At 8:30 pm, the voting for the top ten for the New Year's Day concert ended. There was no change in the top six, and Ye Qiangwei was lucky enough to keep fourth place.

But the final rankings from fourth to sixth will be determined by six in the next round, so the current fourth place doesn't mean much.

The host at the scene announced the top six promotions, but the seventh to tenth places were not important.

Because according to the reward rules set by Yuyue, no matter whether it is seventh or tenth place, only Yuyue points worth 20,000 Xia Guoyuan will be awarded.

After the host announced the rewards for seventh to tenth place, the six-to-three showdown began.

Ye Qiangwei's luck was a bit bad. In the random drawing, Ye Qiangwei was chosen to be the first performer in the ranking. Ji Xiaoyu's luck was also quite bad. She was chosen to be the last one and ranked behind Pan Mingyuan.

Pan Mingyuan's singing style favors high-pitched bursts. This style is more suitable for stage singing because it is easier to infect the emotions of the live audience.

Both Ye Qiangwei and Ji Xiaoyu's draws were hell difficulty!

Seeing this result, An Liang also sighed silently. If there were no accidents, Ye Qiangwei would definitely be eliminated from the top three. Even if An Liang wanted to operate in secret, it would be impossible.

Ye Qiangwei was the first to appear on the concert stage. She was still wearing a red dress today, blooming like a red rose.

Ye Qiangwei held the microphone with both hands, lowered her head slightly and started singing

"Even though we said goodbye, we still remembered each other. The reluctance in our hearts still turned into longing...."

An Liang listened carefully. He had heard this song before. It was obviously a sad love song, but An Liang heard another flavor in it. Maybe it was Ye Qiangwei's longing for her mother integrated into it?

When Ye Qiangwei finished singing, An Liang clapped slightly, and then checked the number of votes Ye Qiangwei received. The result was naturally not good. After Ye Qiangwei's canvassing session, she didn't even get two thousand votes!

In the six-to-three round, only the audience on site can vote, and each person can only vote three times, for three different contestants.

According to the data fed back by the security check system, including An Liang, there were a total of 32,825 spectators present today, which means that each contestant should have received an average of more than 16,000 votes.

After Ye Qiangwei finished singing, she didn't even get 2,000 votes!

This result is actually the disadvantage of the first performance, because the audience does not know what will happen next, so many viewers hesitate to vote and wait to see the performances of the subsequent contestants before making a decision.

However, after the subsequent contestants perform, the audience may forget Ye Qiangwei's previous performance, making it impossible to make an effective comparison, so they may not vote for Ye Qiangwei.

It can only be said that the ranking of the first one to perform is really poisonous.

The second person to take the stage was Qiao Yun. She was ranked fifth in the previous round. Although she was one place lower than Ye Qiangwei, she had an advantage in terms of singing ranking.

In fact it is so!

After Qiao Yun finished singing, during the canvassing process, she received more than 5,000 votes, while Ye Qiangwei now received less than 3,000 votes.

It's not that Ye Qiangwei's strength is not as good as Qiao Yun's, it's just because of the disadvantage in appearance order.

As each contestant took the stage to perform, the six-to-three link was completed in less than three-quarters of an hour, and the final rankings were revealed. Ye Qiangwei really overturned!

Ji Xiaoyu also overturned, but she was last in the last round, so it was expected that she would be eliminated in this round.

The fourth place is Qiao Yun from Tianfu Conservatory of Music. This guy really took advantage of the situation and counterattacked!

With Qiao Yun's counterattack, Tianfu Conservatory of Music directly dominated this New Year's Day concert. Whether it was the semi-finals or the final, it became an internal competition among Tianfu Conservatory of Music.

Faced with such a result, An Liang felt a little dull.

However, the next moment, the winner system of life issued a prompt


‘Random reward: The host held the New Year's Day concert in a fair and open manner and received a special reward: [Aluminum ion battery information】!’


Aluminum-ion battery intelligence information:

Aluminum-ion developers come from start-up companies!


An Liang, who was originally a little bored, checked the reward information sent by the Life Winner System. He was secretly happy because this piece of information was very useful.

Although the current information about aluminum-ion batteries has been refined and targeted to Silabon, the investigation of Renyi Security Company has been slowed down due to the accident of the Millennium Astragalus there.

Now that new information has been obtained, the scope of the investigation will be further narrowed, and Renyi Security Company will be able to better lock the target.

An Liang was about to send a message to Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4. He leaned into Xia Hexin's ear and whispered,"I'm going to the bathroom."

Xia Hexin nodded,"Yeah!"

An Liang stood up and left.

Xia Hexin explained the situation on behalf of An Liang.

In a separate cubicle in the bathroom, An Liang immediately sent a message to Tianji Shensuan No. 4

‘Zero: Regarding aluminum-ion batteries, the investigation direction is focused on start-up companies.’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 had no intention of asking any more questions and directly followed An Liang's orders.

An Liang put away his cell phone, went to a bathroom, and then walked out of the bathroom to wash his hands.

In front of the sink, An Liang found Ye Qiangwei, who was washing her face with cold water

"Teacher Ye."An Liang took the initiative to say hello.

Ye Qiangwei wiped her cheeks with both hands, then took a deep breath before saying hello in response,"Classmate An."

An Liang looked at Ye Qiangwei's slightly red eyes. He guessed that Ye Qiangwei might have cried?

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