Faced with Bian Xiaogang's teasing, Eric still answered with a smile,"If you don't understand, then ask Professor Bian to help explain it."

Bian Xiaogang looked at Eric helplessly. This crooked nut was slippery. Very well, even though Bian Xiaogang's attitude was unfriendly, Eric was still very polite.

"Here!"Bian Xiaogang handed the tablet to Eric.

Eric is the representative of Amgen Pharmaceutical Company in Xia Guo, and he is proficient in Xia Guo, so he can naturally understand the information displayed on the tablet.

‘It really works! Eric looked at the data on the tablet and understood what the data meant.

While Eric was checking the tablet, Bian Xiaogang sent the results of the second phase of the Miracle Salvia Pill experiment to An Liang.

‘Bian Xiaogang: [Health data of 6 drug testers]’

‘Bian Xiaogang: Miracle Danshen Pills have worked again, and all 6 drug testers with severe heart disease have recovered’

‘Bian Xiaogang: Should we publicly promote Miracle Salvia Pills?’

‘An Liang: How are you going to promote it?’

‘Bian Xiaogang: Promote through the account of Anxin Life Sciences Group’

‘Bian Xiaogang: By the way, let the certified account of Amgen Pharmaceutical Company help us promote it. '

Good guy!

Is this Bian Xiaogang really good at raking in wool, not even letting go of a barely popular blogger like Amgen Pharmaceutical Company?

‘An Liang: I think it will work!’

‘An Liang: Then the promotion on Weibo will be left to you?’

‘Bian Xiaogang: No problem’

‘Bian Xiaogang: I also plan to refute the rumors through this publicity!’

‘An Liang: Refuting rumors?’

‘Bian Xiaogang: This is my plan...’

After Bian Xiaogang and An Liang agreed on a plan to refute the rumors, they used the official account of Anxin Life Sciences Group to post information on Weibo.


Anxin Life Sciences Group:

Good news!

The first batch of 6 volunteers from Bald Eagle Country with severe heart disease entered the second phase clinical trial of Miracle Salvia Pills on December 27.

Currently, 6 patients have taken a complete course of Miracle Salvia Pills, and all patients have been cured of severe heart disease after reexamination.

Our next step at Anxin Life Sciences Group will be to recruit more volunteers for the second phase of clinical trials to verify the efficacy of the drug.

Taking this opportunity, we at Anxin Life Sciences Group would like to refute the rumors!

Regarding the [Miracle Danshen Pills Sales Area Plan] published on the Internet, it is not an official document published by our company. The Miracle Danshen Pills developed by our company are currently in the clinical trial stage and do not have any plans for marketing.

Any sales information about Miracle Salvia Pills is suspected of possible fraud, so consumers are advised to be aware.

Finally, I wish you all good health!


After Bian Xiaogang released the latest information using the official account of Anxin Life Sciences Group, he contacted Eric directly and asked Eric to use Amgen Pharmaceutical Company for related promotions, and then forwarded the news to Anliang.

An Liang checked the information posted by Bian Xiaogang, and he couldn't help but smile. This Bian Xiaogang obviously likes to do things that cross the line. Is it okay to directly publicly deny the [Miracle Salvia Pill Sales Area Plan]?

However, it seems like this actually works!

Avoid disputes by bypassing related legal risks through phase II clinical trials

‘An Liang: Well done!’

‘Bian Xiaogang: Thank you for the compliment, that’s what I should do. '

Currently Bian Xiaogang has joined Anxin Life Sciences Group in Shiliwan. He wants to seek progress, so he naturally chooses to advance and retreat together with Anxin Life Sciences Group.

An Liang also knew what Bian Xiaogang meant, but he still needed to test Bian Xiaogang.


Bald Eagle Country.

Amgen Pharmaceuticals Corporation Headquarters.

Williams Emu is talking to Eric

"you sure? Williams' tone was full of surprise.

Eric responded affirmatively,"I'm sure!" William, I'm 100% sure! I was accompanied throughout the entire medical process, and I could view all the test data freely, and they did not block my visit during the final test."

"I will arrange for Tom and the others to return to the Bald Eagle immediately, and you can check on their situation." Eric added

"We will! Williams responded,"One more thing, have you investigated the number of Miracle Salvia Pills?""

"I've been doing some ins and outs over the past few days, and the currently determined number can be used by about 900 patients. As for the follow-up situation, based on the intelligence analysis collected, I guess they will make the decision based on profits. Eric responded.

Williams lowered his voice,"Have you heard about the formula?""

"No, I don’t dare to test the formula. William, don’t harm me. You know his situation. If I do something that crosses the line, I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave Ten Mile Bay. Eric said bitterly.

Eric knew more or less about Anliang. He also knew about the existence of Renyi Security Company. If he really stole the formula of Miracle Salvia Pills, he might stay in Shili forever. Bay.

Williams coughed twice,"Then let's not talk about this matter. Let's try to get more places and make profits first."

"Makes sense!"Eric breathed a sigh of relief.

If Williams insists on the formula of Miracle Salvia Pills, then Eric will have to consider whether to switch to Anxin Life Sciences Group?

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