The people of Bald Eagle Country have too much confidence in the U.S. stock market!

After all, the U.S. stock market has maintained a bull market for ten years, and it still maintains a bull market posture. The people of Bald Eagle Country have become accustomed to putting their wealth in the U.S. stock market.

Now Anliang has completely aroused the emotions of the people of Bald Eagle Country through the [Rival Plan] and disclosed various 'secrets', especially the Bald Eagle Country Energy Office's plan for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

These things once again gave the people of Bald Eagle Country confidence.

Under these various factors, An Liang has cultivated a new leek field and is now ready to raise his sickle to harvest.

In the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, An Liang is sending messages

‘An Liang: @everyone: #reporting applet#’

‘An Liang: Is everyone here?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Yes! Already reported!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Must be there! '

In less than a minute, the small program reported the information, and all official members of the Bai Yujing Club in the Sky reported it.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Everyone has also discovered what’s going on on the Internet at Bald Eagle, right?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Did you arrange it?’

‘An Liang: Of course!’

‘An Liang: Well, cultivating a leek field, these are all necessary means.’

‘An Liang: Everyone has invested a lot of money. If there are no new leeks, we will become leeks, so we need to cultivate leeks.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Seriously, Brother Liang, those posts are really good. If I were a bald eagle, I would definitely contribute!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: It is everyone’s responsibility to protect our home and country!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Putting aside these things, we all ship goods, in small batches, and a single shipment does not exceed 100,000 shares.’

‘An Liang: Leeks are very luxuriant. We can all harvest leeks. It’s just a matter of making more or less. Don’t lower the price. Do you understand?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Got it!’

‘Lin Yili: We have no problem’

‘Ye Xiangyu: That’s no problem for me. I’ve only invested less than 20 million US dollars in total, so I can’t grab it at all, okay?’

‘Ye Xiangyu: You are simply a group of bandits! '

Ye Xiangyu, this unlucky kid, didn't hire professionals to deal with professional issues before. How could he compete with other guys who hired professional traders?

‘An Liang: Finally, I would like to remind everyone that everyone has made money, so they should pay taxes honestly!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: It is impossible for our family to evade taxes!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Our family is the same. ’

Everyone agreed.

In fact, it is impossible for members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club to evade taxes. After all, everyone has a very high level. In addition, Anxin Investment Company always likes to help them pay taxes. How can they possibly evade taxes?

As the members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club began to ship goods, Anliang checked the situation in the US stock market through Anxin Investment Company. The members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club were very abiding by the rules, at least there was no big selling order.

Although according to the current situation, even if a large sell order is placed, the US stock market will accept it, but the stock price will inevitably be affected, thus reducing profits.

"Mr. An, do we also ship?"Li Gang asked.

An Liang silently used [Trend Charts of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days]. He checked it secretly first, and then ordered,"Ship it!"

After using the [Fifteen Specified Stock Market Trend Charts for the Next Fifteen Days in the U.S. Stock Market] reward, Anliang was completely confident of winning, and naturally began to harvest leeks.

As Anxin Investment began to ship, stocks in the new energy sector in the U.S. stock market changed hands. The rate has increased significantly.

Because of the impact of the [opponent plan], the emotions of the Bald Eagle people are high, and the vast majority of the Bald Eagle people think that it is Bald Eagle’s financial institution that is shipping.

In order to prevent Bald Eagle's new energy company is controlled by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and they have quickly bought stocks in the new energy sector.

After all, according to the news, the Bald Eagle National Energy Office is indeed targeting Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

These revelations are all reasonable There is evidence, and a little analysis can determine the authenticity.

Therefore, ordinary people in the Bald Eagle Country are very confident in the new energy sector in the US stock market, and are not worried that the current high stock price will become a bubble.

When retail investors twist into a rope , they burst out with strong potential!

The sell orders put out by Anxin Investment Company were snatched up by retail investors almost as soon as they were put out.

In the [Trend Chart of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days] With the support, Anliang even ordered Anxin Investment to slightly raise the stock price when shipping, so as to achieve greater profits.

In less than half an hour, both the Tiantian Baiyujing Club and Anxin Investment invested a total of almost five hundred Hundreds of millions of dollars of funds have been completely digested in the US stock market!

The daily trading volume of the three major US stock markets easily exceeded US$400 billion last year, and there were many days when it exceeded US$500 billion in a single day.

‘A mere US$50 billion in trading volume is really not that much among the three major U.S. stock markets.

But for Anxin Investment and Tiantian Baiyujing Club, they have already harvested a lot of leeks!

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