The performance improvement of the third-generation lighthouse helmet is huge, but Wei Jiancheng has not revealed a key piece of information

"Thank you for your applause, but you are clapping a little early now."Wei Jiancheng joked.

"Regarding the user feedback of the first and second generation Lighthouse helmets, we received quite a lot of feedback that the weight of the Lighthouse helmet is slightly heavier, which will easily increase the burden on the head if worn for a long time."Wei Jiancheng explained.

Just like the special instructions released by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has been collecting user feedback information in the Xia Guo sales area to improve the lighthouse helmet and better serve users.

"Based on the feedback from users, we redesigned the carbon fiber lighthouse helmet, thereby further reducing the weight of the lighthouse helmet. The lighthouse helmet dropped from the original 1370 grams to 1128 grams, which greatly reduced the weight on the head."Wei Jiancheng introduced the reduction of the weight of the lighthouse helmet, showing the importance of user feedback information.

"Are you ready for applause?"Wei Jiancheng said jokingly,"We have one last important news to announce, and we hope to hear everyone's applause!"

Media personnel and audiences at the scene applauded in advance, and netizens in the online live broadcast room also quickly commented on the barrage, waiting for Wei Jiancheng to announce the last important news.

"We Dream Future Graphene Technology Group hereby announces that the entire third-generation lighthouse helmet, from hardware equipment to software systems, from human resources to production technology, is all provided by Xia Guo, and the technologies involved are all from Xia Guo!"Wei Jiancheng solemnly announced.

After Wei Jiancheng's announcement, the scene burst into violent applause again.

The webcast room was also full of bullet screens.

‘Completely domestically produced? Bullfrog Bullfrog!’

‘is this real?’

‘I don’t read much, please don’t lie to me!’

‘Dreaming about the future graphene technology group Niubikras!’

‘It has actually achieved complete Xiaguo transformation. This is amazing!’

‘Is it true or false?’

‘To be honest, I don’t believe it!’

‘Don’t believe it +1!’

‘How to solve the problem of photolithography machine?’

‘And how to solve the problem of processor framework agreement?’



At the new product launch conference, Wei Jiancheng coughed to remind the audience to be quiet.

"I know that everyone will definitely question what we just announced. Next, we can reply to your three questions. Please scan the QR code to vote for the three questions. We will answer the three questions with the highest number of votes."Wei Jiancheng announced.

A huge QR code was immediately displayed on the screen wall behind him. Everyone used their mobile phones to scan the QR code, but there was no way to scan it in the live broadcast room because this QR code required positioning. Information, only location information at the National Convention Center is allowed to be accessed.

"A friendly reminder not to ask questions about our suppliers, because after the press conference, we will proactively disclose all suppliers of the third-generation Beacon helmet."Wei Jiancheng issued a reminder.

One minute later, the voting ended, and three questions were displayed on the screen wall.

‘What is the processor technology used in the third-generation Beacon Helmet?’

‘What level of process is the processor used in the third-generation Beacon Helmet?’

‘What technology is the network communication system used in the third-generation lighthouse helmet? '

All three questions are very pointed!

There were a large number of media people at the scene. Although these media people were not professionals, they dealt with relevant news on a daily basis and naturally knew the technical difficulties in the lighthouse helmet.

Wei Jiancheng looked at the three questions and laughed first,"You are so awesome! All three questions are sharp and sharp questions!" The audience burst into laughter.

"First of all, let’s talk about the network communication technology of the third-generation lighthouse helmet. As we all know, We Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Huaban Mobile are strategic partners, and we have obtained the authorization for the fourth-generation communication baseband module of Huaban Mobile."Wei Jiancheng revealed the information

"The third-generation Beacon Helmet is different from a mobile phone. It does not require a 5G high-speed network. Only a 4G network is sufficient for the use of the third-generation Beacon Helmet."Wei Jiancheng added

"Even if there is no network, the third-generation Beacon Helmet, like the previous two generations of Beacon Helmets, can operate independently without the network."Wei Jiancheng added.

Neither the first-generation Beacon Helmet nor the second-generation Beacon Helmet has an independent network communication module, and all system updates need to be performed on the Wi-Fi network.

"Needless to say more about Huaban Company’s network communication technology, right?"Wei Jiancheng joked,"If there is anyone who really doesn't know about Huaban Company's network communication technology, I suggest you go to Weibo and leave a message to Mr. Dong Dayu."

When Wei Jiancheng talked about Dong Dayu from Petal Phone, the audience burst into laughter again. After all, Dong Dayu understands everything?

He is a standard big-mouthed guy!

In fact, Dong Dayu is really on the Internet. In the live broadcast room, he was watching the new product launch conference of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. When he saw Wei Jiancheng linking him through the air, Dong Dayu did not hesitate. He immediately used his official blog account to reply and link!

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