Mei Liang, who heard the shouting, walked into the courtyard. An anxious look flashed in his eyes,"Lao Hei, I have guests now. You can come back later."

Lao Hei responded with a smile,"Okay, I just came over to tell you. , I'll make pot-roasted pork tonight, you come over and have a drink or two. I also called Lao San and Yang Mazi, and we won't go home until we get drunk tonight."

Mei Liang understood Lao Hei's hint, and he responded affirmatively,"No problem , I'll go over tonight to see your craftsmanship"

"Okay, I'll leave first!"Lao Hei responded, then turned and left.

An Liang glanced at Lao Hei's back in confusion. He vaguely felt that something was wrong with this Lao Hei.

Although the conversation between Mei Liang and Lao Hei was normal, and this Lao Hei was also very inconspicuous, An Liang just felt something was wrong.

More importantly, An Liang noticed the anxious look Mei Liang showed just now.

‘There is something wrong with these two people! 'An Liang thought secretly, but no problem was found through the danger premonition ability, so what's wrong with them is not against An Liang?

It’s normal to think about it!

An Liang's visit to Feijia Village today was entirely a temporary decision. There was no advance arrangement at all, so naturally no one knew about it.

Besides, even if An Liang comes over temporarily, there will still be security personnel from Renyi Security Company around An Liang, thus providing sufficient security protection for An Liang.

An Liang took out his cell phone. He was going to send a message to Qin Tianxiang, asking Qin Tianxiang to investigate Mei Liang and Lao Hei to see what the problem was with these two guys.

As soon as he took out his mobile phone, the phone started ringing. The caller ID was Wu Chunsheng. An Liang slid the screen to answer the call.

"What's up?" An Liang asked knowingly. He knew that Wu Chunsheng was reporting on the signing of an overseas agricultural planting base agreement with the former chief minister of Nihong.

In fact, this was indeed the case.

Wu Chunsheng quickly reported the situation, and then added He said,"Mr. An, the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle has almost been tested. Should we hold a formal press conference?"

Facing Wu Chunsheng's inquiry, An Liang responded negatively,"There is no need to hold a separate press conference, just announce it directly on the official website, and use the official blog account to publish the information.""

The reason why Anliang chose not to hold a press conference is not because Dream Future Graphene Technology Group held too many press conferences, but because the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle is not worthy of holding a press conference. It is not that the technology of the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle is The content is not worthy of holding a press conference, but its market is too niche and mainly targeted at ultra-high-end customers. Naturally, it does not require large-scale publicity, let alone a press conference.

"OK"Wu Chunsheng responded.

After the two parties ended the call, An Liang sent a message to Qin Tianxiang, asking Qin Tianxiang to investigate Mei Liang and Lao Hei, as well as the related Lao San, and Yang Mazi. In fact, even if An Liang did not take the initiative to give instructions, Renyi The security company will also take the initiative to investigate, which is the basic strategy of Renyi Security Company.

Any place where Anliang has stayed will be followed up and investigated to ensure that there are no safety risks.

After all, Zhao Wanxi may come over in the future, and Renyi Security Company has How could such a security vulnerability be missed?

After An Liang put down the phone, Zhao Wanxi asked casually,"The group has confirmed the cooperation agreement?"

"Well, the agreement has been signed and the one is already in control."An Liang said jokingly

"you prepare..."Zhao Wanxi did not ask directly, but she believed that An Liang understood the meaning.

An Liang did understand Zhao Wanxi's inquiry. After all, both of them were smart people.

"I don't have any ideas for the moment, but after the two parties sign the agreement, if the other party wants to go to the grave to burn incense in the future, it will depend on my face. I will not allow such a thing to happen! An Liang said with a smile.

Zhao Wanxi also laughed,"That's great. After all, it's disgusting to go to graves and burn incense.""

"He will have no chance to disgust us in the future, only we will disgust him." An Liang said jokingly.

The former chief minister of Neon was kidnapped by An Liang using the Thousand-Year Astragalus. He had no chance to refute.

Zhao Wanxi affirmatively agreed,"Don't worry, no one in the Imperial Capital Circle will give him the Thousand-Year Astragalus."

"Ever since Fipzel announced that thousand-year-old astragalus has the effect of extending life, the control of thousand-year-old astragalus in the imperial capital area has been particularly strict, and no one is willing to take it out." Zhao Wanxi added

"Our family couldn't handle the pressure before, alas!"Zhao Wanxi sighed.

Previously, An Liang gave Zhao Wanxi a full 130 tablets of thousand-year-old astragalus. Zhao Wanxi's family could not resist the pressure and had no choice but to auction part of it in the imperial capital circle.

After all, the appeal of thousand-year-old astragalus is too great. , it is impossible for Zhao Wanxi to eat alone at home

"I heard that Neon is currently investigating Millennium Astragalus nationwide, and I don’t know if they can find it."Zhao Wanxi gossiped.

An Liang responded with a smile,"It's the best if they can't find it. If they really find it, their troubles have just begun."

"You want it again..."Zhao Wanxi raised her eyebrows.

An Liang shook his head,"It's not just me. The bald eagle and the polar bear have been staring at the neon for a long time. The little tricks of the neon can't be hidden from them. We just drank a sip of soup together."

At this point, An Liang smiled. Get up,"Actually, Lao Huang is also paying attention. This guy seems a bit blatant. Anyway, we found the trace of Lao Huang. The bald eagle and the northern bear should also have discovered his arrangement.""

"Does everyone bully Neon?"Zhao Wanxi couldn't help laughing.

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