It’s nearly eleven o’clock in the morning, Xia Guo time.

Imperial TV received a press conference invitation from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. The invitation stated that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group would release information on sodium-ion batteries.

Yang Xiaoxiao of Imperial TV Evening News successfully obtained the invitation letter for this press conference. She had previously participated in the press conference of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, so she successfully obtained the qualification.

Yang Xiaoxiao looked at the invitation letter in her hand. She first contacted Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and asked the other party if they could publish the invitation letter on the Internet. After receiving a positive reply, Yang Xiaoxiao immediately posted it on Weibo Invitation information


Smile and be happy every day:

[Photo: Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Sodium Ion Battery Launch Conference Invitation] At two o’clock this afternoon, Xia Guo, Imperial Capital, National Convention Center.

The invitation has arrived!

My friends in the media industry really didn’t receive the invitation, right?

[Dog head saves life]

@Dreaming about future graphene


Yang Xiaoxiao does not have many fans on Weibo, only more than 284,000, and many fan accounts are inactive.

But this time after Yang Xiaoxiao posted the information, her comment area suddenly became active.

‘Lao Tao is short: Make a fortune! Get rich! Thanks for the guiding light!’

‘Torch Lighting: Finally waiting for you!’

‘Green alum: @老道空头: What made you rich? What are the ways to make money? Take care of your brother!’

‘Ashes and smoke: @老Tao Kongtou: Take care of your brother!’

‘Diamondback: @老道空头: Please take care of your younger brother! '

A large number of melon-eating people asked for help in Yang Xiaoxiao's comment area, making @老Tao Kongtou's reply popularity rise to the first place. As a result, more melon-eating people followed suit, and some melon-eating people asked for help. Confused.

Facing a large number of melon-eating people asking for help, Lao Tao, a bearer, did not make any excuses. He directly posted the new news on his Weibo and pinned it to the top.


Lao Tao short: go straight to the real stuff!

[U.S. stock market new energy sector trend chart]

[Detailed chart of U.S. stock market positions]

When ADM Energy's stock price reached $126, I shorted 7,000 shares.

When GE Energy's stock price reached $82, I shorted 3,000 shares.

Now Dream Future Graphene Technology Group holds a press conference on sodium-ion batteries, which means that the new energy sector in the U.S. stock market is about to plummet.

If Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's sodium-ion battery parameters are very powerful, ADM Energy's stock price may fall to less than a fraction.

If ADM Energy's stock price drops to less than a fraction, I will make a fortune!

Finally, some advice on how to make money. After the U.S. stock market opened today, the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market absolutely plummeted. If you have the opportunity, you can short-sell to make some pocket money.

After all, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has announced a sodium-ion battery press conference, and the press conference will be held before the US stock market opens.

So now I can only earn a little pocket money


The Tianji artificial intelligence system discovered Yang Xiaoxiao’s Weibo information and Lao Tao’s Weibo information. The Tianji artificial intelligence system pushed it to Anliang for review. After Anliang read it, he used the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to Lao Tao gave a thumbs up.

As analyzed by Lao Tao's short sellers, after Dream Future Graphene Technology Group releases sodium-ion batteries, the share price of the new energy sector in the US stock market will inevitably plummet.

Similar to the previous surge in ADM Energy's stock price, it is really possible that it will fall back to its previous level.

One fifty-five p.m.

Imperial Capital, National Convention Center.

At the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's sodium-ion battery press conference, a large number of people from the news media industry gathered together, including a large number of overseas news media who also arranged personnel based in the Imperial Capital to attend the press conference.

As for self-media people?

That's just too much!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Yao Hailan from the public relations department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group took the stage as the host. She wore an ear-hook microphone and a long skirt and walked onto the stage.

"Hello everyone, I am Yao Hailan from the public relations department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. I am very happy to meet you all again."Yao Hailan greeted him familiarly.

As Yao Hailan finished speaking, the audience burst into applause, expressing his welcome to Yao Hailan.

"Regarding our press conference today, I believe that friends are full of doubts, but please be patient. We will answer your doubts one by one in the coming time."Yao Hailan first explained

"I won’t waste everyone’s time. Please give me a round of applause to welcome my colleague, Mr. Zhao Kaixin from the Technology Department, who introduces the technical parameter information of sodium-ion batteries to everyone!"Yao Hailan made an invitation gesture.

A middle-aged man wearing a POLO shirt and jeans came on stage. After he came on stage, he directly threw Wang Zha,"The sodium-ion battery that our group is about to release has very powerful comprehensive performance. It will Subvert the old market and create a new business environment!"

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