On the Internet, when Dong Dayu contacted Wei Jiancheng through the air, he responded using his official blog account


Dong Dayu:

@Dream Future Graphene Technology Group: Thanks to the support of our partners, our Petal Phone will move forward bravely as always!

I wish Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s third generation lighthouse helmet a complete success!

Repost this Weibo post, and we will draw a lucky friend to receive a graphene version of the Petal b40Pro+ mobile phone.


As Dong Dayu used his official blog account to respond to Wei Jiancheng's air linkage, the barrage exploded again in the webcast room of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's new product launch conference.

Wei Jiancheng didn't know yet that Dong Dayu had responded to the linkage. He was preparing to reply to the second question at the new product launch conference.

"The processor of the third-generation Beacon Helmet uses a 28-nanometer process technology."Wei Jiancheng explained candidly, and then added,"I know the meaning of your question, which company's photolithography machine we use to produce the corresponding chips, right?"

Currently the most well-known lithography machine manufacturer in the world is ASML, but that does not mean that it is the only lithography machine manufacturer in the world.

For example, Neon's Nikon and Canon can both manufacture Lithography machines, but the most advanced ones are produced by Asmail.

In addition, Xia Guo also has lithography machine manufacturers, and Xia Guo's lithography machine manufacturers have fully adapted all parts and technologies to Xia Guo.

This photolithography machine manufacturer in Xia Guo is called 'Modu Microelectronics'. They are currently testing a 28-nanometer photolithography machine internally and will soon officially launch the product to the market.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has already asked Modu Microelectronics Electronics placed an order and obtained an 'in-house experimental' 28nm photolithography machine to help the other party test its performance.

But in fact, the processor chips of the third-generation lighthouse helmet are mostly used by Dark Core Technology. Smail's DUV lithography machine is in production.

Of course, this situation is a secret among secrets. In addition, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can indeed use Modu Microelectronics' 28nm in-house experimental lithography machine for production. Processor for the third generation Beacon Helmet, so what else is wrong?

"Some friends must have guessed the answer. It is indeed Modu Microelectronics. Their technology has made a breakthrough. At present, the 28nm lithography machine has been successfully developed. We have obtained internal supply. Congratulations to Modu Microelectronics in advance!"Wei Jiancheng smiled and blessed.

The relevant personnel of Modu Microelectronics who were watching the new product launch also immediately used the official blog account to reply like Dong Dayu, announcing their gratitude for the support of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

"Finally, there is the issue of processor technology. Everyone is familiar with Intel x86 framework technology, and ARM framework technology, which is currently the absolute dominant player in the mobile phone field. These two processor framework technologies are overseas patented technologies."Wei Jiancheng explained

"Our third-generation lighthouse helmet uses the open source RISC-V framework technology. Although this framework technology also originated overseas, it is a completely open source and open technology. We have deeply modified and redesigned it based on the RISC-V framework, and finally The [Guangming Type 1] integrated processor was designed."Wei Jiancheng revealed the new products of Dark Core Technology Company again.

"The Guangming 1 integrated processor is a processor specifically responsible for lighthouse helmets. It is a highly integrated chip that not only integrates the CPU, but also integrates the GPU and has a built-in memory chip."Wei Jiancheng added

"Since the Guangming 1 processor is exclusive to the Lighthouse helmet and we will not sell it to the outside world, we have no plans to introduce the Guangming 1 processor in detail for the time being."Wei Jiancheng added

"Finally, there is the issue of the price of the third-generation lighthouse helmet. This question will be handed over to my colleague Shen Yonghua. Thank you for your patience in listening to me, and thank you for your support."Wei Jiancheng left the main podium.

Shen Yonghua returned to the center of the main podium,"Hello everyone, we meet again. It is a great honor to introduce to you the price information of the third-generation lighthouse helmet."

"Since our third-generation lighthouse helmet has added a mobile network communication module, updated the Guangming 1 processor, and updated a large number of hardware devices, the final selling price has been improved to a certain extent."Shen Yonghua first explained the issue of price increase.

The screen wall displayed the corresponding cost increase data.

Among them, the cost price of Guangming 1 processor is 300 yuan, the price of 4G mobile network communication baseband from Huaban mobile phone is 260 yuan, and the related hardware Overall cost increased by 18%

"However, the original intention of our group has not changed, and we still plan to serve the visually impaired with lighthouse helmets. Our public selling price in Xia Guo is still only the BOM list price."Shen Yonghua added the pricing strategy

"The final price of the third-generation lighthouse helmet is 3,569 yuan. At the same time, even after the third-generation lighthouse helmet is released, we will continue to sell the first-generation lighthouse helmet and keep the price of 2,550 yuan unchanged."Shen Yonghua added that it provides an additional option for some low-income people with visual impairments.

After all, for people with visual impairments, although the price of the third-generation lighthouse helmet ultimately increased by just over a thousand yuan, this price Still very expensive!

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