Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Zhao Wanxi immediately replied to the message

‘Zhao Wanxi: I am also paying attention to the US stock market’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I feel that Bald Eagle’s financial institutions have withdrawn from the competition, but the funds of the Bald Eagle Court are making a difference, allowing us to further short-sell.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you know Bald Eagle’s trump card?’

‘An Liang: I don’t know’

‘An Liang: Bald Eagle’s trump card is not important’

‘An Liang: If we take the initiative to release the [Sodium Ion Plan], the bald eagle's trump card will be directly invalidated! '

The Bald Eagle Court does have a trump card, but An Liang also has a trump card.

However, the Bald Eagle Court did not immediately reveal its trump card, but wanted to attract Anxin Investment to continue to expand the scale of short selling, but Anliang had a [Trend Chart of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days] bonus card!

What role does the conspiracy of the Bald Eagle Court play?

Since the Bald Eagle Court won't reveal its trump card, then don't reveal it!

‘Zhao Wanxi: I will contact Haoshanxia Hydropower Station and ask them to cooperate with us’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Is there anyone else who needs help?’

‘An Liang: No, you should go to bed early’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay, I'll go to sleep right away’

‘An Liang: Good night’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Good night.

After An Liang and Zhao Wanxi said good night to each other, he also put down his mobile phone and prepared to rest.

It was just after 10:30 in the morning.

An Liang woke up. He checked his phone first. Zhao Wanxi sent him a message half an hour ago.

‘Zhao Wanxi: The Shanxia Hydropower Station matter has been settled. The other party will fully cooperate with us, but the other party also has requirements. '

Does Shanxia Hydropower Station have requirements?

There is nothing strange about Anliang!

‘An Liang: What does the other party want? '

In less than a minute, Zhao Wanxi replied to the message

‘Zhao Wanxi: The other party hopes that we will really invest in research and development in the field of graphene sodium-ion batteries, and they can bear half of the research and development funds.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Shanxia Hydropower Station is building its own energy storage power station, and they are using sodium-ion batteries, so we hope we can develop in the field of sodium-ion batteries.’

‘An Liang: No problem!’

‘An Liang: Even if they don’t have this requirement, we will conduct research and development in the field of sodium-ion batteries, especially exploring the possibility of graphene sodium-ion batteries.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Yeah. In addition, the press conference in the afternoon has been arranged. I stayed up late yesterday, so I went to apply a facial mask first.’

‘An Liang: Okay. '

After the exchange between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi, he checked the message sent by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

‘No. 4: [Link:"Top Secret Information: Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's sodium-ion battery has matured!"》】’

‘No. 4: [Link:"Opening up a new battlefield?" Dreaming of the future Graphene Technology Group’s new chapter in the field of sodium-ion batteries!》】’


《Top secret information: Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s sodium-ion battery has matured! 》:

First, let’s learn about the types of batteries.

The batteries currently in mainstream use, whether it is the power battery of new energy vehicles, the polymer battery used in mobile phones, or the signature graphene battery of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, as well as the solid-state battery in news reports, etc., they are all It's a lithium-ion battery.

To put it simply, the above-mentioned batteries all use metallic lithium as the raw material of the battery core.

Once there is a lack of metallic lithium raw materials, corresponding batteries cannot be produced.

Common battery classifications, in addition to the above-mentioned lithium-ion batteries, there are also the once popular nickel-metal hydride batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, lead-carbon batteries, etc.

However, these batteries have their own shortcomings, including low energy density, battery energy memory effect, short charging cycle life, etc., so they have been eliminated by lithium-ion batteries and can only survive in specific fields.

However, in addition to the above-mentioned eliminated battery categories, there are currently two batteries that are still in the research and development stage, namely sodium-ion batteries and aluminum-ion batteries.

Among them, the research and development progress of sodium-ion batteries is very close to commercial application.

Our Seven Sins organization accidentally learned from Dream Future Graphene Technology Group that they have perfected sodium-ion batteries and may officially launch sodium-ion battery technology at any time.

It is a pity that we did not get the detailed parameters of the sodium-ion battery of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, but we are responsible for predicting that the sodium-ion battery of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group must be a threat to lithium-ion batteries!


An Liang was looking at"Top Secret Information: Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's sodium-ion battery has matured!""Post, after reading it, he couldn't help but smile.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan has a bit of a troublesome mentality, and he once again borrowed the name of the Seven Sins Organization to cause trouble. I wonder if the Seven Sins Organization will curse people?

Anyway, the Seven Sins organization has no intention of standing up and clarifying.

Besides, even if they come forward to clarify, will it be effective?

An Liang continued to read"Opening a New Battlefield?" Dreaming of the future Graphene Technology Group’s new chapter in the field of sodium-ion batteries! 》post, this post also shows that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has mastered sodium-ion battery technology and is conspiring to promote sodium-ion battery technology.

These two posts spread on the global Internet, and the senior investment vice presidents of the former six major financial institutions in Bald Eagle naturally saw it. They knew that this was a trump card for safe investment, but they had no regrets.

Let’s not talk about whether these rumors are true or false, nor whether the sodium-ion battery technology is really mature. The key is that the Bald Eagle Court’s trump card has not yet been revealed!

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