2021 is an ordinary year, and there are only 365 days in a year.

Calculated based on the annual budget of RMB 82 billion, dark core technology consumes more than RMB 224.657 million every day.

The speed of burning money is indeed too fast!

‘An Liang: According to the report on dark core technology, the research on carbon-based chips is mainly too expensive. Once the research direction is wrong, a lot of money will be consumed.’

‘An Liang: Currently, Dark Core Technology still has over 50 billion in cash on its books. We will definitely invest additional cash in the second half of the year.’

‘An Liang: And my personal view is that in the foreseeable future, dark core technology requires long-term investment.’

‘An Liang: The relevant person in charge of dark core technology also said that in the field of carbon-based chips, it may be necessary to continue to invest trillions of dollars in order to get returns.’

‘An Liang: Even if trillions of dollars are really spent, there is only a possibility of a return, not a guaranteed return. Nor does it mean that by spending trillions of dollars, we will definitely be able to develop carbon-based chips that surpass the performance of silicon-based chips.’

‘An Liang: That’s why I asked if anyone wants to quit dark core technology’

‘An Liang: Anyway, I still insist on my opinion. I am determined to take the path of carbon-based chips. Even if the road goes dark, I will walk through the night towards dawn.’

‘An Liang: You can think about it yourself. There is no need to make a decision now. Once you have considered it, contact Xiaoyu. '

After An Liang finished speaking, he announced the end of Dark Core Technology's online shareholder meeting.

Zhao Wanxi, who was practicing yoga, watched An Liang put down her mobile phone and asked casually,"How was the online shareholders' meeting?"

"It’s okay. I explained the development status of dark core technology and expressed my support for dark core technology. However, the current losses of dark core technology are a bit large."An Liang sighed.

Zhao Wanxi asked curiously,"So how much did you lose?"

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang also looked at An Liang curiously.

"Last year, the total loss exceeded 40 billion. This year, Dark Core Technology directly submitted a budget of 82 billion. It is estimated that all 82 billion will be lost again."An Liang complained.

Zhao Wanxi smiled.

"so much?"Chen Siyu stopped playing the piano in surprise.

Ning Ruoshuang also stuck out her tongue, expressing that she was shocked.

"Fortunately, Dark Core Technology is the chip company you established. Otherwise, Dark Core Technology would be out of date now, and those guys would definitely cause trouble for Dark Core Technology." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"Yes, after all, they were deceived by the chip industry before!"

"It brings tears to my eyes!" Zhao Wanxi joked.

The imperial capital circle has been deceived by the chip industry more than once or twice, and every time it was deceived miserably, so the imperial capital circle has kept a distance from the chip industry.

Dark core technology is just a chip company established by An Liang. Otherwise, the members of the imperial circle who participated in the dark core technology would have killed the dark core technology!

They lost more than 40 billion a year and more than 100 million a day. Is this the chip industry?

But in fact, the research and development of dark core technology The cost is really not an exaggeration at all!

Take Huaban Company, a partner of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, as an example. In 2018, this company’s R&D investment exceeded 100 billion Xia Guoyuan; in 2019, R&D expenses directly exceeded 1,300 100 million Xia Guoyuan; last year, that is, in 2020, the research and development expenses of Huaban mobile phone exceeded 140 billion Xia Guoyuan.

In comparison, Dark Core Technology Company wants to create a new chip field and invested 82 billion Xia Guoyuan a year Are the R&D funds really too much?

Besides, in addition to R&D in the field of carbon-based chips, dark core technology has also invested resources in the field of ternary computers.

However, the R&D investment in dark core technology is focused on The chip field, especially compared with competitors in the silicon-based chip field, has actually reached the ceiling level.

Taking Intel, the leading company in the chip field, as an example, Intel's R&D investment in 2020 was US$12.9 billion, calculated based on the exchange rate of 6.3662. Intel's annual R&D expenses are 82.1 billion Xia Guoyuan. The second-ranked Sansang Company invested US$5.6 billion, equivalent to more than 35.6 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is far lower than the R&D investment of dark core technology in 2020 and equivalent to dark core technology R &D investment in 2020 ranked second in the chip field.

Dark core technology is expected to invest 82 billion in R&D expenses for the whole year of 2021. Even if it shares some of the research and development of ternary computer technology, it still enters the research and development of the chip field. Investing in the ceiling, it is basically on an equal footing with the top player Intel.

However, dark core technology is researched and developed in the field of carbon-based chips. The field of carbon-based chips is currently an unknown situation, so the research and development of dark core technology may be in vain.

Evening At almost nine o'clock, the big cat of the Imperial Capital was still playing the piano, but Zhao Wanxi and Ning Ruoshuang were already held in An Liang's arms.

Zhao Wanxi asked softly,"I have recently been in contact with the carbon-based researchers at Imperial University. Chip R&D team, if there are no accidents, they should join us!

An Liang laughed and teased,"You are poaching!" Is Teito University willing to let him go?"

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