After conversion, 3 million acres of land equals 18.21 million acres of land. If all high-quality Northern Wilderness soybeans are planted, based on a yield of 400 kilograms per acre, the total output will be at least more than 7 million tons.

An Liang had to admire the courage of the former chief minister of Neon!

However, An Liang also had doubts, could this guy really do it?

Faced with An Liang’s inquiry, the former chief minister of Neon responded directly to the message

‘EXF: One hundred percent sure!’

‘AAA: How do you protect your interests in Australia?’

‘AAA: Friendly reminder, before Bald Eagle and Great Australia were planning to suppress the Tereson lithium mine, Great Australia directly asked Tereson to shut down production. '

This world appears to be a civilized society, but in fact it is still the law of the jungle.

When the industry is deployed in other countries, if other countries do not abide by the rules, the biggest result will be that they can only be sanctioned by local sanctions.

Just like Tereson, even if it is the largest lithium mine in Australia, even if Tereson has done an impeccable job in safety production, even if Tereson has no problems with laws and regulations.

However, when Da'ao wanted to deal with it, they still found out the problems and immediately stopped production for rectification.

An Liang reminded the former chief minister of Neon that they have deployed such a large-scale industry in Da'ao. If Da'ao does not respect military ethics, the consequences will be very serious.

After all, agriculture and mining are different.

If mining is temporarily suspended, at most it will cost some time and human resources, and the minerals will not disappear in the mines.

However, agricultural losses are different!

If God changes his face and misses the opportunity to harvest, he may not harvest anything and suffer huge losses.

Faced with An Liang’s reminder, the former chief minister of Neon naturally understood the implication.

‘EXF: Don’t worry, I not only contacted the power of neon, but also invited the power of the mainland of Australia’

‘EXF: Our invitation force in Australia is very reliable.’

‘EXF: However, we have requirements’

‘AAA: What are the requirements?’

‘EXF: Our cooperation agreement requires a long-term agreement.’

‘EXF: In particular, the long-term supply agreement for graphene reverse osmosis membranes and desalination systems, as well as the affordable supply agreement. An

Liang couldn't help but smile when he looked at the message sent by Neon's former chief minister.

Because of such remarks, one looks like the old victim!

Mainly Anliang's companies are all old evil dragons, and they are full of all kinds of discriminatory tactics, especially against Neon, which is full of malice.

To avoid discriminatory treatment, especially on price, the former First Minister of Neon must be careful.

In case you are discriminated against again, isn’t the overseas agricultural planting base plan just to help you work?

‘AAA: No problem!’

‘AAA: We can even sign a crop purchase agreement with you’

‘AAA: However, if you want us to be responsible for recycling your crops, you will need to grow them according to our instructions.’

‘EXF: This is not necessary, we choose to sell it ourselves. '

The former chief minister of Neon is not worried about the sales of crops. Even if Xia Guo does not harvest, he can still find buyers in Neon

‘EXF: When do we sign the agreement?’

‘AAA: Any time’

‘AAA: I'm in the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom. You can arrange for someone to come over and sign the agreement at any time.’

‘EXF: We hope to sign an affordable supply agreement for more than 30 years. We will get whatever price you give us, no problem? '

The old victim had paranoia about being persecuted, so he brought up the old matter again and said that it would be written into the cooperation agreement to avoid Anliang's temporary change of heart.

However, Anliang really had no plan to trick former Chief Minister Neon. He brought former Chief Minister Neon in just to avoid antitrust investigations, and also to improve competitiveness in the grain field and put more pressure on the four major grain merchants.

After all, the former Chief Minister Neon's participation in the overseas agricultural planting base plan means more crop output and an increase in crop supply, which means greater competitive pressure for the four major grain merchants.

However, after signing an agreement for more than thirty years, Anliang wanted to ask Anbei Jinshan, can he really live that long?

This guy has late-stage colorectal cancer. Although he has received treatment with thousand-year-old astragalus, he still needs at least three slices to be cured. However, he currently does not have access to slices of thousand-year-old astragalus, so can he really live that long?

An Liang did not ask about this matter, he just responded to the message to express his agreement.

‘AAA: No problem!’

‘AAA: We can accept a long-term agreement of thirty years. '

After Anliang readily agreed to the request of the former Chief Minister of Neon, it took nearly a minute for the former Chief Minister of Neon to reply to the message.

‘EXF: Thanks for understanding!’

‘AAA: Yes, I know your concerns and I understand them. If it were me, I would also put forward such conditions. '

An Liang seems to put himself in the other person's shoes and consider himself

‘EXF: I have another personal request’

‘AAA: What request?’

‘AAA: You tell me the specific situation first, and then I will consider whether to agree. '

An Liang didn't just agree directly. What if the other party had any fantastic requests?

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