent over 6 patients first. If everything goes well for the drug testers, more than 300 heart disease patients will be sent over later."

This Eric is interesting!

Eric took the initiative to reveal that the 6 patients sent by Amgen Pharmaceutical Company were drug testers to avoid suspicion between both parties.

An Liang said jokingly,"It seems that those rich people are very afraid. die!"

"Of course!"Eric agreed,"They are really afraid of death. They want to treat heart disease, but they are also worried about the efficacy of Miracle Salvia Pills, so they jointly raised funds for six drug testers and waited for six testers to test the drug. After the personnel completed the treatment, they returned directly to Bald Eagle Country for examination."

"It is also advisable to be cautious."An Liang replied calmly.

"Thank you Mr. An for your understanding. Eric responded.

Bian Xiaogang answered the call,"We can understand the caution of Amgen Pharmaceutical Company, but we also need to conduct additional follow-up health examinations for 6 patients with severe heart disease.""

Bian Xiaogang continued to explain,"We will register them as patients in the second phase clinical trial of Miracle Danshen Pills and conduct relevant publicity. Eric glanced at An Liang, who didn't express his position, with his peripheral vision, and then understood An Liang's attitude. Naturally, he agreed without refusing,"No problem!" We at Amgen Pharmaceuticals will fully cooperate with Professor Bian.

Bian Xiaogang nodded,"Thank you, Mr. Eric, for your understanding.""

Time passes day by day.

Yang Maoyi has led the filming team of"Xiaguo Restaurant" to leave Shengqing and prepare to go to other cities for filming. Ye Xiangyu and Hou Limin also left Shengqing, while An Liang stayed in Shengqing to wait for the miracle salvia pills. The second verification experiment.

During this period, An Liang inevitably had contact with Liu Ling, but the two only had a dinner date. On the penultimate day of December, at eight o'clock in the evening.

Ai Rui from Amgen Pharmaceuticals Ke came to Shiliwan again because today is the recovery date for six patients with severe heart disease arranged by Amgen Pharmaceutical Company.

Bian Xiaogang and Sun Shizhong are conducting physical fitness tests on the six patients with heart disease, and each tester wears a It uses various sensors to determine the patient's physical condition.

Almost an hour later, Bian Xiaogang looked at the data displayed on the tablet and nodded with satisfaction,"Old Sun, I think there is no problem at all, what do you think? Sun Shizhong seconded,"

I agree with you. Their heart disease has been completely cured. The next step is to go to the hospital for a review." Bian

Xiaogang said negatively,"The next step is to let them go back to their homes and let the Bald Eagles check on them to avoid wasting our medical resources.""

Sun Shizhong smiled and said nothing.

"Professor Bian, can I see the relevant data? Eric asked.

Bian Xiaogang responded jokingly,"Do you understand?""

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