An Liang did not continue to participate in the teasing of Ye Xiangyu by the members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club. He sent messages to Zhao Wanxi.

‘Anliang: What is the relationship between your family and the Shanxia Hydropower Station?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Very good’

‘Zhao Wanxi: What do you want to do through Shanxia Hydropower Station?’

‘An Liang: Do you know that Shanxia Hydropower Station is developing sodium-ion batteries? '

Zhao Wanxi is very smart. When An Liang mentioned sodium-ion batteries, Zhao Wanxi almost guessed An Liang's plan.

‘Zhao Wanxi: I know about sodium-ion batteries, but the energy density of sodium-ion batteries is very low. Judging from the current technical situation, it cannot threaten the status of lithium-ion batteries for the time being.’

‘An Liang: I know the energy density issue of sodium-ion batteries’

‘An Liang: But what if we tell stories?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Graphene sodium-ion battery!’

‘An Liang: Yes!’

‘An Liang: Now Bald Eagle Financial Institutions are deliberately pushing up stock prices. As long as they secretly release gossip and say that Australia has withstood the pressure and Tereson Lithium Mine can still supply the country, we will take over those new stocks in the US stock market at a high level. energy stocks’

‘An Liang: If we give up when things get better and withdraw from this fight completely, then the other party will target the Tereson Lithium Mine according to the predetermined plan, which will cause the new energy stocks in the US stock market to rise.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: So logically speaking, they are invincible’

‘Zhao Wanxi: You are going to do the opposite, pretend that you have not seen through their conspiracy, and deliberately take over at a high position. You even want to go short at a high position. When they release good news through the grapevine, you will then use the Shanxia Hydropower Station to dream about the future. The story of Graphene Technology Group jointly releasing graphene sodium-ion batteries, right?’

‘An Liang: As expected of you!’

‘An Liang: What you are talking about is a possibility. I am just making plans in advance. If such a situation happens, we can counterattack the other party. '

Zhao Wanxi is as smart as ever!

‘Zhao Wanxi: No problem, we can cooperate with Shanxia Hydropower Station to implement such a plan’

‘Zhao Wanxi: If possible, I hope the fake show will be real’

‘An Liang: Of course!’

‘An Liang: No matter what, the bald eagle will definitely block us from the lithium resources upstream, so we must find a new road’

‘An Liang: Although sodium-ion batteries currently have lower energy density, they are at least an alternative.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Yeah!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: We will handle the negotiations with Shanxia Hydropower Station as soon as possible’

‘An Liang: Thank you’

‘Zhao Wanxi: You’re welcome, we also invested a lot of money this time’

‘Zhao Wanxi; After all, it’s you, I guess this time you will make a profit without losing anything.’

‘An Liang: Of course, it’s a guaranteed profit! '

An Liang also has a reward card [Trend Charts of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days]. He wanted to ask the financial giants of Bald Eagle how to win?

You can't win no matter what, okay?

Anliang now has all the advantages of the right time, right place, right people, and the financial giants of Bald Eagle can't win even if they are like diamonds!

This is what Anliang said, even if Jesus comes!

Xia Guo time, 10:30 in the evening.

The U.S. stock market opens.

The U.S. stock market has just opened, and the stock prices of new energy companies have soared again.

Taking ADM Energy as an example, yesterday's closing price was 48.6 US dollars, and the opening price soared directly to 59.8 US dollars, and the stock price kept rising. Even if the circuit breaker mechanism was triggered, after trading resumed, it continued to rise. It seemed that there was no The end.

An Liang personally sat at Anxin Investment Company. He checked the information displayed on the screen wall. Anxin Investment Company and Tianshang Baiyujing Club were still buying shares of new energy companies in the US stock market.

In the U.S. stock market yesterday, very few stocks of related new energy companies were sold, because Bald Eagle financial institutions had already rushed to buy them in advance, and only some retail investors and small institutions were left selling. How many could there be?

Things are different today!

All 39 new energy companies screened by Anxin Investment Company have been sold, and the selling prices are constantly increasing.

The seller of ADM Energy even sold out 18 million shares at a price of US$69.9, which was a bit of a test, but it was only a 'mere' 18 million shares, so Anxin Investment took over directly.


Anxin Investment did not completely take over, because members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club also rushed to buy.

The 18 million shares sold by the seller were wiped out by members of Anxin Investment and the Bai Yujing Club in less than a minute.

Such an abnormal situation made the alliance of six major financial institutions on Bald Eagle's side suspicious.

Just like An Liang will not underestimate the financial giants of Bald Eagle, the financial giants of Bald Eagle will not underestimate Anxin Investment, because they have been beaten to the ground by Anxin Investment many times.

They believed that Anxin Investment could see their plan, and they raised the stock price by raising the table, mostly because they wanted to drive Anxin Investment out of the US stock market.

As a result, instead of leaving Anxin Investment, they followed their plan and bought into stocks in the new energy industry on a large scale. Is there any problem in this?

Even the dogs don’t believe it!

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