Under the leadership of Zhao Wanxi, everyone walked towards Kongshan. Kongshan was said to be a mountain, but in fact the total height was less than fifty meters. It was just a joke.

On the road, An Liang took the initiative to walk beside Song Qian. Song Qian didn't dare to look at An Liang, so she walked with her head down.

"Have you been busy lately?" An Liang asked casually.

Previously, Song Qian was selected as the publicist of the National Conservatory of Music, responsible for conducting open piano classes in various primary and secondary schools.

Song Qian nodded slightly, and she answered in a low voice,"I have finished my work. In fact, I just take turns teaching in various primary and secondary schools. Give a music lesson, very simple."

Such a thing is indeed very simple, and it is also a good thing for Song Qian, because Song Qian's piano talent is far less outstanding than Chen Siyu, so Chen Siyu can participate in international piano competitions, but Song Qian's future future is probably to serve as a piano teacher.

Therefore, it is a good thing that Song Qian was selected as the publicist of the National Conservatory of Music. At least she has some experience as a piano teacher in advance.

"Have you found any good seeds? An Liang asked casually.

Song Qian shook her head,"How can there be so many good seedlings?""

"Although I have found a few children who are good at playing the piano, all of them have been forced to practice by rote memorization, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to enter our school in the future. Song Qian added.

Chen Siyu seconded,"Our school enrolls very few students each year. Every student is a musical genius. If there is no talent, it is definitely impossible to enter our school.""

Ning Ruoshuang listened quietly on the side. Her personality was relatively quiet.

Zhao Wanxi sighed and said,"I can actually play the piano, and my skills are considered good among non-professionals, but I I once took the exams of Siyu and Qianqian's school and were directly eliminated."

"Then you should be worse at playing than me! An Liang said teasingly.

Zhao Wanxi tilted her head,"You can do that too?""

"I'm a master! An Liang replied with a smile,"My level is enough to pass me off as a student from the National Conservatory of Music.""

Song Qian and Ning Ruoshuang couldn't help but smile.

Chen Siyu snorted,"Your level is still a little low. Qianqian can kill you a hundred times in an instant!"

"Not that bad, right?"An Liang was slightly embarrassed.

Chen Siyu thought about it seriously, then nodded and said,"It's actually quite bad. You only played one song well, the other songs...Just don’t say it!"

The piece that An Liang played well was naturally his and Chen Siyu's repertoire"OurLove".

Zhao Wanxi answered with a smile,"Then we have time to discuss it?"

"no problem!" An Liang agreed without hesitation. If he couldn't beat two professionals, how could he beat a non-professional Zhao Wanxi?

Zhao Wanxi looked at Ning Ruoshuang again. She took the initiative to find a topic and said,"Shuangshuang, You usually do yoga in the evening, right?"

Ning Ruoshuang nodded affirmatively,"Well, if Master An is not in the imperial capital, I usually practice yoga at night to stay in shape."

"Then I will practice yoga with you in the future, and you can give me more guidance, okay?"Zhao Wanxi asked.

Of course Ning Ruoshuang understood that Zhao Wanxi was taking the initiative to show her kindness. Otherwise, if Zhao Wanxi wanted to practice yoga, she would not be able to find a yoga teacher?

What a joke!

An Liang was listening, He is becoming more and more satisfied with Zhao Wanxi. This Zhao Wanxi is indeed too smart. She knows how to balance the relationship between the backyard alliances and actively win over allies.

If Zhao Wanxi only fights for favor and jealousy, An Liang will actually have a headache.

Fortunately, Zhao Wanxi is a smart woman, and she balances the relationship between the backyard alliance very well.

For example, for this dinner, Zhao Wanxi carefully invited Song Qian, and for example, when An Liang was reminiscing with Song Qian, Zhao Wanxi Xi can take care of Ning Ruoshuang, thus preventing Ning Ruoshuang from being left out.

It has to be said that Zhao Wanxi is indeed a good housekeeper!

When the group came to the Kongling Pavilion on the top of the empty mountain, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi walked at the end , he whispered,"Thank you. Zhao

Wanxi smiled and shook her head,"This is my own choice. Since it is my own choice, I will try my best to do it better.""

In the Kongling Pavilion, An Liang and the other five were led by the service staff to the box. Inside the box was a round table. When they were seated, Zhao Wanxi sat on the left of An Liang, Chen Siyu sat on the right of An Liang, and Ning Ruoshuang sat on Chen Siyu's side. On the right, Song Qian is naturally on the left of Zhao Wanxi.

Such seating also reflects the basic situation of the Backyard Alliance, but An Liang has no intention of interfering. He has long said that he will try his best to keep a bowl of water even, but the Backyard Alliance The relationship is at the sole discretion of Backyard Alliance

"Wanxi, have you been to their house before? An Liang asked casually.

Zhao Wanxi nodded affirmatively,"I've been here many times. All the hot-boiled mutton in Kongling Pavilion is fresh, not the kind of frozen mutton rolls.""

"In addition, their mutton is all salt flat sheep, which tastes very good." Zhao Wanxi added.

During Zhao Wanxi's introduction, Anliang scanned the QR code on his phone to order. He briefly looked at the menu on his phone and handed the phone to Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi took it without politeness. Ordering on her mobile phone, she first selected two dishes and then handed the phone to Chen Siyu, who was on An Liang's right.

This is also Zhao Wanxi's cleverness. Even in small matters like ordering, she also cares about other people's feelings..

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