India, New Delhi.

Suzuki Kanaya checked the information sent by the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. When he saw the information that Nakamura Toshihiko was dead, his face looked a little ugly.

"idiot!" Suzuki Kanaya gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice. However, Suzuki Kanaya secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although Nakamura Toshihiko failed to complete the mission, after the news of Nakamura Toshihiko's mission failure came out, Suzuki Kanaya's dangerous situation could be more or less alleviated. After all , other intelligence agencies are not fools. After the news of Toshihiko Nakamura's accident spread, other intelligence agencies will naturally analyze Suzuki Kaneya's plan to secretly build a plank road to assassinate Chen Cang.

Unfortunately, this result is not what Suzuki Kaneya wants.


Xia Kingdom, the imperial capital.

On the evening of the second day of January, An Liang was still checking the overseas agricultural planting base plan when he received a call from Zhao Wanxi

"Are you still at Kongshan Teahouse?"Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to ask

"Um."An Liang responded.

"I'll come over with Siyu and the others. How about we eat hotpot mutton in the evening?"Zhao Wanxi proposed.

An Liang agreed,"No problem. Is there delicious hotpot mutton here in Kongshan?"

"certainly!"Zhao Wanxi replied affirmatively,"We're leaving first. I'll come over and tell you later."

"good."An Liang responded.

After the two parties ended the call, An Liang continued to check the overseas agricultural planting base plan. This plan included the profit distribution plan for the official members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, as well as investment proportions, security measures, etc. etc.

In addition to the overseas agricultural planting base plan submitted by the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, Anliang also asked the North Bear Country and the former Chief Minister of Neon to submit corresponding plans. In order to avoid problems with the Anti-Monopoly Act, Anliang will The former chief ministers of the North Bear Country and Neon were involved in the overseas agricultural planting base plan.

Especially the former chief minister of Neon, the relationship between him and An Liang is very complicated, but the relationship between them is definitely not friendly.

So Under such circumstances, if Anliang brings the former Chief Minister of Neon into the overseas agricultural planting base, he can 100% avoid the restrictions of the Anti-Monopoly Act.

Although the relationship between the former Chief Minister of Neon and Anliang is not friendly, he is the most important in the overseas agricultural planting base plan. The core foundation is the graphene reverse osmosis membrane.

Currently, only the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can produce graphene reverse osmosis membranes cheaply. Therefore, even if the former chief minister of Neon participated in the overseas agricultural planting base plan, he was just a string in An Liang's hands. Puppet.

More importantly, the former chief minister of Neon still needs to rely on the Millennium Astragalus, but the largest stock of Millennium Astragalus is also in the hands of Anliang, so how can the former Chief Minister of Neon resist Anliang? In less than half an hour, two aircraft The luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed in the air parking port of Kongshan Tea House. Zhao Wanxi and Chen Siyu, as well as Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian came over together. The four girls walked into Kongshan Tea House together. An Liang heard the movement and looked over. He He glanced at Zhao Wanxi, then at Song Qian, and asked casually,"So fast?"

"We flew here." Zhao Wanxi responded proactively.

Chen Siyu came to An Liang. She glanced at the content displayed on the tablet and asked casually,"What is this? An Liang didn’t mean to hide anything,"

We plan to build some agricultural planting bases overseas."

"Um? Chen Siyu was confused,"There should be a lot of cultivated land in our country that can be developed, right?""

An Liang stretched out his hand to hug Chen Siyu and let her sit on his lap. This big imperial cat also liked to be An Liang's lap cat. She blushed slightly shyly, but her heart was very warm.

Because Chen Siyu knew that An Liang wanted to express Meaning, even if Zhao Wanxi is in front of him, An Liang will not favor one over the other.

So An Liang generously holds Chen Siyu in his arms

"Our deployment of agricultural planting bases overseas actually has other meanings, such as controlling the local voice through agricultural planting bases, or even going further. An Liang explained simply.

Chen Siyu responded coquettishly,"Oh, these things are so complicated. Let's discuss how to cook the mutton later." An

Liang pinched Chen Siyu's fair face, then looked at Zhao Wanxi,"Where should we go to eat later?""

"At the top of Kongshan, Kongling Pavilion, the mutton-shabu-shabu in copper pot has been passed down for more than a hundred years, retaining the most traditional style of the old imperial capital." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang raised his eyebrows and asked,"The kind with sesame sauce for dipping?"

"Kongling Pavilion is also changing with the times and they have your Shengqing style dipping dishes."Zhao Wanxi responded

"That's good."An Liang doesn't like the sesame sauce dipping dish very much, but prefers the combination of sesame oil, minced garlic, chopped green onion and coriander.

An Liang glanced at the time. It was almost seven o'clock. He put away the tablet and then said hello," We're leaving now."

Zhao Wanxi added,"We will walk up directly, it will take ten minutes at most."

"no problem!"An Liang agreed.

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