In fact, these purposes analyzed by the six major financial institution alliances are actually blind people trying to figure out the elephant!

Due to the intelligence gap between the two sides, the alliance of the six major financial institutions did not know what trump cards An Liang held, but An Liang had already seen through the opponent's trump cards.

An Liang not only possesses more information, but also possesses the [15-day trend chart of designated fifteen stocks in the U.S. stock market] reward card, and the ultimate trump card, aluminum-ion battery.

Under such circumstances, how can the alliance of the six major financial institutions fight against An Liang?

Although the analysis of the six major financial institutions alliance is very reasonable, if Anliang has no other trump cards, he can only execute according to the analysis of the six major financial institutions alliance, so as to achieve minimum losses.

But Anliang has other trump cards!

In the temporary confidential voice communication channel of the Alliance of Six Major Financial Institutions, after Bazel raised the possibility of worse, he added again,"So faced with such a bad situation, how do we deal with it now?" The

Alliance of Six Major Financial Institutions Steve Smith, the last representative of HSBC·Su suggested,"We are a financial institution. We only care about economic interests. No matter what the machinations of Anxin Investment are, we just want to earn our share of the profits."

Everyone else understood what Steven Su meant. What this guy means is that they don't need to worry about Bald Eagle's strategic goals at all, and they don't need to consider these things. They only need to consider economic interests.

In fact, Steven Su just said what other people thought!

What kind of national feelings do you expect from these Wall Street demons? joke!

If guys on Wall Street also have that kind of thing, how can they be called demons wandering the world?

It's just that neither Andy Meyer, nor Richard Lewis, nor anyone else wanted to talk about this topic themselves, so they analyzed and analyzed, and weighed the pros and cons in various ways, in fact, in order to make Others speak out about this decision.

However, we are all smart people, and no one wants to be this evil person.

After all, this incident may damage the strategic goals of the Bald Eagle Court. If it really destroys it, what if the Bald Eagle Court will resent it?

So everyone pretended to be confused and made it clear that they encouraged Steven Su of HSBC to be the leader.

The bottom line of HSBC has always been relatively low. In addition, Steven Su relied on family connections to become the representative of HSBC in Bald Eagle, so the other five people naturally plotted against Steven Su.

"Steven is right. I agree with Steven’s proposal. We are a financial institution and we are only responsible for what we do! Bazel was the first to second his proposal.

Andy also directly seconded his proposal,"Steven's proposal is very good, I agree!""

How could Richard refuse?

Of course Steven Su will have to bear the blame for this kind of thing!

As Steven Su's proposal was passed, the alliance of six major financial institutions chose to give priority to economic interests. , they once again increased their volume in the US stock market, but Anliang Investment and Tianshang Baiyujing Club quickly bought new energy stocks released by the alliance of six major financial institutions.

In fact, Anliang had predicted this situation long ago!

Anliang was not worried about this at all The stock was smashed into his hands.

The Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions had their conspiracies, and Anliang also had his own countermeasures.


Xia Kingdom, Tianfu.

Anxin Investment Company Headquarters.

An Liang was checking the information displayed on the screen wall in the US stock market area. Currently, Anliang Investment Company has invested nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars and is fully investing in new energy stocks released by Bald Eagle financial institutions.

"Mr. An, the other party has raised the price again!" Li Gang reminded.

Looking at the stock price of ADM Energy, which was as high as 76.6 US dollars per share, An Liang responded with a smile,"You can still take over this price and continue to buy in, but eat slower. I will inform others to slow down their buying speed. An Liang continued to add,"

Although we can still make money, we can't let the other party make too much.""

An Liang immediately sent a message to the confidential group of Tianshang Baiyujing Club, asking the members of Tianshang Baiyujing Club to reduce their eating speed.

With the changes in Anxin Investment and Tianshang Baiyujing Club, the Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions immediately discovered the situation..After all, in the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market, only the six major financial institution alliances are fighting against Anxin Investment and the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. The power of retail investors is too small to join in.

Facing the decline of Anxin Investment and the Tiantian Baiyujing Club , In view of the purchase speed, the six major financial institution alliances have also stopped their plans to continue to increase the selling price. Both parties are buying and selling stocks in the new energy sector at a relatively moderate speed. The two parties seem to have a tacit cooperation, but in fact, a crisis is now hidden!

Bald Eagle's alliance of six major financial institutions has gained more than 40 billion US dollars in interests, and they have begun to consider things like smashing the market. For example, releasing Bald Eagle will not target the gossip of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

As long as it releases such According to the gossip, and through public relations activities, the Bald Eagle Court suspended its actions against Tereson Lithium Mine, then the share price of the new energy sector in the US stock market will fall in response.

They may even have a chance to reap another harvest!

However, The Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions also understands that not only do they have a back-up, but Anxin Investment must also have a back-up...

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