Facing Zhao Wanxi's joke, An Liang responded jokingly,"Everyone is concerned about Neon. It can't control the thousand-year-old Astragalus. We all want to help it!"

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"Neon Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, it's fun to help others!"An Liang agreed shamelessly.

It was almost 4:40 in the afternoon.

Zhou Yu chose a Chinese painting with a happy face, which was a picture of pear blossoms. Even though An Liang did not have the skills to appreciate Chinese paintings, he felt that this picture of pear blossoms was good. , at least it looks comfortable

"I'm sorry, what's the price of this picture of pear blossoms? Zhou Yu asked casually.

Mei Liang responded casually,"If you want it, I'll give you twelve thousand.""

"So expensive? Zhou Yu complained without hesitation,"Whose work is this? Why didn't I see the signature and seal?""

"I don’t know which master it belongs to. You also know that some people are unwilling to pay the price, but you are a master and you should be able to see the level of this painting, so don’t bargain. It is indeed valuable!"Mei Liang praised Zhou Yu

"Don't be like this, I am an expert, I am just an ordinary enthusiast, you professionals are the experts."Zhou Yu didn't accept flattery at all.

Zhou Yu continued to add,"Although this painting is not bad, the lack of signature and seal is a big problem. After all, we can't be sure which painter it is, even if the other person becomes famous in the future. , its value will also be greatly reduced.

Mei Liang responded helplessly,"Then what price do you want?""

"Erase a zero?"Zhou Yu probed

"Okay, ten thousand is ten thousand. After all, you are a regular customer. I will give in every step."Mei Liang responded with a sigh.

Zhou Yu responded,"I'm talking about one thousand and two."

"..."Mei Liang was speechless.

An Liang was also quite speechless. He counteroffered from 12,000 to 1,020. Is this really a zero?

"I know the details of your lack of conscience. After all, you only gave me the wrong name, not the wrong nickname. You really lack a conscience. How about a thousand and two? Zhou Yu bid again.

Mei Liang waved his hand,"No!" This painting is really good! The lowest price is 10,000. If you want it, take it. If you don’t want it, leave it to me. I will definitely be able to sell it.

Zhou Yu probed,"Is there really no discussion?""

"No negotiation."Mei Liang answered affirmatively.

Zhou Yu looked at the pear blossom picture again. She even took out her mobile phone and used the super magnifying glass function of the mobile phone camera to view the canvas. Finally she gritted her teeth and responded,"Okay, okay, ten thousand is ten thousand, I bought it!"

"Thank you, Boss Zhou, for being so generous! Boss Zhou, Alipay, or scan the QR code on WeChat?"Mei Liang asked immediately.

After Zhou Yu scanned the QR code to pay, she carefully put away the pear blossom picture,"Remember to contact me if you have good products in the future. You know, I am not short of money!"

When Mei Liang received the money, he complained without hesitation,"Are you not short of money? You bargain for one thousand two thousand for something worth twelve thousand, and we are not Panyuan here!"

"If it were in Panyuan, I would directly counter-offer twenty!"Zhou Yu responded not to be outdone.

After all, nine hundred and ninety-nine out of a thousand of Pan Yuan's things are modern commodities. Even if you bargain for twenty yuan, be careful that the other party agrees immediately!

It's almost five o'clock, Zhou Yu took An Liang and Zhao Wanxi to the open-air parking lot. She was very happy along the way because she felt that the pear blossom picture she just found was indeed a fine product. An

Liang asked casually,"Cousin, what is that Mei Liang?" Condition?"

Zhou Yu responded,"I used to be a student of the National Academy of Fine Arts. I followed the path of art. You know, after graduation, I couldn't find a suitable job and I was pretentious, so I lived in Feijia Village. Now he is doing it on his own. Painting and working as a broker to help others sell their paintings"

"Anyway, that guy is a bit dark, but he always has good stuff in there. For example, today's picture of pear blossoms, although it does not have a signature or seal, is definitely a fine product. I will hype it up later and put it in the gallery through [Anonymous], and it may be sold for 100,000, or even more."Zhou Yu happily described the subsequent situation.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Congratulations, cousin!"

Zhao Wanxi secretly guessed what An Liang meant by asking. She knew that An Liang asked, which must mean there was a problem. Otherwise, An Liang would need to ask an unrelated young painter?

"I made a profit today, I’ll treat you to dinner tonight!"Zhou Yu took the initiative to invite me.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Thank you cousin!"

Zhao Wanxi smiled and said nothing. In the open-air parking lot of Feijia Village, Zhao Wanxi and An Liang still rode a flying motorcycle together, while Zhou Yu rode a flying motorcycle alone.

In the video chat of the near field communication system , An Liang asked inquiringly,"Cousin, where should we go to eat later?"

"Let's go back to school first. Zhou Yu responded,"I'll go back and store the painting first. It needs to be placed in a constant temperature and humidity box to avoid moisture damage.""

An Liang naturally agreed.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, two flying motorcycles entered Teito University one after another and landed in the open-air parking lot of Teito University.

"You guys wait for me in the parking lot for a while. I'll come find you after I save the painting."Zhou Yu explained

"OK" An Liang responded.

While waiting for Zhou Yu, An Liang observed Teito University. He said casually,"When I was still in high school, I actually had high hopes for Teito University."

"According to your grades, it should be a bit difficult." Zhao Wanxi teased.

An Liang was helpless,"It's not a little difficult, but it's as difficult as climbing to the sky, right?"

Almost ten minutes later, Zhou Yu returned to the open-air parking lot. She greeted An Liang and Zhao Wanxi,"Let's go, the cafeteria is open, let's go over to eat."


An Liang looked at Zhou Yu with a puzzled look, so she was treating guests to dinner in the cafeteria of Imperial University?

Zhao Wanxi smiled half-heartedly, obviously she had known such a result for a long time.

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