The next day.

At nearly nine o'clock in the morning, An Liang's cell phone rang with an incoming call, waking An Liang and Zhao Wanxi together. An Liang yawned and took the phone over to check. It turned out to be a call from Huang Guoxiang.

"What's up?"An Liang spoke first after answering.

"Did you grab Neon's share?"Huang Guoxiang asked straight to the point.

"What the hell? An Liang complained,"It's not like you don't know that the thousand-year-old Astragalus must be pinched off. Huang

Guoxiang chuckled mischievously,"We just knew that, that's why we called you.""

"Um? An Liang was confused,"What's going on?""

"According to the intelligence we obtained, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau blamed you for this incident, so is it really not you?"Huang Guoxiang asked curiously

"Poisonous? An Liang complained,"Why should we be blamed?""

"Maybe I think you are the most suspicious?"Huang Guoxiang joked

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Is this okay?

"Not talking about evidence?"An Liang responded

"It’s not like they want to judge you, so what evidence do they need?"Huang Guoxiang teased again

"Can! An Liang responded with a snort,"You're trying to be disgusting on purpose, right?""

"Roughly the same!"Huang Guoxiang answered affirmatively.

The Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau really had no clue about the interception of Toshihiko Nakamura, so the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau directly threw the blame to Renyi Security Company.

Because of such a clueless situation, indeed It's like the work of Renyi Security Company.

In the view of Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, Renyi Security Company has the ability to do such things, and has done such things many times.

So Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau naturally thinks that it is Renyi Security Company was behind the scenes.

In fact, Renyi Security Company was not the scapegoat!

Although it was Vitaly Glaev, a deep-hibernation lurker from Kolberg in the Arctic Bear Country, who ultimately carried out the mission, the person behind the scenes who was behind this interception was It turned out to be Renyi Security Company.

Kolberg from the North Bear Country was just a thug!

The initial intelligence work, the subsequent continuous tracking, and the seemingly lucky 'traffic accident' were all manipulated by Renyi Security Company behind the scenes.

So Ni Is the Hong Intelligence and Investigation Bureau a mistake?

"According to the intelligence we received, Neon has also spread the word and is preparing to target you."Huang Guoxiang added

"How can they target us?"An Liang sneered.

To be honest, An Liang is not looking down on the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but the gap between the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is a bit obvious.

If the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau wants to target Renyi Security Company, An Liang would be more or less nervous.

But the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau?


What kind of rotten fish is that?

The Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau does have a certain deterrent effect in Neon due to its local advantages.

But if it is arrogant They said they would target Renyi Security Company. How would they target it?

Come to Xia Kingdom to target them?

Or go to Southeast Asia?

Whether they come to Xia Kingdom or go to Southeast Asia, Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau always delivers food to your door.

"It’s still a matter of Australia."Huang Guoxiang tells the answer of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau

"..."An Liang was a little speechless

"Is Neon also going to get involved in the Tereson lithium metal mine? An Liang complained,"This is a lack of martial ethics!""

"You are very powerful. According to the situation of the Neon Intelligence Bureau, unless you enter Neon territory and confront them head-on, they really don't know how to target you."Huang Guoxiang said with emotion.

The Intelligence and Investigation Bureau of a country can't help Renyi Security Company. This kind of thing really makes Huang Guoxiang sigh with emotion.

"But don’t worry, once Bald Eagle and Neon target Tereson Metal Lithium Mine, we will also help you withstand the pressure." Huang Guoxiang’s additional explanation

"After all, this matter is not simply aimed at you. On a deeper level, this time it is the Bald Eagle's test of us, thus targeting our new energy layout."Huang Guoxiang said with a sigh.

In order to avoid Bald Eagle's monopoly and clampdown on petroleum energy, Xia Guo invested huge funds and talents into the field of new energy lithium batteries.

After more than 20 years of concentrated development, Xia Guo Already at the forefront of the world in the field of lithium battery new energy, and relying on lithium battery new energy to build a backup plan other than petroleum energy.

This time Bald Eagle will target Tereson, in addition to targeting Dream Future Graphene Technology Group , in fact, it is also targeting the new energy industry of Xia State, and even the future of Xia State as a whole.

"I'm afraid you don't have any good ideas, right?"An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang did not refute. After all, Tyrison is in Da'ao. If an accident does happen, it will be beyond his reach.

"We can only try our best to find ways to solve the problem."Huang Guoxiang sighed,"With the development of the lithium mining industry, mining technology is also constantly improving, and our domestic lithium salt lake resources can also be effectively utilized."

"If countries like Bald Eagle, Great Australia, and Neon unite to put pressure on us, we will ensure the supply of lithium metal for your Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."Huang Guoxiang promised

"Thanks."An Liang responded with thanks.

Huang Guoxiang didn't know about the aluminum-ion battery, so the promise he gave was indeed worthy of gratitude.

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