The layout of the North Bear Kingdom is obviously a step faster. After all, the North Bear Country has reached a naval logistics center agreement with Sudan. Sudan allows any ship of the North Bear Country to enter Sudan's waters, including nuclear-powered submarines.

Under such circumstances, the Northern Bear Country has the ability to protect its agricultural planting base, so they naturally take greater steps.

However, the layout of Anliang and the four companies on the first floor of the Imperial Capital Circle in Arlia is also close to completion. Especially after Anliang received the support of the four companies on the first floor of the Imperial Capital Circle, Renyi Security Company’s layout in Arlia is getting closer and closer. The bigger.

Renyi Security Company established the Arlia branch in Pallas City, 40 kilometers west of Sunset Canyon, and penetrated the management system of Pallas City. Even the chief political officer was clearly penetrated by Renyi Security Company.

After Renyi Security Company penetrated the management system of Pallas City, it purchased a lot of equipment from the North Bear Country. Through these equipment, Renyi Security Company had a very high degree of control over Sunset Canyon.

Currently, Renyi Security Company has also delineated its sphere of influence in Allia, mainly delineating nearly 20 million acres of land around Sunset Canyon.

Not only that, Renyi Security Company, with the support of Anxin Investment, also controls Pallas City from the economic field.

Pallas is a backward small city with a population of more than 320,000. The residents in Pallas are mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as a small amount of mining.

Among them, mining is also a job opportunity provided by the uranium mine established by Dream Future Energy Group in Sunset Canyon.

Now that Renyi Security Company has taken control of Pallas City, it has hired ordinary people from Pallas City on a large scale to invest in the preliminary construction of overseas agricultural planting bases.

This provides a large number of job opportunities for the people of Pallas City, increases the income of the people of Pallas City, and allows the people of Pallas City to support agricultural planting bases.

Once the agricultural planting base project is officially launched, the people of Pallas City will inevitably support it even more.

An Liang plans to learn from the Northern Bear Country in the next step, and through the industrial layout of Pallas City, get Allia to agree to An Liang's plan to establish a logistics center in Pallas City.

Whether it is the Navy Logistics Center or the Air Force Logistics Center, they are all within Anliang's acceptance range.

What if Alya doesn't accept it?

Although the probability of this is very low, An Liang has a series of means to make Allia accept it.

For example, if poverty alleviation funds are provided to Arlia through the overseas agricultural planting base plan, and then the conditions are negotiated through the poverty alleviation funds, it is nothing more than spending a little more money.

This trick is commonly used by the Bald Eagle Nation all over the world!

If Alya withstood this move, Anliang still had follow-up methods.

When the agricultural planting base plan takes control of Pallas City and deeply binds the agricultural planting base to Pallas City, making Pallas City inseparable from the agricultural planting base, Pallas City will naturally stand with Anliang. on the same ground.

In this way, Pallas City can speak out for Anliang.

If Arlia still does not accept Pallas City's suggestion, can Pallas City be authorized independently?

These methods are all within An Liang's expectations!

After all, the bald eagle can do it, the polar bear can do it, why can't An Liang do it?

Besides, An Liang is not just pursuing his own interests, he has a solid backing behind him!

An Liang and Aflorla had another exchange, and Anliang confirmed to Aflorela that after Dream Future Graphene Technology Group had reserved sufficient graphene reverse osmosis membranes and could produce enough seawater desalination systems, Only then did Aurora end the exchange with Anliang with satisfaction.

It's nearly one o'clock in the morning.

An Liang casually sent a message to the former chief minister of Neon to see if the other party was still online. If so, he was going to communicate with the other party about the overseas agricultural planting base plan.

‘AAA: Here?’

‘EXF: Yes. An

Liang raised his eyebrows as he watched the former chief minister of Neon reply to the message instantly. It seemed that this guy had spies in the imperial capital. He knew that the Tiantian Baiyujing Club discussed the overseas agricultural planting base today, so he stayed up late waiting. ?

‘AAA: Waiting on purpose?’

‘EXF: Your club doesn't block news, does it?’

‘AAA: Are you ready?’

‘EXF: Of course!’

‘EXF: I have united seventeen allies and are waiting’

‘EXF: Now I’m just waiting for your confirmed news’

‘EXF: As long as you are sure, we can be sure. After all, if you are not sure, we can't do anything for the time being. '

An Liang understands the concerns of the former Chief Minister of Neon. If he operates in advance, but An Liang lets go, for the former Chief Minister of Neon, it will be a waste of his own network resources.

Therefore, the former chief minister of Neon needs Anliang to confirm before he can further implement the follow-up plan.

‘AAA: If we confirm, how big are you on the Australian side?’

‘EXF: We can delineate at least 3 million acres of land in Australia’

‘AAA: Are you sure? An

Liang was secretly surprised. Is this guy, the former chief minister of Neon, so radical?

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