【The opponent's plan is to make a proper plan from the opponent's standpoint, follow the opponent's path, and leave the opponent with no way to go!

An Liang passed"Dream the Future Graphene Technology Group?" It’s just a toy for our bald eagle! 》The post successfully created the image of a humble bald eagle, and then described the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group as a villain, thus arousing the emotions of the bald eagle people.

However, there is not much analysis of interest relationships in this post, because it is not appropriate to analyze interest relationships in this post!

If there is a relationship of interest involved in the post, it will appear to be too eager for quick success, and even some smart people will analyze the answer.

So An Liang has a second step plan!

With"Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?" It’s just a toy for our bald eagle! 》 spread rapidly on the Bald Eagle Internet. The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation implemented the second step of the plan and published the second post on the Internet.


《It turns out that this is the reason why the new energy sector has surged!》:

【Forward:"Dream of the future graphite technology group? It’s just a toy for our bald eagle! 》】

The reason for the recent abnormal fluctuations in the stock price of the new energy sector in the stock market is originally caused by the content of the above post.

Our new energy sector used to perform very well in the U.S. stock market, but after Dream Future Graphene Technology Group came into being, our new energy sector completely collapsed because of its sales strategy of seed discrimination and regional discrimination.

According to the analysis of the previous post, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is suppressing our Bald Eagle's new energy industry, which is why the stock price of our new energy sector has plummeted.

Now our Bald Eagle Court has found a solution, so the stock price of the new energy sector has soared.

But I discovered another problem!

Although the current turnover rate in the new energy sector is very high and the stock price is also high, as long as stocks in the new energy sector are sold, someone will immediately take over.

Whether it was a small order of a few hundred shares or a large order of tens of millions of shares, all were taken in quickly.

What kind of situation is this?


This post speaks from the perspective of ordinary people, thereby allowing ordinary people to gain recognition, and unknowingly allows ordinary Bald Eagle people to identify with the revelations in these posts.

As"It turns out that the new energy sector has skyrocketed, this is the reason!""After the release of the post, a new explosive post appeared on the Bald Eagle Internet


《The Seven Sins: On the Greed of Financial Institutions!》

[Trading data of new energy sector stocks in the US stock market from December 26 to January 1]

[Some data on OTC OTC transactions of companies in the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market]

[Recording of part of a call with Richard Lewis, senior vice president of investments at Berkshire Hathaway]

[US stock market new energy sector stock trading data on January 4 and January 5]

[Bald Eagle National Energy Office Confidential Document: Plan for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group]

Based on the above data and part of the intelligence obtained by our organization, we can analyze the following information:

1. Some Bald Eagle financial institutions have invested in the new energy sector in advance When the stock prices were low, they purchased stocks of related new energy companies on a large scale.

2. Some financial institutions have obtained the Energy Office’s plans in advance.

3. These financial institutions are now selling stocks in the new energy sector.

There is one last guess!

We speculate that the company currently taking over the new energy sector stocks in the US stock market is most likely Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. They must know that the Bald Eagle Court wants to suppress them.

Therefore, if the other party takes control of our new energy company, the consequences will be disastrous!

Curse this group of Wall Street demons who only have interests in their eyes. Your current behavior of selling stocks in the new energy sector is completely betraying the national interests of our Bald Eagle!


No. 4 Tianji Shensuan stole the name of the Seven Sins Organization and published this analysis post.

This analysis post exposes more problems, such as Bald Eagle financial institutions betraying Bald Eagle’s national interests in order to harvest profits in the US stock market.

Another example is the exposure of the plans of the Bald Eagle Energy Office, indicating that the Bald Eagle Court will definitely target the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, thereby boosting the confidence of Bald Eagle Country investors and allowing the stock prices of the new energy sector to rise even higher.

The most important thing is to point out that the company currently taking over is Dream Future Graphene Technology Group!

This piece of information will be linked to"Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?" It’s just a toy for our bald eagle! 》In the post, I dream about the identity of the future villain of the Graphene Technology Group!

The combination of the two, coupled with the high-spirited public, will produce a wonderful reaction.

For example, Bald Eagle people are buying back shares in the new energy sector?

Under the current circumstances, Bald Eagle's financial institution has just sold shares in the new energy sector to Anxin Investment and Tiantian Baiyujing Club, and it is certainly impossible for them to take them back.

Therefore, if Anliang wants to cultivate new leeks and let new leeks take over, the people of Bald Eagle Country are the best choice. After all, the people of Bald Eagle Country have too much confidence in the US stock market!

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