It's nearly two o'clock in the afternoon.

An Liang, Zhao Wanxi, and Zhou Yu left Qinggu and Chen Jiacai together.

Inside Chen Jiacai's flying motorcycle parking port, Zhou Yu said with praise,"It makes sense that this restaurant suddenly became popular. Their food is very good, plus the chef's 360-degree impeccable cooking skills." The blind spot security monitoring system allows customers to freely check the situation in the kitchen. This is really great!"

An Liang smiled and nodded,"As long as my cousin likes it, I just told the store that in the future, when my cousin comes over, she can check the situation anytime, anywhere. We have a reserved private room."

Zhou Yu responded happily,"Thank you, brother-in-law."

Zhao Wanxi reminded at the side,"It's getting late, let's go to Feijia Village quickly."

Zhou Yu agreed affirmatively,"Yes, yes, yes , it’s getting late, let’s fly over at high speed."

In less than half an hour, two luxury third-generation flying motorcycles landed in the open-air parking lot of Feijia Village, and then Zhou Yu walked in front to lead the way.

The layout of Feijia Village shows three types of differentiation. The art and fashion center is the pyramid tip of Feijia Village, where only the works of well-known painters can be exhibited.

Some of the galleries along the street are the main battlefields for new and well-known painters.

The lowest level is naturally the painter village composed of young painters. These young painters use their homes as stalls and display their works in their homes, waiting for agents or enthusiasts to come and buy them.

Zhou Yu walked in the front. She took An Liang and Zhao Wanxi straight to the door of a small courtyard. She knocked on the door first, and then shouted loudly,"You unconscionable person, open the door quickly!"

Hearing Zhou Yu's name, An Liang asked He raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head slightly, indicating that it was not what An Liang thought.

"I'm coming."A young male voice came out.

In less than a minute, the door of the small courtyard was opened. A sleepy young man with a chicken coop on his head looked at Zhou Yu. He complained rudely,"Why are you here again?"

"I'm here to buy a painting! Zhou Yu responded.

The young man complained again,"Your price is too low!""

"As a nobody like you, I am willing to buy it, so just thank God!"Zhou Yu said unceremoniously

"Also, show me all the works that you helped your colleagues consign. I want to pick them out together." Zhou Yu added.

The young man responded feebly,"I know, I know."

After finishing speaking, the young man looked at An Liang and Zhao Wanxi. When he saw Zhao Wanxi, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly changed his gaze.

This young man is quite self-aware. Whether it is Zhao Wanxi or An Liang, Both of them have extraordinary bearing, and at first glance they are the type that he cannot reach.

"Hello, my name is Mei Liang. I graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts. Welcome."Mei Liang introduced himself.

An Liang smiled after hearing the other party's self-introduction. It turned out that the other party was named Mei Liang. No wonder Zhou Yu called the other party 'conscienceless'.

An Liang introduced himself with a smile,"My name is An Liang, and we will accompany you. Zhou Yu came over to take a look."

Zhao Wanxi didn't mean to introduce herself, and Mei Liang naturally didn't ask for trouble.

"Feel free to take a look."Mei Liang said politely.

Zhou Yu was already picking and choosing. She simply ignored Mei Liang's works and looked at the works on consignment at Mei Liang's side.

Zhou Yu was not interested in Mei Liang's works. She I came here more than once, and each time the target was not Mei Liang's work.

While Zhou Yu was selecting, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi also browsed the paintings in the small courtyard.

Most of the paintings were oil paintings, and there were a small number of Chinese paintings, as well as Some antique landscape paintings.

An Liang didn't understand paintings, and he didn't have the artistic ability to appreciate paintings. He just accompanied Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi also lacked interest. The two of them intertwined their fingers, and they were more enjoying the rare winter day. Sunshine.

Zhou Yu carefully selected the paintings and studied them carefully one by one. It seems that her success in picking out the missing paintings is not just a matter of luck, but also her own strength. At almost

3:30 in the afternoon, the winner system of life sound


‘Congratulations to the host for successfully inviting the former chief minister of Neon into the urn! '

Anliang thought to himself, it seems that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group signed a cooperation agreement for overseas agricultural planting bases with Takeda Kenta, the representative of the former Chief Minister of Neon?


‘Congratulations to the host for receiving a [Special Reward from Neon]'

Anliang directly checks the status of the special reward


Special reward from Neon:

Representative work of Song Dynasty painter Li Di: Red and White Hibiscus Picture [Authentic]

Note: Please wait patiently, the corresponding reward will be delivered to the host in a reasonable way


‘Red and white hibiscus picture? 'An Liang secretly thought about what this reward was, because An Liang didn't know the situation of the red and white hibiscus picture.

However, Anliang did not immediately use his mobile phone to search for pictures of red and white hibiscus.

After all, Zhao Wanxi is around. If An Liang searches for the red and white hibiscus picture, Zhao Wanxi will definitely have doubts.

Although such doubts are easy to explain, if Anliang obtains the authentic red and white hibiscus picture in the future, it will amplify the doubts, so Anliang did not immediately inquire about the situation of the red and white hibiscus picture.

When An Liang had just checked the reward information of the Life Winner System, an old man with gray hair walked into Mei Liang's small yard. As soon as he walked in, he saw An Liang and Zhao Wanxi.

"Hey, Ryoko, are there any customers?"The old man called Mei Liang loudly.

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