Just like Anliang is convinced that Bald Eagle financial giants are not fools, Bald Eagle's financial institutions do not believe that Anliang and Anxin Investment are fools.

Both sides know very well that the other side is a smart person, and the struggle between the two sides can only depend on which side does better intelligence work and which side has more trump cards.

Currently, the stock prices of new energy companies in the U.S. stock market are rising irrationally due to the promotion of the alliance of six major financial institutions, coupled with the pursuit of Anxin Investment and the Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

In the dark web, an alliance of six major financial institutions constructed a temporary confidential voice communication channel.

As the leader of this action, Richard Lewis, Berkshire Hathaway's senior vice president of investment, first spoke,"I believe everyone already knows the current situation in the market. Faced with such a situation, everyone Do you have any opinions?"

Bazell Covin, senior vice president of investment at Ropp Partners, responded jokingly,"Maybe the other party was confused by the interests and did not see through our strategy at all?"

Senior vice president of investment at Merrill Lynch Andy Meyer directly denied it,"That's impossible!"

Andy Meyer continued,"We all know very well that those funds from Xia Guo must be Anxin Investment, and we have had many experiences with Anxin Investment. , everyone should be very clear about the strength of Anxin Investment."

Richard Lewis affirmatively agreed,"Yes! The strength of Anxin Investment is very powerful. I believe they can definitely analyze our plan. I even doubt that they can guess us. What to do next."

At this point, Richard Lewis added,"We can also guess what they will do next!"

Barton Hines, senior vice president of investment at Morgan, participated in the fight against Anxin Investment for the first time. alliance, he expressed his opinion

"As things stand, we have two options."Barton Hines first expressed his attitude

"The first choice is naturally for us to shake hands with the other party and make peace with each other, and we will reap the benefits of this round of new energy industry together."Barton Hines proposed a safe approach.

This time, the new energy industry has many benefits. Even if both parties join forces to harvest, they can actually make a lot of money, and there is no need to fight.

However, in the face of this When making the choice, whether it was Richard, Bazell, or Jack from Andy and Rod Albert, they all remained silent. It was not that they were unwilling to share interests with Anxin Investment!

They were afraid and afraid to cooperate..

Both sides have always been competitors, and they are competitors with white knives in and red knives out. Each one wants to stab the other.

Now they want to share interests?


Besides, even if they are willing to share interests with Anxin Investment, Anxin Investment is willing ?

Who can guarantee that Anxin Investment will not stab them in the back at the critical moment?

Anyway, they will stab Anxin Investment in the back at the critical moment!

After Barton Hines discovered that everyone was silent, he also understood everyone's choice, so he continued propose a second option

"According to the current situation, although there may be anomalies that we are not aware of, we do not need to get too entangled and directly throw all the new energy stocks in our hands to them!"Barton Hines said the second plan to work hard to achieve miracles

"If everyone sells all the new energy stocks in their hands, everyone can make a lot of money. No matter what the conspiracy of Anxin Investment is, we are already in an invincible position!"Barton Hines added.

Richard Lewis sighed,"Although what you said makes sense, you ignored one issue. We Bald Eagle will definitely suppress the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. This is the fundamental core purpose. , there will never be any wavering"

"I suspect that Anxin Investment saw through this, so they ignored our possible plans to hold these new energy shares for the long term."Richard Lewis added.

Bazell responded,"In fact, there are worse possibilities! If Anxin Investment acquires a large number of shares of new energy companies from the stock market, they may become shareholders or even controlling shareholders of these new energy companies, ultimately resolving this crisis against the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."

After Bazel raised the even worse possibility, the Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions fell into a dilemma.

Richard finally figured out the answer.

Anxin Investment really has a back-up plan!

Richard It is even speculated that Anxin Investment Company wants to allow their alliance of six major financial institutions to satisfy their existing interests, thereby withdrawing from this energy war, and allowing Anxin Investment to control some of the Bald Eagle New Energy Enterprises. If this is the case, then Bald Eagle The plan for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will completely fail, and naturally it will not be able to impact Xia Guo’s new energy industry.

‘so amazing! After Richard figured everything out, he had to sigh in his heart that his opponent was really powerful.

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