In the deep web, a temporarily constructed encrypted communication channel.

There are only three users in the temporarily constructed encrypted communication channel, namely‘J’、‘BE’,as well as‘K’

The three code names are codenamed 'Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau'’、‘Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau’、‘Tai O Secret Intelligence Investigation'.

Although the three intelligence agencies all know each other's identities, they still use code names in temporarily constructed encrypted communication channels to avoid accidents.

‘J: Our share of the thousand-year-old astragalus has been taken away. You should all know, right?’

‘K: Are you sure it was done by Renyi Security Company?’

‘J: Not 100% sure’

‘J: But the style of this incident is very similar to Renyi Security Company’

‘J: When we investigated afterwards, we found that all security monitoring records had been completely deleted, without any clues.’

‘J: The style of Renyi Security Company is to remove all traces’

‘J: Secondly, we are not sure how Toshihiko Nakamura was exposed’

‘J: We highly suspect that Renyi Security Company has been tracking Toshihiko Nakamura.’

‘BE: We also have some bad news here’

‘BE: Park Yixun of Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau has disappeared in the Kingdom of Maine’

‘BE: It seems that the penetration of Renyi Security Company in the Kingdom of Maine exceeds our expectations.’

‘BE: Regarding what J said, our guess is that Renyi Security Company is behind the scenes, but the actual executor may be Beixiong Country.’

‘BE: Beixiong Country and Renyi Security Company are very close, and they have had more than one gray cooperation.’

‘J:@BE: We can unite and target Renyi Security Company!’

‘BE: What are your plans?’

‘J: We have discovered that Renyi Security Company has penetrated very deeply into Corea. We plan to divert the trouble to the east and have Renyi Security Company and Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau confront each other within Corea.’

‘J: The disappearance of Park Yixun of the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau in the Kingdom of Maine is a very good fuse. We will personally give this fuse to them.’

‘J:@BE: If we have your proof, the Correia Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau will definitely believe in the intelligence we provide.’

‘BE: We can provide you with proof’

‘K: We can help too’

‘J: Thanks’

‘BE:@K: Has the situation at Tereson Metal Lithium Mine been investigated clearly?’

‘K: We are currently in trouble’

‘K: The safety measures at Terrasen Metal Lithium Mine are very good, far exceeding the standards of other local mining industries.’

‘K: Tereson has also done very well in terms of employee treatment. Whether it is salary, medical insurance, and various benefits, it also exceeds that of our local mining companies.’

‘K: If we target Tyreson, I’m afraid it will cause pressure on the fishing boats.’

‘BE: Then find a way to frame Tyrison!’

‘K: We have inspected Teresin many times recently and found some irrelevant reasons to ask Teresin to stop production. Teresin also stopped production and made rectifications according to our requirements.’

‘K: But Terrasen is also actively trying to save itself. They have released quite a lot of information on the Internet social media of Australia, indicating that we are deliberately looking for trouble. This has already aroused the vigilance of quite a few foreign-funded enterprises.’

‘K: In addition, there are different voices within us, so now we don’t know what method to use to frame Tyreson.’

‘BE: Let Tereson's gas explode!’

‘K: Tereson has a safety supervision system, and in the entire mining area, except for the canteen one kilometer away from the mining area, there are no gas pipelines in other areas. '

After Terrasen was taken over by Xia Guo's Tianqi New Energy Group, it has been improving Terrasen's production environment, because Tianqi New Energy Group also knows that people have to bow their heads under the roof.

So try to avoid making mistakes as much as possible.

It is precisely because of the prudence of Tianqi New Energy Group that Da'ao cannot act blatantly and without reason even if it wants to target the Tereson Metal Lithium Mine.

‘J: Is there any way to cause safety incidents in mines?’

‘J: For example, a mine collapse?’

‘J: Or was it an accident that caused casualties?’

‘BE: This is a good suggestion’

‘K: Unless we find a way to deliberately cause an accident to frame them, according to the safety measures at Tyreson, it is probably impossible for such a thing to happen.’

‘K: Tereson has not had any accidents since 2012.’

‘BE: We can hand over a ground-penetrating missile to you, and you can operate it yourself.’

‘K: Then let’s let Tyreson stop production again, and then use ground-penetrating missiles to blow up their mines during the shutdown, so as to use this as an excuse to stop them for a long time.’

‘BE: Not only should they suspend production for a long time, but they should also treat their employees well and protect their lives during the shutdown! '

If we still treat our employees well when production is suspended, the financial pressure on Tianqi New Energy Group behind the scenes will be huge.

Once something like this really happens, the most likely possibility is that Tianqi New Energy Group will be forced to sell Tereson Metal Lithium Mine Company, thereby preventing Tereson from continuing to rot in its hands and continue to suck blood.

This is the vicious plan devised by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau!

The Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau not only wants Tereson to stop production, but also wants Tereson, the world's largest lithium mining company, to completely sever ties with Xia Guo!

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