In the temporarily encrypted voice communication channel of the Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions, six senior investment vice presidents have their own agenda.

Steven deliberately pretended to be stupid. The other five people saw through Steven's pretending to be stupid but did not say anything. Each of them will be eligible to compete for Best Actor when they enter Hollywood!

"How do you think we should deal with each other's short selling?" Steven asked.

Facing Steven's question, the senior investment vice presidents of the other five financial institutions all remained silent. Finally, it was Bazell who stood up and spoke.

"I think there is something wrong! Bazel responded.

Steven pretended to be confused,"What's the problem?""

Bazel sighed. He had already seen through Steven. Naturally, he knew that Steven was deliberately pretending to be stupid. Otherwise, wouldn't he be able to see through such a simple thing?

"I think the other side has a trump card," Bazell explained.

"The current situation is very clear. We have obtained enough benefits to leave the game, and our opponents have also obtained benefits, but they are now more greedy."Barzel added

"Judging from the current short selling situation of our opponents, our opponents must have a way to make the stock price of the new energy sector fall and thereby achieve profits."Bazel said it very bluntly. He was hinting to Steven to stop acting.

But Steven thought he had not been discovered!

"What else can they do?" Steven asked deliberately.

This time Bazel also remained silent.

Richard Lewis, the initiator of the Alliance of Six Major Financial Institutions, stood up and spoke,"No matter what cards our opponents have, we have already made our own profits. We have accomplished our intended goal, and whatever happens next has nothing to do with us."

What Richard means is that the alliance of the six major financial institutions has been disbanded!

As Richard said, they have already made their own profits, so why bother to participate in it again?

But whether it is Steve who deliberately pretended to be stupid, Neither Wen nor the senior investment vice presidents of four other financial institutions believed in Richard. Just give up?

What a nonsense!

The reason why Richard suggested that the alliance of the six major financial institutions be dissolved on the spot is very simple, that is, the current situation in the U.S. stock market The risk is too great!

Previously, six financial institutions formed an alliance because they had the first-mover advantage and obtained the corresponding information in advance, thus completing the layout of heavy positions without competitors. The current stock price of the new energy sector in the US stock market Already relatively high, and not only Xia Guo Capital, led by Anxin Investment, has also attracted other hot money to join it.

With such competitors around, the six major financial institution alliances face greater risks, and they are competing with each other. They were also wary of each other, so after disbanding, everyone relied on their own abilities!

Faced with Richard’s proposal, Bazel first seconded it

"I think Richard is right. We have already made a lot of money and there is no need to get involved anymore. We, Ropp Partners, will withdraw."Bazel expressed his attitude.

Andy Meyer also spoke on behalf of Merrill Lynch,"We Merrill Lynch are withdrawing."

"We Rod Abbott also quit."Jack seconded.

Of course Barton Hines made the same choice,"We Morgan quit."

When five of the six major financial institution alliances chose to withdraw, Steven had no other choice. The temporary encrypted voice communication channel was disbanded, and the six major financial institution alliance collapsed.

Inside the office of the senior investment vice president of HSBC on Wall Street, Steven With a long sigh, when the alliance of the six major financial institutions was disbanded, Steven finally came to his senses. Representatives from the other five institutions saw through his pretentiousness.

"These guys will definitely enter the new energy sector. No matter what backhand and trump card Anxin Investment has, the Bald Eagle Court will not let go of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group." Steven said to himself.

In the field of new energy, the contradiction between Bald Eagle and Xia Guo is irreconcilable.

Whether it is the increasingly severe environmental pressure or the competition on the energy track, both Bald Eagle and Xia Guo will compete. The Xia Kingdom will compete in the field of new energy.

If the Xia Kingdom wins, the Xia Kingdom can break the original oil monopoly system and rise further.

How can the Bald Eagle watch this happen?

In fact, Steven's analysis There is no problem at all.

It’s just that Steven doesn’t know that An Liang has a trump card to win.

In fact, if An Liang doesn’t have a trump card to win, An Liang will not participate in this new energy struggle and will only find ways to solve the problem of lithium in advance. The problem of mineral resources.

Fortunately, Anliang has a trump card to win!


Anxin Investment Company Headquarters.

An Liang silently looked at the information provided by [Trend Charts of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days]. Based on the feedback from this reward card, An Liang frowned slightly.

It's not that there's any bad news, but something weird happened.

According to the information fed back from [Trend Charts of Designated Fifteen Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days], Anliang discovered that Bald Eagle’s financial institution actually had no intention of going against him?

Those bald eagle financial institutions have actually joined the safe investment camp! this...

Join if you can't beat him?

So shameless?

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