In the Internet world of Xia State, the official blog account of Anxin Life Sciences Group released the latest rumor refuting information, but this information was ridiculed by the majority of netizens.

After all, in the eyes of most trolling netizens, Anxin Life Sciences Group’s refutation of the rumors made netizens think they were fools, right?

However, someone with understanding soon stepped forward to clear up the confusion and thoroughly analyzed Anxin Life Sciences Group's superb operations one by one.

This kind of analysis quickly became the most popular comment, and received nearly 10,000 likes in less than a quarter of an hour. However, you must know that Anxin Life Sciences Group only has more than 70,000 followers.



Anxin Life Sciences Group refuted the rumors?

It is simply outrageous that his son burned incense - outrageous to heaven!

As a practitioner in the pharmaceutical industry, I would like to carefully educate myself and find out that Miracle Danshen Pills have immunity from traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, which means that theoretically, Miracle Danshen Pills can skip the clinical trial stage and go on the market directly.

However, the immunity of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions is only effective in our country of Xia, which means that if Miracle Danshen Pills are to be sold in the global market, data verification in the clinical trial phase will inevitably be required.

Now Anxin Life Sciences Group has publicly denied the launch of Miracle Danshen Pills, euphemistically calling it a second phase clinical trial. This is the best of both worlds.

In the name of the second phase clinical trial, Anxin Life Sciences Group can not only sell Miracle Danshen Pills internally, but also use corresponding patients to conduct the second phase clinical trial.

It can only be said that Anxin Life Sciences Group wants to take it all!

He wants both fame and profit.

What a great plan to kill two birds with one stone!

What's even more amazing is that even if we analyze the answer, we clearly know that Anxin Life Sciences Group can kill two birds with one stone, but what can we do?

You can't just watch helplessly!

This is the most brilliant conspiracy. All the answers have been told to you, and all the tricks have been laid out. However, there is still no way to avoid being tricked. You can only fall into the trick obediently.

Look at those proud bald eagle people, aren't they being beaten on the head by Anxin Life Sciences Group?

I even guessed the sales method of Anxin Life Sciences Group. In order to avoid legal risks in Bald Eagle Country, Anxin Life Sciences Group must require patients from Bald Eagle Country to go to Xia Country and participate in the second phase of clinical trials as volunteers. name.

In this way, no matter what happens, even if there is a small probability of a medical accident causing the death of a patient, Anxin Life Sciences Group can successfully suppress it.

This is the terrifying layout of Anxin Life Sciences Group!

Now do you understand the purpose of Anxin Life Sciences Group’s release of rumor-refuting information?

Do you still stupidly think that Anxin Life Sciences Group is deceiving itself and think that we, a group of shady netizens, will believe them?

They know we know they're lying!

And this is the effect they want!

One last thing: this is a trumpet account, please do not dig into the details, and all the above are irresponsible guesses.


This popular comment received a large number of likes and support, and a large number of comments expressed a sudden realization. After all, this popular comment analyzed Anxin Life Sciences Group's routines and various hidden layouts one by one.

Let Anxin Life Sciences Group, a giant lurking in the water, surface.

The second most popular comment also received a lot of support, because a large number of troll netizens said that they looked like the second most popular comment.


Clear Sky in Winter:

After reading @xinliang’s analysis, I realized how stupid I am! real!

I'm so stupid!

I originally thought that Anxin Life Sciences Group was just talking hard and trying to cover up its dirty tricks. After all, there are many things like this, right?

However, after analysis, I discovered that the clown was actually me!

Is this Anxin Life Sciences Group so powerful?

I thought Anxin Life Sciences Group was unknown!

I can only say that I am ignorant!


Among the comments with the second most popular comments, there is one comment that is more interesting. This piece of information points out the background information of Anxin Life Sciences Group.


Tianyan spokesperson:

@Clear skies in winter: Is Anxin Life Sciences Group unknown?

Although Anxin Life Sciences Group is an unlisted company and we cannot inquire about the specific equity situation, we can investigate some clues through clues.

For example, through [Amgen Pharmaceutical Company] as a link, we can guess the relationship between Anxin Life Sciences Group and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

After all, Amgen Pharmaceuticals previously represented Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s [Guardian Prosthetic Framework], and now it’s ‘agent’ for Anxin Life Sciences Group’s Miracle Salvia Pills.

Coupled with some undisclosed gossip, we can only say that Anxin Life Sciences Group has a great background!

Finally, I would like to add some clues. The address of Anxin Life Sciences Group is in Shengqing, and AXA Construction Company is responsible for building the related facilities of Anxin Life Sciences Group.

So you can make a reasonable guess?


However, less than ten seconds after this comment was posted, it was suddenly deleted and the related account was banned.

This is a specific planned task set by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator using the Tianji Artificial Intelligence System. Once various sensitive information appears in the official blog accounts of all Anliang's companies, it will be locked by the Tianji Artificial Intelligence System for classification and processing.

Including but not limited to deletion, banning, and continuous tracking of account dynamics, etc.

If necessary, the Tianji artificial intelligence system will also try to obtain account user information and even hand over the corresponding information to Renyi Security Company for processing.

After all, Anliang attaches great importance to privacy and low-key. He prefers to build an iceberg empire silently rather than appearing in the sun!

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