The two sisters An Liang and Xia left from the Ruyi private restaurant and Xia Hexin drove to Tianfu Stadium.

It is now approaching eight o'clock in the evening, and the traffic congestion in Tianfu has eased. In addition, today's New Year's Day concert is mainly for free tickets for students, so the parking lot of Tianfu Stadium is not full, but there are still many empty seats..

After all, the proportion of college students owning cars is quite low.

An Liang took the two sisters from the Xia family, led by the security personnel of Renyi Security Company, and quietly entered the Tianfu Stadium through the VIP channel and went directly to the VIP seats in the first row.

When An Liang arrived, Bai Yue had already arrived first, and she waved to An Liang and the Xia sisters.

An Liang looked over and was surprised to find that the person next to Bai Yue was Zhang Zijin!

Why is this person in Tianfu?

An Liangliang secretly wondered why Zhang Zijin was in Tianfu, but he didn't care about Zhang Zijin's discovery of the two Xia sisters, because Zhao Wanxi had long known about the existence of the two Xia sisters.

To be precise, Zhao Wanxi knows everything!

Whether it is the two Xia sisters, Li Xiyan, or even the ambiguous Yao Qi, Zhao Wanxi knows her existence and her thoughts.

As An Liang walked towards Bai Yue, he nodded to Qin Daorong, the dean of their School of Economics.

Today's New Year's Day concert is not only attended by students, but also by school leaders from the colleges where the top ten contestants are. These are all invited by Yuyue's professional manager Feng Jie. This guy is very good at doing things, so consider Be quite comprehensive.

An Liang sat next to Bai Yue. He took the initiative to greet Zhang Zijin,"Sister Zijin, good evening.""

"Good evening."Zhang Zijin nodded slightly. Her personality is very quiet. Even in the noisy Tianfu Stadium, she is as elegant and natural as an orchid in the empty valley.

Bai Yue took the initiative to greet the two Xia sisters. When An Liang was not in Tianfu, they communicated in private. There are a lot of them, and they have a pretty good relationship with each other.

"Classmate Bai Yue, how is the situation now? An Liang asked.

Xia Ruyi added on the side,"Has Teacher Ji from our school been promoted?""

Xia Ruyi was asking about Ji Xiaoyu. She was the second place winner at the previous Teacher's Day Concert. She came from Tianfu Normal College.

Bai Yue first responded to Xia Ruyi,"Teacher Ji from your college was successfully promoted."

"great!"Xia Ruyi happily waved her fist.

Xia Hexin also showed a smile.

Bai Yue continued to respond to An Liang's inquiry,"Everything is going well so far, whether it is the schedule or the safety of the venue, everything is going well."

Having said this, Bai Yue handed her mobile phone to An Liang and motioned for An Liang to check it.

An Liang took Bai Yue's mobile phone and checked the voting information displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. The one who topped the list was Yang Siyuan from Tianfu Conservatory of Music.

The second place is Yang Rui, who is also from Tianfu Conservatory of Music.

The third place is Pan Mingyuan, who is also from Tianfu Conservatory of Music. Like Yang Rui, he is from the folk music department, but he is from Class 1 and is the only boy among the top ten..

The fourth place was Ye Qiangwei, and Ji Xiaoyu was ranked sixth.

The fifth place Qiao Yun is still from Tianfu Conservatory of Music. She is from the singing department like Yang Siyuan, but in a different class.

This New Year's Day concert Four of the top six came from Tianfu Conservatory of Music!

Faced with such a result, An Liang had to sigh that professional music conservatories are indeed professional. When faced with professional fields, professional music conservatories easily achieved Bai Yue looked at An Liang checking the voting data, and she added,"If there are no accidents, in the next round of finals, both Teacher Ye and Teacher Ji will be eliminated."

An Liang nodded slightly. Judging from the current number of votes, it is normal for Ye Qiangwei and Ji Xiaoyu to be eliminated. After all, the top three are too strong!

Especially the only boy Pan Mingyuan.

As one of the top ten The only boy, Pan Mingyuan, can break through the encirclement and enter the top ten, and ranks third. One can imagine his strength

"Pity..."Bai Yue sighed softly.

Bai Yue also knows about Ye Qiangwei's situation. Ye Qiangwei's goal is to be first and win the grand prize again.

However, under the current circumstances, according to Ye Qiangwei's strength, it is quite difficult to win the third place, let alone the first place.

That's why Bai Yue felt it was a pity.

After all, the gap between the rewards for fourth place and first place is too obvious.

According to the rules set by Yu Yue, the first place can get Yu Yue points worth 1 million Xia Guoyuan, while the fourth place can only get Yu Yue points worth 100,000 Xia Guoyuan. The gap between the two is ten times.

More importantly, even fourth place is not 100% guaranteed!

Qiao Yun and Ye Qiangwei, who ranked fifth, had very close votes and were very likely to directly overtake Ye Qiangwei in the next round.

The reward for fifth place is only Yuyue points worth 50,000 Xia Guoyuan.

For Ye Qiangwei, this reward is really...

A drop in the bucket?

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