After An Liang reminded the risks in the confidential group of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club, he checked the benefits gained by An Xin Investment in this game.

In this game in the field of new energy, Anxin Investment entered the market earlier than the Baiyujing Club in the sky, so it gained more benefits.

Anxin Investment has invested nearly US$30 billion in total, with a comprehensive profit rate of 39%.

Although from the perspective of comprehensive profit margin, a large number of people in Tiantian Baiyujing Club exceed Anxin Investment, the size of both parties is not at the same level at all.

Anxin Investment Company almost invested US$30 billion in this new energy game. With such a huge amount of funds, it is usually impossible to obtain a high rate of return in a short period of time.

However, Anliang used the [Rival Plan] layout, and the funds invested by Anliang were transferred around the US stock market, and he reaped a profit rate of up to 39%, making almost 11.7 billion US dollars!

This profit is extremely exaggerated!

An Liang guessed that the total profits of the members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club should not exceed US$4 billion.

After all, they are a group of stragglers. If it were not for the intelligence advantage provided by An Liang, I am afraid they would have become the leek in this new energy game.

"Mr. An, shall we start short selling now? Fan Ping asked.

An Liang silently looked at the information provided by [Trend Charts of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days]. He nodded and said,"Slowly start executing the short-selling plan.""

After he gave the order, he sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator on his mobile phone.

‘Number Zero: Execute [Condemn Plan】’

‘No. 4: Received’


Temporarily encrypted voice communication channel for the Bald Eagle Alliance of Six Financial Institutions.

Steven Su from HSBC asked carelessly,"How are everyone's profits?"

Faced with Steven Su's inquiry, no one else responded directly. Barzel from Ropp Partners even asked," Steven, you made a lot of money this time, right?"

Previously, Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, Anxin Investment Company, and some well-informed people poured into the US stock market and invested approximately US$50 billion.

Most of these funds were collected by the Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions, and only a small part was shared by other financial institutions and retail investors.

In this new energy game, the six major financial institution alliances can also be said to have made a lot of money.

"We do earn a lot, but everyone earns a lot, right?" Steven Su responded jokingly,"In addition, our opponent seems to be shorting the new energy sector now. Do you have any thoughts?"

In fact, there was no need for Steven Su to remind him. The senior investment vice presidents of the other five financial institutions had already discovered the situation, but they just tacitly didn't say anything.

"What does Steven think?"Bazel still asked back.

Bazel's character is a bit bad. He likes to play dirty, so he deliberately put Steven in the front.

Steven did not analyze politely,"Everyone analyzed before that the opponent was very powerful. They I guessed our plan and even had countermeasures to deal with it. I am actually skeptical."

"At present, they choose to short the new energy sector, which I think is a stupid choice. After all, our Bald Eagle Court will definitely target Tereson Lithium Mine and the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group." Steven added

"Everyone was previously worried that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group was operating behind the scenes and controlling the actual control of our country's new energy industry through the stock market. However, the other party's short selling operation really made me laugh. I don't think the other party wanted to do that at all. Many, the other party did not even see through the essential purpose of our Bald Eagle Court!" Steven said loudly

"After all, if the other party sees through the essential purpose of our Bald Eagle Court, they probably won’t dare to go short at this time, right?" Steven sneered, as if he thought he had seen through all the fog.

However, Steven was indeed sneering in his heart!

Because the speech just now was all Steven's performance.

There are too few fools in the financial industry, even if If there are really fools, they cannot be in high positions.

After all, in the financial industry, fools in high positions may cause huge losses at any time, so how can it be possible for fools to be in high positions?

Fools will only be eliminated before entering The screening process before the financial industry.

Steven Sue knew very well that the other five Bald Eagle natives had natural arrogance, so he took advantage of this emotion to create the image of himself as a fool.

Otherwise, Steven Su How could it be possible to behave so badly?

Facing Steven's performance, the senior investment vice presidents of the other five financial institutions all sneered inwardly, because they saw through both Anxin Investment's intentions and Steven's performance.

Especially It's Bazel, a rotten guy. He really thought that Steven was a fool who relied on his family's power to hold a high position. But just now, Steven's analysis was a little too outrageous, and Bazel saw through Steven.!

It can only be said that in the financial industry, these guys in high positions are like thousand-layer cakes per capita. There is no simple guy....

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